
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 68: Scene 2

After killing his father, Barty remained silent for a long time, wondering if he was sad or regretful. After a long time, he took out a small pot he carried with him, drank the prepared polyjuice potion, and became the gentle Professor Lupin again.

When Barty Crouch II walked away, Sherry showed up in front of Barty Crouch's body.

Barty Crouch's face began to turn blue, his eyes were wide open, and he could still vaguely see the disbelief in them.

"Don't blame me!" Sherry said softly, then he waved his hand, a silver firework exploded in the sky, he disappeared again and flew back to Hogwarts.

Crouch's body was soon discovered, which cast a shadow on the Triwizard Tournament. Hogwarts was almost turned upside down by the Aurors, but nothing was found, so they had no choice but to retreat and hastily deal with it, becoming an unsolved case.

If we were to ask who the two Hogwarts warriors are most grateful to, it must be Sherry, who not only explained to them the knowledge of dragons, but also gave them a deep understanding of the characteristics of another magical creature, that is, mermaids. So, when the golden egg was opened, the sharp cry from inside immediately made them understand that it was the sound of the mermaids on the shore, and they successfully got the clue of the golden egg.

Then a series of accidental things happened. Harry got the precious aquatic potion material-branch grass. It seems that little Barty was also worried about Harry winning the championship! Sherry just watched him jumping up and down quietly, waiting for the right time to come out and pick the fruit.

"Welcome everyone, we are now going to the second challenge of the Triwizard Tournament,..." Ludo Bagman's voice was amplified by magic and echoed on the surface of the Black Lake. All the warriors were wearing clothes suitable for underwater activities. The weather was not warm now, and it was a bit difficult for them.

With a sharp whistle, Harry and the other four jumped into the water almost at the same time. Soon after swallowing the gillweed, Harry felt a cool sensation behind his ears and between his fingers and toes, and he grew gills and webbed feet, which are only found in aquatic species. He adjusted himself for a while, then used his hands and feet to swim forward quickly. The cool water filtered through his gills, and the oxygen was separated and inhaled into his lungs.

Harry's figure was extremely flexible. He swam very freely to the place where the singing came from, just like a fish living at the bottom of the Black Lake. On the way, he saw Cedric Diggory, with a bubble wrapped around his head, which kept fluctuating with the undercurrent underwater. This is the Bubblehead Curse, which allows people to stay underwater for a period of time. The disadvantage is that it is easy to break when attacked, and you need to breathe every once in a while.

On the night when they first entered Hogwarts, Harry and other freshmen, led by Hagrid, took a one-day trip to the bottom of the Black Lake. It was that magical experience that made many young wizards work hard to learn magic in order to appreciate these little-known scenery. Unlike what he saw in the closed magic boat, when Harry actually swam in the Black Lake, he found that the bottom of the Black Lake was not as beautiful as he remembered. The water was turbid and overgrown with waterweeds. If you were not careful, it would entangle your hands and feet, and then a lot of carnivores would surround you, intending to enjoy a big meal. Fortunately, these wizards all had wands.

Using spells to drive away these greedy predators, Harry continued to pursue the ethereal and beautiful singing and rescue the "treasure" that was taken away.

A huge shadow passed in front of him, and Harry stopped in a hurry. This was the giant squid, the overlord of the Black Lake, and Harry didn't want to confront it.

Continuing forward, Harry finally arrived above the fishmen's camp after swimming for nearly half an hour. In the open space in the center, four figures lined up with their arms wide open, like the suffering Jesus.

Among the four people, there were Ginny, Hermione, Gabrielle Delacour and a little girl with silver hair, who should have some relationship with Fleur Delacour.

He swam forward, untied the rope on Ginny's feet, and swam towards Hermione again. At this time, a fishman holding a trident swam over and stopped him, "One person can only save one." Harry nodded and understood the rules of this competition.

He swam back to Ginny and planned to take her back. Sherry's voice rang in his ears, "Don't leave in a hurry. After the other two people leave, you can bring the remaining two back together." Although he didn't know why, Harry decided to follow his teacher's instructions.

Not long after, a shark head rushed over, bit the rope on Hermione's feet and dragged her away. Then, Cedric Diggory took his dance partner Qiu Zhang with a bubble head curse.

Harry waited for a long time, but still did not see Fleur Delacour coming, so he knew that she must have failed. So he stepped forward to untie the rope on the silver-haired little girl's feet. The fishmen still tried to stop him. An invisible shock wave spread from Harry, pushing the fishmen far away and rolling away.

Harry pulled one person in each hand, swam towards the water, but he felt that his strength was getting less and less, and the person in his hand was getting heavier and heavier.

A spell was cast on Harry, and Harry felt that he had turned into an arrow and shot towards the water in a trance.

"Splash!" The sound of water came out, and Harry jumped up from the water with two people, and then after drawing a beautiful arc in the air, he fell into the water again, this time, not so far from the shore! Everyone hurried into the water and pulled the three people to the shore together. Fleur Delacour and the Weasley brothers hurried over to help.

Layers of blankets were thrown over Harry and the other two, and warm spells were cast on them one after another, finally making them less cold. Harry kept thanking them, but there were so many people that he really didn't know who he should thank specifically.

Fleur Delacour brought the little silver-haired girl over to thank him, "Thank you very much, Harry, you saved my sister Gabrielle, if it weren't for you, I don't know how long she would have stayed down there..." She covered her mouth with her hand to stop herself from crying, and her sister comforted her.

"It's okay, I mean, anyone with a conscience would do this." Harry said dryly. It must be said that being in close contact with this beautiful woman made Harry feel a little confused about where to put his hands and feet.

Fleur suddenly hugged him and kissed him on the face, "Thank you very much anyway!" Then the little girl named Gabrielle also hugged Harry and kissed him, making Harry blush. Harry's innocent performance made the two girls giggle. It must be said that the French are really open.

The two sisters left after expressing their gratitude again and again, and Ginny came over with the Weasley brothers. The twins and Percy Weasley looked at Harry with a little dissatisfaction. Ron gave Harry a bear hug to thank him for saving his sister, and Ginny hugged Harry generously and said thank you!

Dumbledore was talking to the leader of the fishmen. When he heard that Harry was the first to arrive but the last to leave, and he brought two girls with him, he was relieved. It seems that Harry still has a kind heart and knows how to protect the weak. He discussed with other principals and officials of the Ministry of Magic for a while, and finally decided to give Harry the second highest score. Combined with the score of the first game, he actually ranked first.

Hermione and others congratulated him and planned to hold a celebration party for him, inviting some close friends. Harry refused again and again but couldn't beat Hermione and others, so he had to let them go.

Sherry watched these children happily planning the party, and he was a little hesitant in his heart, wondering whether he should tell Harry about the plan to resurrect Voldemort. After thinking for a while, he finally decided not to tell Harry, so as to avoid twists and turns in the plan.

The venue for the party was finally chosen to be Hagrid's hut. That place is close to the Forbidden Forest and is very open. Although Hagrid is tall and strong, he is indeed good at cooking, except for rock cakes.

The girls were always very enthusiastic about these things, and they excitedly went to plan. They first asked the professor, and after getting permission, everyone except Harry got a task. George and his friends knew the secret passage, so they got the task of preparing snacks. Harry was going to pay for it, but they declined. The girls went to the kitchen to ask a few elves to help, and the remaining boys went to Hagrid to help set up the venue.

When night fell, there was still a bright light next to Hagrid's hut. The party was originally planned to invite only close friends, but a large number of people came. Even students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang came to join in the fun. The things prepared before were not enough, and it was Hagrid who saved the party. In the end, everyone, including Harry, was exhausted and didn't enjoy the party at all.

Hermione and the others regretted it. If they had known earlier, they would have just found an empty classroom to have a party. It was not worth it to make it so big and so tiring. Harry saw that everyone seemed to be very depressed, and quickly said, "Although I am a little tired, it is still very meaningful. I am very happy that everyone held this party for me. I am lucky to know you." Harry's words finally made the atmosphere less depressed.

Hermione clenched her fist, "Harry, don't worry, when you win the Triwizard Tournament, we will definitely hold a big celebration party for you." After that, she and Ginny even bumped fists.

Harry wanted to let them forget it, but when he thought that Hermione was not a person who listened to others' advice, he simply let her go.

Since Harry won the first place, the students in Hogwarts no longer questioned and blamed him, but were replaced by envy, jealousy, hatred and pride. Some students even supported him. In any case, Harry always represents Hogwarts. His victory represents the victory of Hogwarts. Now in any aspect, Harry is the most promising player, and it is no wonder that some people support him. (To be continued)