
I Became The Rich Second Generation Villain

Wang Haoran transmigrated into a parallel world of urban-genre novels and became a rich second-generation son. As a fated Villain, in the near future, the Protagonist will seize his beloved girlfriend and tens of billions of his family’s property. Fortunately, the plot has yet to begin… ( Tired of cliche, face slapping, nationalism and brain dead plots, this is for you.) Join my patreon to support me. patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_ * Buy me a coffee to encourage me. ko-fi.com/daddy_strikes_ *novel not mine. Only translating it here.

Daddy_strikes_ · Urban
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144 Chs

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Wang Haoran left the school.

Then he took Cullinan to a towering office building.

This entire office building belonged to a cosmetics company called "National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance".

And the boss of this cosmetics company was Wang Haoran's mother.

The driver went to park the car, and Wang Haoran walked to the front desk in the lobby on the first floor.

The receptionist at the front desk was a very outstanding young beauty.

If 100 was the full score, this beauty at the front desk could give 90 points.

As a cosmetics company, this was a standard.

After all, the front desk was equivalent to half a shop front.

The receptionist at the front desk, of course, had to be beautiful.

In Wang Haoran's memory, he had come here no more than three times, and he was still very young when he came here.

It was impossible for the people in the company to have seen Wang Haoran.

If he forced his way into the company, there would be security to stop him. Although Wang Haoran could fight, it was not necessary.

So Wang Haoran could only follow the normal procedure and come to the front desk.

He was going to let the front desk pass the news of him coming to the company to his mother.

At this time.

At the front desk, there were five or six people in line.

Wang Haoran did not want to line up, so he directly cut the line and went to the front desk first.

As the crown prince here, it was a joke to line up in his own company.

Wang Haoran disturbed the order, and the beauty at the front desk immediately stopped her actions and stared at Wang Haoran with her big eyes.

Wang Haoran suddenly froze.

Why did this feel like deja vu?

Then the beauty at the front desk reprimanded him loudly and even asked the security to drive him out.

Then his mother came down, his identity as the crown prince was exposed, and the beauty at the front desk frantically apologized to him?

"It turned out to be Young Master Wang, you are much more handsome in person than in the photo." The beauty at the front desk stared at Wang Haoran seriously for a while and immediately said with a smile.

"You have seen my … my photo?" Wang Haoran was a little surprised.

"Yes, there are photos of you in President Zhen's office and every corridor of the company building." The beauty at the front desk explained.

"Ah?!" Wang Haoran was shocked.

However, he quickly realized that his cheap mother had asked him to put it on.

The purpose was to make it easier for her to see her son more often.

Sure enough, entering the company to do business, being ridiculed by the security guard or the receptionist, and then revealing his identity to slap them in the face, this kind of plot was exclusive to the protagonist.

It was impossible for them to find out about me, the villain.

After Wang Haoran complained in his heart, he said to the beautiful receptionist,

"I want to see your Boss Zhen. Please help me pass the message."

"Okay, Young Master Wang!" The front desk lady picked up the landline and dialed a number.

"Young Master Wang, the secretary replied that CEO Zhen is currently in a meeting. I'll send you to CEO Zhen's office to wait."

The beautiful woman at the front desk didn't care about the people in the queue and enthusiastically led the way.

Soon, the two of them entered the elevator.

The beautiful lady at the front desk pressed the button for the 28th floor. The elevator door closed and then slowly rose.

"This elevator is so stuffy." The beautiful receptionist suddenly complained.

"Is that so?"

The elevator was equipped with air-conditioning and an exhaust system. Wang Haoran didn't feel stuffy at all.

However, Wang Haoran soon understood why the beautiful receptionist was stuffy.

The beautiful receptionist unbuttoned her collar a little and fanned herself with her hand. She turned her face to the side and didn't look at Wang Haoran.

However, the beautiful lady at the front desk moved closer to Wang Haoran.

The beautiful scenery was close at hand.

Should he look or not?

After exiting the elevator, he came to the corridor.

On the walls on both sides of the corridor, there was a recent photo of Wang Haoran every once in a while.

As long as someone saw Wang Haoran, they would instantly recognize his identity as the Crown Prince.

The corridor was very long.

Along the way, there were many beautiful women in the workplace passing by. Those long legs were simply dazzling.

As a cosmetics company, the employees were basically all women. Moreover, they were the kind of women with good looks.

Those who were too ugly or mediocre in appearance and figure weren't qualified to work in this company.

There was air-conditioning everywhere in the company building, so it was very cool.

However, these beautiful women in the workplace seemed to feel quite hot. They either loosened their clothes a little or pulled their skirts up a little.

The charm of these women in the workplace was completely incomparable to the girls in school.

Wang Haoran was very glad that he had seen the world at Wen Jing's place. He could still handle this kind of "dangerous" situation.

Otherwise, it would really be embarrassing.

After passing through the dangerous corridor, they finally arrived outside the CEO's office.

"Young Master Wang, this is the place." The beautiful receptionist said.

"Okay." Wang Haoran nodded.

"Young Master Wang, can we add each other on WeChat?" The beautiful receptionist plucked up her courage and asked.

Wang Haoran looked at her in surprise.

The beautiful receptionist was nervous for a moment. Then, she quickly explained,

"What I mean is, if you add me on WeChat, you can inform me the next time you come. Then, I can arrange it in advance."

"Okay." Of course, Wang Haoran knew her real intention. However, he didn't expose her. Instead, he took out his phone and opened the QR code.

The beautiful receptionist hurriedly scanned the QR code and successfully added Wang Haoran as a friend.

"My name is Du Ning." The beautiful receptionist hugged her phone and left happily after leaving this sentence.

Wang Haoran walked into the office.

"Hello Young Master Wang, I'm CEO Zhen's secretary." A woman who was working at her desk suddenly stood up and greeted Wang Haoran respectfully.

Wang Haoran was stunned. He subconsciously sized up this woman.

This woman's appearance was comparable to Du Ning's.

However, she had a good figure.

She was wearing high heels and looked to be over 180cm. Her height was estimated to be over 172cm. The curve of her body was a little exaggerated.

Du Ning was 90 points. This woman's figure was 3 points. A total of 93 points!

"My cheap mother's company sure has a lot of beauties …"

Wang Haoran sighed to himself.

"What would you like to drink?" The secretary asked.

"A glass of water will be fine." Wang Haoran sat down on the sofa in the office.

The secretary quickly poured a glass of water and bowed.

"Young Master Wang, please wait for a moment. CEO Zhen is in a meeting. I'll go and see how long it will take before I come back to you."

Wang Haoran nodded. His eyes inadvertently glanced at the name tag between the towering mountains.

CEO's secretary, Fang Xuan.

— —

In the meeting room.

Wang Haoran's cheap mom, Zhen Li, was currently discussing business matters with the company's top management.

The meeting had been going on since the morning. The top management hadn't come up with a plan that satisfied Zhen Li.

Therefore, Zhen Li was very irritated at the moment.

Fang Xuan gently pushed the door open and came in, indicating that she had something to report.

"Didn't I tell you not to disturb me before the meeting ends? Don't you understand?" Zhen Li said with a cold face.

"CEO Zhen, someone is looking for you. It's you …" Fang Xuan quickly explained.

"I didn't use anyone. Tell them to leave. I'm not free. I'm not seeing anyone now." Zhen Li was a little irritable.

The top management was as quiet as cicadas in winter. They didn't dare to speak.

Zhen Li was even angrier. She slammed the table.

"Are you all stupid? Continue. Does anyone have a better plan? "

Fang Xuan saw the situation and didn't dare to provoke her boss.

"CEO Zhen, I'll immediately reply to your son and ask him to go back."

"Go ahead," Zhen Li replied casually, but she immediately reacted and said, "That's right.

"Wait, what did you just say? My son came to the company to look for me?!"