
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 14 Formal Admission

During the remaining month of the summer vacation, Harry spent all his time reading books and did not practice magic at all. Sherry didn't have any problem with this, because he was watching it with Harry.

Sherry also tried Harry's wand and tried to cast a few spells according to the methods in the book, but found that he was just like ordinary people, waving the wand was like waving a stick, and it had no effect at all. And when Sherry tried to inject his own magic power into the wand, he found that the repulsive force of the world suddenly increased. He retracted decisively, completely treating himself as an ordinary bracer, and hugged Harry's thigh tightly to offset the rejection of the world.

This incident also made Sherry understand one thing, that is, even if he can obtain the treasures of the four founders and successfully peel off the soul of the Dark Lord. The devouring and fusion of these treasures by myself is by no means a simple matter. In a sense, this is equivalent to tearing off a small piece of the world and turning it into something that belongs to Sherry. This kind of naked poaching behavior will definitely face backlash from the world.

Harry had also tried several spells according to the book, and after several failures, he had achieved certain results. In fact, Sherry felt that wizards similar to Harry were more like warlocks from another world. They don't need to analyze very complex spell models or study the principles of magic very hard. The main thing is that as they grow older, the magic power in their blood will naturally increase. In Sherry's view, those spells were more like direct revelations of magic effects. For example, the light-extinguishing curse is "Nix", which is the name of the goddess of night in Greek mythology. There are also three unforgivable curses, including the Cruciatus Curse, which means "abuse, torture" in Latin. A more typical example is that to cast a death curse, one must have a strong, unwavering intention to kill someone in their heart.

According to Sherry's speculation, this kind of incantation is not necessary at all. If you are a person with a pure and firm will, you can perform various witchcrafts without the need for incantations at all and rely only on your inner will. However, this should be very difficult. Judging from the fact that Voldemort has to recite a curse, it is very difficult to achieve (of course, it may also be that there are too many soul slices and the will is completely confused).

Therefore, Sherry began to increase Harry's meditation tasks, intentionally or unintentionally, and asked Harry to recite the spell quietly while practicing the magic in the book. If he continued to practice, Harry should soon be able to master silent spellcasting, or even further, wandless spellcasting.

Time flies when you concentrate on one thing, and September 1st is here soon. Early in the morning, Harry packed all his things and made a big box, which contained all the things he bought in Diagon Alley last time.

Petunia Dursley made breakfast and the four of them ate in silence, the atmosphere was very depressing. This was Harry's first real trip away from home, and he had been away for nearly ten months. He wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say specifically.

After finishing his breakfast in silence, Harry dragged his suitcase out of the door. He looked back, but only saw the closed door. He said to himself: "Do you still have any expectations for these people?"

"Let's go! Harry!" Sherry's words interrupted Harry's thoughts. When he thought about it, luckily he still had his teacher here. The most wonderful thing is that the teacher is a mage like himself, and they are both "monsters" in the eyes of others. This weird feeling of companionship makes Harry feel better.

Fortunately, Sherry stopped reading Harry's mind, otherwise the savior might have received his first corporal punishment from his teacher. You are the monster, and your whole family is a monster!

Harry stood on the roadside, imitating Snape's example, pointing his wand to the end of the road. Soon, the knight bus arrived as scheduled. Harry carefully touched his hair to make sure the scar was completely covered, then dragged his suitcase to the car.

"King's Cross!" said Harry.

"Three silversicks."

Harry bought the ticket, found a seat by the window, put the box flat, and then stared blankly at the scenery passing by outside the window. In fact, he was talking to Sherry secretly.

"Teacher, are we going to Hogwarts now?" Harry still couldn't believe that such a magical thing could happen to him.

"Calm down, don't forget the most basic requirements as a mage. Even if you become a wizard now, as long as you are still my disciple, don't throw away these things." Sherry lectured.

"Of course I haven't forgotten it, but I still can't believe it!" Harry explained.

"You are worried about your own safety because of the drastic changes in the external environment. In the final analysis, it is because you are not strong enough." Sherry said, "If you can have the ability of a legendary mage, then the world is so big, and There is nowhere to go!"

"Legendary mage!" Harry thought about this powerful title and didn't know when he would achieve such an achievement.

The Knight Bus was very fast and arrived at King's Cross Station in no time. Harry dragged his suitcase and walked between platforms nine and ten, pretending to be a normal passenger.

"King's Cross Station, platform nine and three-quarters!" Harry saw a high wall erected between the two platforms, and began to stand in an inconspicuous position, observing silently.

Soon, the red-haired Weasley of the family arrived. Harry inadvertently heard words like "Muggle" and "don't attract attention", and then looking at the bunch of red-haired children, he knew that these were all wizards, and they were from the Weasley family. . Because one of the more interesting things is that Mrs. Weasley is described in detail in "The Great People". The reason why she was included in such a famous book was because she was very fertile. She gave birth to a total of seven children with Arthur Weasley. None of the seven children died in infancy, all grew up healthily, and all clearly showed the characteristics of wizards, which meant that there were no squibs. This was something that caused a sensation in the wizarding world. Even Fudge, the Minister of Magic, knew her name.

Don't take this matter as a trivial matter. No matter how much wizards deny it, the number of wizards is decreasing year by year. Pure-blood wizards generally advocate consanguineous marriage in order to maintain the purity of their bloodline. Although this can bring about magic-rich children, the birth rate of Squibs is also very high. And for some unknown reason, pure-blood families generally can only give birth to one child, so few little wizards have brothers and sisters. In such an environment, one can imagine how famous the Weasley family is.

Although many pure-blood nobles secretly called the Weasley family "pure-blood traitors" and always laughed at them for having too many children to raise, God knows how much envy and jealousy they felt when they said this.

Harry watched as a tall, thin boy with red hair walked straight into the wall, then the twins, and finally a boy about his age, and a smaller girl, accompanying him. Their mother's side.

Soon, everyone in the Weasley family disappeared into the wall. Harry also started to walk toward the wall pretending to be unintentional. The moment the box hit the wall, he couldn't help imagining how his forehead would hit the wall.

Just as his eyes lit up, a bright red train with thick smoke was stopping in front of Harry.

"Wow!" Harry couldn't help but sigh, this was so lively. The platform was crowded with people. There were not many little wizards, but mostly adults who came to take them to school. Harry saw a group of people surrounding a shy boy, and they kept explaining something. Finally, the old lady at the head handed the boy a very big toad. It's really big, almost the same size as a football. Harry shivered with discomfort and quickly dragged the box away from them. There were also a few people who were covered up all over their bodies, and they were explaining something carefully to a little girl who was also covered up. Their accents were a bit thick, and Harry couldn't quite understand them.

Harry dragged his suitcase straight to the rear of the train, where the crowd was slightly less crowded, and squeezed into the train. Almost every carriage is packed and there are few empty seats.

"Isn't it said that there are very few people in the wizarding world?" Sherry complained, "This is completely invisible!"

The aisle was full of people, and Harry basically stepped on people's feet. While apologizing, he then pushed the heavy boxes over the insteps of these guys who didn't know how to get out of the way. Harry finally found an empty carriage near the end of the train, which was considered very lucky.

After stuffing the box under the seat, Harry stretched out on the seat, motionless. This was simply more tiring than running a kilometer.

The sound of the carriage door opening sounded, and Harry quickly got up from the puddle of mud and sat down neatly. The Weasley boy who was about the same age as Harry whom he met outside the platform was dragging a box in.

"Is there anyone else here? The other carriages are full!" the boy asked, looking a little embarrassed.

"No one, just me," Harry replied with a smile before making sure his hair covered the scar.

"Then can I stay here?" the boy continued to ask.

"Of course, this carriage is for people's use, and the train doesn't belong to my family," Harry said. "You can stay as long as you want without anyone else's permission."

"Oh! Oh!" The boy's face turned very red, which matched perfectly with his fiery red hair.

"I'm just a little nervous. I've been hearing news about Hogwarts before. Most of it was relayed to me by my unreliable brothers, but now I have to actually go there to learn magic." He explained, and tried to Putting the box on the shelf was unsuccessful. Harry quickly stepped forward to help with the handle before pushing the box onto the luggage rack.

"Hello, my name is Ron Weasley, what's your name?" Ron asked.

"What a fateful encounter!" Sherry looked at this scene leisurely. (To be continued)