
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 66: Dragon Fight

The first wave of registrations ended quickly, and the seeded players of each college were revealed. The seeded player for Beauxbatons was Fleur Delacour, and the seeded player for Durmstrang was Viktor Krum, the genius seeker of the Bulgarian national team, who made all the Hogwarts boys crazy.

As for Hogwarts, to everyone's surprise, Gryffindor, known for its courage, Ravenclaw, known for its academic excellence, and even Slytherin, known for its dark magic, were all ignored. The one with the highest voice now turned out to be a student of Hufflepuff, who has always been characterized by gentleness and mediocrity - Cedric Diggory.

In Sherry's eyes, this student is indeed an extremely outstanding student. Not only is he the male president of the Hogwarts School Student Union, but he is also the seeker and captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. His grades in all subjects are very good, even in Snape's potions, he often gets the best grades, which is very difficult, especially considering Snape's partiality. If he hadn't been three years older than Harry, Hermione would have had a strong opponent. The professor of Charms commented, "This student has everything people expect from Hogwarts."

So, although the students of the other three colleges seemed a little sour about being overshadowed, they still couldn't find any excuse to attack.

On the day when the list of warriors was announced, the hall of Hogwarts was particularly lively. Not only were there students from Hogwarts and other three magic schools, but also relevant leaders of the Ministry of Magic and major media in the magic world. Everyone gathered together, waiting for the announcement of the final warriors who would participate in the competition.

After a sumptuous dinner, this exciting moment finally arrived. The lights in the hall gradually dimmed, and the Goblet of Fire placed in the middle of the hall became brighter and brighter.

In the originally pure blue and docile flame, a ray of white slowly appeared, dyeing the flame into a lightning-like blue-white color, jumping and exploding slightly around the edge of the cup, making a slight "boom" sound.

Suddenly, the flame was drawn into the cup, gathered into a flame as big as a fingertip, and then exploded with a "boom". A slightly scorched name tag fell from the sky and was caught by Dumbledore.

"The champion of Beauxbatons is," Dumbledore narrowed his eyes slightly, "Fleur Delacour!"

Thunderous applause rang out in the hall. The girl with waist-length platinum hair, who was said to have Veela blood, stood up in an elegant manner and slowly walked towards Dumbledore.

"Boom!" Another name tag was caught by Dumbledore, "The champion of Durmstrang is, Viktor Krum!"

"Yeah!" "I knew it!" "The popular choice!"

This time the impact was greater. All the boys were applauding Krum, and the influence of the superstar was fully revealed.


"The champion of Hogwarts is," Dumbledore smiled, "Cedric Diggory!"

"The champions of the three schools have been selected. Let's..." Dumbledore began to speak for the opening of the Triwizard Tournament. The cameras on the scene rang and the flashes illuminated the hall into a snow-white.

"Boom!" The ignored Goblet of Fire did not remain silent as expected, but shrank and exploded again, spitting out another name tag. After spitting out this name tag, the Goblet of Fire seemed to have finally completed its work, gradually extinguishing the flame, and the light in the hall became bright again.

"Here it comes!" Sherry looked at this scene and knew that Harry was still selected for the list of warriors.

Dumbledore's face was complicated, looking at the name tag in his hand, he was stunned in place, and it was Snape's slight cough that brought him back to his senses.

"Harry Potter," Dumbledore whispered a name, "Harry Potter!" He shouted loudly, and the hall suddenly became quiet, as if someone had taken away the sound from here.

Then, the buzz of discussion continued, and everyone questioned Harry's credibility, believing that he must have cheated to get on the list. Especially the Hufflepuffs, they looked very angry, shouting at Harry, accusing him of tarnishing the reputation of Hogwarts and implicating Cedric Diggory.

Harry was confused. He was cheering for the warriors the moment before, and the next moment he was in a situation where everyone was pointing fingers at him. This development was too bizarre, and he subconsciously looked at the silver-white figure sitting on the right side of the teacher's seat.

"Harry," Dumbledore shouted, "Come to the front!"

Sherry nodded slightly at Harry, and this action calmed Harry's heart. Under the worried eyes of the Feynman brothers and Vincent, Harry stood up and walked towards Dumbledore, ignoring the endless accusations and doubts around him.

Dumbledore patted Harry on the shoulder and let him enter the room prepared for the warriors. Maxim, the headmaster of Beauxbatons, and Karkaroff, the headmaster of Durmstrang, stood up and walked into the room with livid faces.

"This is unfair, Dumbledore," Maxim's voice was so loud that even through a door, his voice could be heard, "Hogwarts cannot have two champions, one of them must be invalidated."

"Yes, the age limit was drawn by Dumbledore. His magic level is known to the world, how could there be a loophole," Karkaroff said with a gloomy face, hinting at something, "unless it was deliberately left open."

"I assure you, Headmaster Karkaroff," Dumbledore was very tired, "I have absolutely no partiality."

"That's Harry Potter's own problem," Karkaroff also knew that this accusation was untenable, so he simply changed his angle, "He somehow found a way to cheat, so he crossed the limit and voted his name into the Goblet of Fire." He approached Harry's face and looked at Harry's forehead with a slightly malicious attitude, his eyes flashing with fear, yearning, etc.

"I assume you bring your own brain, Igor Karkaroff," Snape looked at the former Death Eater with a mocking expression, "You mean, Potter is so powerful that he has crossed the age line set by Dumbledore, and used a spell to confuse the judgment of the Goblet of Fire to ensure his selection?"

"You!" Karkaroff looked at Snape's face, but the other party kept looking at him with a blank look, not retreating at all, and finally Karkaroff gave in first.

"Who knows, we all know that this person has some strange abilities that others don't know, otherwise how could he kill the unknown person." Karkaroff turned his head away, not looking at Snape, but talking to Harry.

"Who told you he was dead?" Snape's words made Karkaroff's face change completely. He almost couldn't stand steadily for a moment, and walked to the side to cover up, took out the wine flask he brought with him, and took a big sip.

"What should we do now? Dumbledore, I can't accept that Hogwarts has two warriors. This is unfair to other warriors." Maxim said.

"Battie, can you remove Harry's name now?" Dumbledore asked.

"No," Barty Crouch was as serious as ever, "The name selected from the Goblet of Fire has signed a series of strict contracts with the Goblet of Fire. If violated, it may cause very serious consequences."

"Harry," Dumbledore held Harry's shoulders, "Have you ever put in your own name? Or have other senior students put in your name for you?"

"No!" Harry shook his head violently, "Never."

"Tsk!" Karkaroff sneered with an ambiguous meaning, but no one paid attention to him.

"These are meaningless, Dumbledore," Barty Crouch said, "No matter what the reason, Mr. Potter must participate in the Triwizard Tournament as a warrior."

"Roar!" A strong flame burst out of the dragon's mouth, igniting a large area of ​​trees in the Forbidden Forest.

Harry looked at the four dragons in front of him with a wooden face. If he had known, he would have violated the agreement and not participated in the competition. No matter how serious the consequences were, they would not be as dangerous as turning into dragon feces.

This feeling reached its peak when he picked out the Hungarian Horntail from the bag.

Harry suddenly felt that Sherry actually knew what would happen today, otherwise why would he spend a month explaining the characteristics of most dragons in detail.

"Dragons are extremely difficult to kill," Sherry said at the time, "Any lethal spell is difficult to cause harm to dragons. Every inch of their bodies is permeated with ancient magic."

Although the Hungarian Horntail was the most vicious of the four dragons, Harry summoned his broom with the Summoning Charm at Lupin's reminder, and after a series of thrilling flights, he narrowly obtained the golden egg. Of course, Sherry's sneaky help was indispensable, so that the dragon was attracted by the illusion for a while.

Harry held the golden egg and cast a grateful look at Sherry. In this way, Harry won the second place.

When the first project was over, the deans announced a piece of bad news for most students, that they would have a Christmas dance.

Except for Slytherin, the other three colleges rarely touched on this aspect, so the three deans each used a trick to teach students to dance.

Ravenclaw was better, because there were few pure-blood families here, but there were some, such as the fat boy Vincent. So, Harry and his friends followed this part of the students to learn dance. Although they made a lot of embarrassment, they still made steady progress.

On this day, Harry and his group gathered in the library. Ron looked listless and couldn't get excited about anything. Hermione and Neville wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, but couldn't hold back their laughter.

"What's wrong with Ron?" Harry nodded to Ron and asked Hermione and Neville.

Ron heard Harry's question, looked at Harry with a look of despair, and immersed himself in his own sorrow again.

"He, poof, he and, and, haha, Professor McGonagall danced a waltz!" Hermione finally finished this sentence and couldn't help laughing. (To be continued)