
I became the mafia boss's slave (BL)

Being in debts might lead some of us to make foolish decisions. Teddy Williams, a young boy who lost his mother to cancer at an early age, experienced the same thing. His mother left him with debts he couldn't pay. He then learned from his best friend Brian about a club called Dream Catcher, where young, attractive males sold their bodies to prominent people such as politicians, actors, businessmen, and so on. In his eagerness to settle his bills and stop being harassed by loan sharks, he went to the club, where he met with Logan Joeng, a mafia member who does not enjoy forging any kind of contact with anyone, intimate or friendship. He has no hesitation about killing people who disturb his peace. He has trust issues and finds it difficult to sleep with just anyone. When he does, he prefers to approach the person he wants to sleep with first, but he despises it when someone is throwing his/her self to him. When Teddy ruined Mr. Joeng's business deal, Mr. Joeng made him his s** slave as a punishment.

Unam98 · LGBT+
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53 Chs

I just told him the lie.

He didn't pick up the phone when it called. He tried to phone again, but there was no response at all. "I wonder what this idiot is doing. Is he purposefully ignoring my calls," Teddy asked. Since he was in a lot of agony, he made the decision to stop phoning him and rest in bed for a bit.



After three hours of lying in bed.He got out of bed and walked to the stove to heat the water. He was in a lot of agony from getting beaten up by those grown men, but fortunately there was enough water within his house that he didn't need to go to the tap.

After 30 minutes of waiting, the water was boiling. After pouring them into the basin, he grabbed a towel. He used the warm water to wash his body in an effort to lessen the discomfort he was experiencing. He noticed a slight improvement in his current state after using the technique.

He removed the medication from his plastic containers that he had purchased in the city while doing some food shopping after he had finished his bath. He purchased fever-reducing medication and painkilling cream because he had back pain yesterday as a result of the fever. He had no idea that he would use it to lessen the discomfort from being beaten. He massaged his back and stomach. When he was finished, he changed into pajamas, took his fever-relieving medication, and went to bed.

Considering that his stomach was still hurting, he had no cravings. He swallowed the anti-fever medication, which put him to sleep. He dozed off and was awakened in the morning by the sunlight shining through his window.

It was now nine o'clock in the morning. Teddy made the decision to get out of bed and wanted to clean his shack, but he realized he hadn't purchased a mop or a broom. While he was in town, food was what he thought about the most. He simply purchased food since he loves to eat so much. He went to the faucet to get some water. He was so terrified because he believed his neighbors were aware of what had occurred in his home the day before. No one spoke to him while he was returning, which gave him a sense of relief.

As he entered his shanty, he was startled by the rat fleeing from the house to the outside, which caused him to drop the water on the floor. "fuck! How did this get inside? That terrified the very daylights out of me".He gasped and took a deep breath. "I have never seen a white and big rat like that before I hope that it won't damage my clothes I'm already broke as it is" .

After some water fell on the floor, he collected the remaining drops and put them on the table. After finishing, he picked up the plastic bags from the groceries he had purchased the day before that were on the floor and set them on the table. He laughed so hard while he did it because he was thinking about what Brian had said about the pink-colored rats. 

"If Brian were around, I can guarantee that he would make fun of me until I lost it. When he informed me about those large rats, I assumed he was lying", he said. He laughed and remembered the fairy tale his mother had told him when he was a child. His mother used to tell him stories of huge rats that are kept as pets by wealthy individuals who practice black magic. Using magic, they had the rats gather the money for them during the night.

When he thought about it, he laughed so hard, but he also started to cry because he didn't seem to forget about his mother. Every little thing always makes him miss her unreservedly, which is reasonable given that he lost both his mother and his best friend. He and her had such a close relationship. 

Fortunately, the money that was kept in his luggage was there. The loan lenders didn't search the entire house; they just removed the money that was in the jacket he was wearing. So he made the decision to use some of the cash to purchase the mop and broom. He only dressed in his regular clothing after washing his face, brushing his teeth, and taking off his pajamas.

Because the weather was so warm, the sky was clear, and the sun was shining brightly. Teddy made the decision to wear a green t-shirt, a pair of three inch black shorts, and black sandals. He went to the closest market with the money and the phone. He decided to ask around since he was unfamiliar with the area.

Everyone was looking at him. Teddy was a mixed-race individual.His mother was a white woman who grew up in the township, while his father whom he knows nothing about was a black man. He appeared to have inherited more of his mother's genes and was nearly all white. Regardless of gender, his beauty made people turn around.

He felt shy when he saw that many people were staring at him as he walked to the store because he assumed that they were doing so because of his background or the loan sharks who had visited his house yesterday. Little did he realize, however, that they were starring at him because of his attractive face and body.

A certain man approached him and stood in front of him as he was walking. Teddy chose to stop. Teddy was repulsed by the man's smile and the way he inspected him from toe to head.He said, raising an eyebrow, "dude, why are you staring at me like that?"

The man replied while looking him in the eyes. "The thing is that it's very rare to see a person like you in a shabby places like this so I'm surprised" ,the man said. "When you say someone like me? What specifically are you alluding to?" asked Teddy, furrowing his eyebrows. 

The man made no comment. Instead, he grinned and turned to face Teddy. Teddy raised an eyebrow and added, "If you're going to stare at me like a pervert, just get the hell out of my sight."

"I came to warn you about the way you dressed. I have seen other dudes take a peek at you and make some disgusting comments. So please don't dress like this again, as this place is not safe at all for a person like... ", he didn't finish his sentence.

Teddy did know that people were staring at him, but it never crossed his mind that it was because of the way he was dressing.

Mr. Wilson made the decision to remove all references to his daughter and Teddy from the internet because he planned to run for president and he didn't want anything to get in the way of his campaign. Teddy, however, was unaware of it. He believed that his rape scandals were still widely publicized on social media and the internet.

"Oh, thank you for letting me know; I wasn't aware. I will make sure that I don't dress like this anymore" , Teddy said.

"Okay, buddy, by the way, I'm Tebogo", said the guy. "I'm Teddy and it's nice meeting you". They shake hands. "Do you mind if I accompany you? Where are you going?". "No, it's okay; I'm going to the shop", Teddy said.

Teddy declined Tebogo, and once Tebogo left, Teddy headed to the store. I purchased the mop, the broom, and the detergent powder. He then left for home. He heard his phone ring from his pocket as he was opening his door. He unlocked the door and set his belongings on the ground before removing his phone from his pocket. By the time he picked up the phone, it had stopped ringing. It turned out to be his pal when he looked to see who was calling.

Teddy called him again and he answered his phone. "dude I thought that you were dead, why were you not answering your phone", Teddy asked. . "I was busy buddy, sorry, what happened is everything okay? "

"Yes everything is fine", Teddy responded. 

"Okay then. Why were you calling me" 

"Can't I just call you because I miss you" 

Brian laughed. "oh sorry I forgot that you're obsessed with me. Stop missing me so much otherwise I will have no choice but to go there and stay with you". 

Teddy laughed. "you're sick. Anyway buddy I called to ask about that club you were talking about the last time we met" 

"Teddy, please don't mention to me that you're thinking about visiting that location. Being there isn't safe, and you're still only 17 years old. You should not take my advice to go to that club seriously because I was joking when I said it.", Brian said, with a concerned voice. 

Teddy chuckled clumsily. "No, I won't be going there. The problem is that I recently made a friend here, and I told him about it. He therefore desired to go there and see it for himself since he thought I was lying.

"But you said that you didn't believe me. Why did you tell someone something you don't believe about yourself that is so unlike you?"

Teddy speaking inaudibleLoh my goodness what's up with so many questions. I hope that I don't get caught).