
Chapter 2

According to Hitori, since he crossed over and has become Fugaku Uchiha and the future Clan Head, Uchiha can no longer be wiped out.

The first is to improve his own strength. Fugaku Uchiha 13 years old this year, has opened 3-Tomoe Sharingan.

In the history of Uchiha, 13 years old Awakening 3-Tomoe, although not considered strong, cannot be compared with his son, but not weak.

Among the current Uchiha people, there is no genius beyond Fugaku, and there is no genius awakening 3-Tomoe within 13 years old. Many Uchiha Shinōbi's are in full adulthood, awakening 3-Tomoe at the age of 20 to 30.

After 30 years old, 2-Tomoe clansmen have a low aptitude, the mind is mature, and have experienced many things, it is difficult to be stimulated to open 3-Tomoe and later Mangekyō.

In the mountain forest behind the clan, where Fugaku Uchiha often trains, there are many targets for throwing, some of them are extremely hidden, and even the front isn't visible at all.

As Uchiha clansmen, with the assistance of Sharingan, he is particularly good at throwing hidden weapons. Itachi Uchiha is a typical example.

Fugaku, as Uchiha's future Clan Head, also has good throwing skills.

I circled around each target and closed my eyes to recall how Fugaku was training.

Suddenly opened his eyes, the three Tomoe inside the scarlet Sharingan quickly rotated, Fugaku's vision suddenly widened, and the movement of the flying insects in the forest appeared strangely and clearly in Fugaku's eyes.

The body jumped up, his hands quickly acted, several kunai flew out continuously, colliding continuously in the air, a series of sounds of Kunai stuck on the wooden pile came out.

Fugaku walked past all the targets and all hit the bullseye.

Not bad, and the gap between the original Fugaku Uchiha is not there, not even exerting all the strength, I feel comfortable.

The ten fingers of both hands form seals like an afterimage, Chakra within the body accelerates the flow, the chest bulges high and blows forward.

Fugaku used <Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu>, Uchiha's signature Ninjutsu.

The hot Fireball spewed out of Fugaku's mouth, igniting the fallen leaves on the ground, leaving fireball all around, the temperature became too high, and the air was already twisted.

Form seals with both hands again, one after another Flame spewed from Fugaku's mouth, covering a large area of ​​land in front of him.

It has been practicing until it is dark and fully familiarized with all the Ninjutsu controlled by Fugaku Uchiha. The Practice forest is already a mess, burnt dry branches, and roasted yellow leaves are covered with a small forest.

At night, the Uchiha Clan is brightly lit. It is very lively. Shinōbis has finished his day's work. Most of them will go outside to relax, drink a little wine, blow each other's boasting, or see a strange thing, which is used as a talk.

Walking all the way to his yard, occasionally saying hello to the clansman he met.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he could hear the voice of his father and clansman talking. As Uchiha Clan Head and Caption of Konoha Military Police Force, Tenjō Uchiha often met clansman at home.

"Fugaku is back," Tenjō's Uchiha voice came out: "Come in, I have something to tell you."

"Yes, Otōsan."

Opening the sliding door of the living room, Uchiha's upper echelons are basically there.

"Uncle is good." Fugaku greeted skillfully.

Several Uchiha seniors are nodded.

"Lord Tenjō, the child Fugaku grew up into a fine shinobi," said a senior officer of Police Force: "The 3-Tomoe has been opened at a young age. In the future, He will be able to inherit the position of Clan Head and lead Uchiha to continue to prosper. "

"Overpraised," Tenjō Uchiha said with a smile: "I also hope that you will take care of Fugaku in the future, and many people hope that you can give us advice ."

"Lord is serious. Fugaku is now the pride of our Uchiha. It's too late today, lord Tenjō, we will leave first."

"Fugaku, send your uncles."

"Yes, Otōsan."

After sending several Uchiha seniors out of the house, Fugaku Uchiha returned to the living room.

"Come with me," Tenjō Uchiha said: "Some things need to be charged to you."

Fugaku nodded, and his father came to the study in the house. The sound insulation here is relatively good, and it can be used to discuss some hidden things.

"Fugaku, you did well three years after graduation, did not embarrass Uchiha," Tenjō Uchiha said: "When reporting to Lord Third Hokage today, I made a request to Lord Third to promote you to Jōnin, and Third Hokage has agreed, Tomorrow you go directly to Hokage's Office to get a promotion task. You are a genius of Uchiha and can't be ashamed of Uchiha."

"Yes, Otōsan."

"Since Kagami Uchiha's death, Uchiha's right to speak at Konoha's High Echelon has weakened a lot. At that time, Uchiha and Senju jointly created Konoha. Now Konoha's High Echelon has no Uchiha people.

You are the best genius of the Uchiha Clan, hoping to awaken Mangekyō and lead Uchiha back to Peak. "Tenjō Uchiha said.

"Father rest assured, I will work hard." Fugaku nodded said.

It seems that Uchiha clansmen now do not know much about Mangekyō, and Fugaku is confident in awakening Mangekyō.

However, Fugaku is the only son in his family, not at all biological brothers, and he needs to work harder to form eternal Mangekyō.

Ordinary Mangekyō can't save Uchiha's decline, and eventually, only blindness ends.

In the absence of Hashirama Senju, as long as you have the eternal Mangekyō, no matter how much the situation deteriorates, you can be invincible.

Tenjō Uchiha sighed, pats Fugaku's shoulder, went out.

Fugaku can feel the helplessness of his father. Konoha is now in the Peak period, Third Hokage in the Peak period, Sannin and Konoha's White Fang without the title.

There are many powerhouses, but Konoha No. 1 Clan has no leading Peak characters.

3-Tomoe is ultimately poor in strength, Naruto world is ultimately a world of strength.

Tomorrow's mission is a test for him, but I don't know what promotion mission Third will arrange. In this sensitive period, the probability of spying intelligence or assassinating the mission is very large.

In the early morning, Uchiha Fugaku sorted out the Ninja Pack, Kunai, Shuriken, Explosive Tag, and some small bits and pieces that set up simple traps were put into the Ninja Pack.

In front of Hokage's Office, Fugaku knocked on the door, and Third's thick voice came from the door.

Fugaku pushed the door in, and when he was young, Third Hokage appeared in front of Fugaku's eyes, but he sat quietly in his seat and had the power of a powerhouse.

Unlike after several decades, it only gives people a feeling of aging.

"Lord Hokage, Fugaku Uchiha came to report."

Third nodded said: "Yes, young hero, you can open 3-Tomoe at a young age, very like Kagami Uchiha."

"Lord Hokage overpraised, Fugaku dare not compare with Senior Kagami, there are still many shortcomings." Fugaku Uchiha modestly said.