
I Became The Father of a Nation

Adrian, a historian, looks back on the Zenki Dynasty with fascination and awe. He recognizes Emperor Zenki as one of the most fascinating and complex figures in the kingdom's history. Adrian notes that Emperor Zenki was initially seen as a fool, but he ultimately proved to be a wise and just ruler. Adrian speculates about the reasons behind Zenki's transformation, considering theories that range from divine intervention to simple cunning. Despite not knowing the true cause, Adrian acknowledges that Zenki's actions brought about a great deal of prosperity and progress for the kingdom. Overall, Adrian sees the Zenki Dynasty as a fascinating period of history, marked by a complex and intriguing figure who defied expectations and ultimately brought about positive change for the kingdom.

Liorfa · Fantasy
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253 Chs

Main Suppy Base

In the depths of a dense forest, Zenki, Qingyi, Mingliang, and Lianhua, accompanied by a select group of skilled troops, concealed themselves among the towering trees. Their journey to this strategic vantage point had been arduous, as they navigated treacherous terrain and bypassed enemy strongholds with utmost caution. The combined efforts of Zhen Yi, Zhang Wei, Yu Mei, and Chen Jing had played a crucial role in paving the way for their covert arrival.

From their hidden position, the group could oversee the sprawling main supply base of the Kingdom of Frosthold, a critical hub that sustained their enemy's forces. The sight of the bustling activity within the camp fueled their determination to disrupt and cripple the Kingdom of Frosthold's logistical operations.

With their extensive knowledge of tactics and stealth, Zenki, Qingyi, Mingliang, and Lianhua meticulously formulated their plan. They studied the layout of the supply base, identifying vulnerable points and potential weaknesses to exploit. Each member of the group understood their role and the importance of coordinated action in achieving their objective.

As the sun cast dappled shadows through the foliage, the group patiently waited for the opportune moment to strike. Their eyes focused on the movements within the supply base, monitoring guard rotations and assessing the enemy's defenses. They knew that precise timing and flawless execution would be vital to their success.

The atmosphere in the forest was tense, yet their spirits burned with determination. Zenki's fiery gaze met the calm resolve in Qingyi's eyes, as they exchanged a silent understanding of their shared mission. Mingliang's fingers traced the intricate carvings on his staff, a vessel of his elemental power ready to be unleashed. Lianhua gripped her blacksmith's hammer tightly, feeling the weight of her responsibility as a key player in this covert operation.

The hours stretched on, their patience tested, but they remained steadfast. Finally, as twilight painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, they sensed the opportune moment had arrived. Zenki's voice, a low and commanding whisper, cut through the stillness of the forest, outlining their final preparations and confirming their resolve.

With calculated precision, the group moved as one, their movements fluid and silent. They skillfully evaded patrolling sentries, relying on their honed instincts and expertise in stealth to remain undetected. Step by step, they closed in on their target, drawing nearer to their objective.

Approaching the outskirts of the supply base, the group strategically positioned themselves, ensuring complete coverage around the perimeter. Zenki's sharp gaze swept over the surroundings, meticulously analyzing the guard patterns and identifying any potential weaknesses. The upgraded two-star-ranked gloves, Inferno Embrace, worn by Qingyi crackled with fiery energy, ready to unleash her enhanced fire elemental power upon unsuspecting adversaries. Mingliang's staff shimmered with an ethereal glow, serving as a conduit for his water manipulation abilities, as he readied himself for combat. Lianhua tightly grasped her blacksmith's hammer, its weight symbolizing the responsibility she bore, prepared to showcase her exceptional blacksmithing skills against the enemy's defenses. In the serene forest, their synchronized breaths filled the air, building an intense anticipation as they waited for the signal to initiate their calculated assault.

Upon Zenki's signal, the group seamlessly transitioned into action. Their meticulous planning and extensive scouting paid off as they sprang into motion with the precision of a well-oiled machine. Swift and silent, they moved through the darkness like phantoms, utilizing their extensive training and experience to their advantage. Their senses heightened, they expertly navigated the complex terrain, making use of every shadow and cover to conceal their movements.

Qingyi's fiery essence surged through her, igniting her gloves, Inferno Embrace, with a brilliant and mesmerizing blaze. With a swift and fluid motion, she unleashed a torrent of scorching flames, directing her inferno towards the enemy's supply carts. The intense heat engulfed the wooden structures, causing them to erupt in a fiery inferno.

The sudden eruption of flames created an immediate sense of chaos and panic within the enemy base. The guards, caught off guard by the unexpected assault, shifted their attention towards the blazing spectacle, their focus diverted from the impending threat that awaited them. The crackling flames danced and flickered, mesmerizing and drawing the guards' attention, creating a perfect diversion for the rest of the group to launch their assault. The element of surprise was firmly in their hands as Qingyi's fiery display served as a cunning distraction, allowing her allies to maneuver and strike with lethal efficiency.

Qingyi's fiery prowess continued to illuminate the battlefield as she moved with grace and precision. With every flick of her wrists, cascades of flames shot forth, engulfing her adversaries in a relentless barrage of scorching heat. The enemy guards, caught in the midst of chaos, attempted to regroup and retaliate, but Qingyi's fire manipulation proved too overwhelming to overcome.

As the flames licked at the air, Qingyi's movements became a mesmerizing dance of destruction. She swiftly weaved between opponents, her fiery gloves leaving trails of searing heat in their wake. With each strike, her flames found their mark, reducing armor and defenses to smoldering ruins.

The enemy guards, now fully aware of the threat Qingyi posed, gathered their forces to confront her. Undeterred, she intensified her assault, summoning an inferno of unprecedented magnitude. Waves of intense heat radiated outward, forcing the guards to shield their faces and retreat. Their futile attempts to extinguish the flames only fueled Qingyi's determination, as she continued to unleash her fiery wrath upon them.

The air crackled with the raw power of Qingyi's fire elemental abilities. Sparks danced through the night, casting an eerie glow upon the battlefield. In the midst of the chaos, she remained composed, her focus unwavering as she systematically dismantled the enemy's defenses.

With each defeated adversary, Qingyi's confidence grew. Her fiery assault served as a testament to her skill and determination, leaving a trail of scorched earth and defeated foes in her wake. The enemy guards, overwhelmed and disoriented, began to retreat, their ranks decimated by the relentless onslaught of flames.

Qingyi stood amidst the smoldering battlefield, her gloves still ablaze with fiery energy. The enemy's supply base, once a hub of operations, now lay in ruins, its destruction a testament to her devastating power. She turned her gaze to the rest of her comrades, a knowing smile playing upon her lips, as they prepared to regroup and continue their assault.

Mingliang's connection with the element of water was a sight to behold. With a calm and focused demeanor, he raised his staff high into the air, channeling his power to summon the forces of nature to his aid. Dark clouds swiftly gathered above, unleashing a torrential downpour that drenched the battlefield.

The rain cascaded in sheets, transforming the once-solid ground into a muddy quagmire. Mingliang's manipulation of water was masterful, as he directed the flow to strategically flood the paths and engulf the enemy's positions. The guards, caught off guard by the sudden deluge, stumbled and struggled to maintain their footing.

With each step, the enemy guards found themselves mired in the sodden terrain, their movements sluggish and uncoordinated. Mingliang capitalized on their disorientation, gracefully maneuvering through the rain-soaked battlefield. His staff became an extension of his will, directing the surging water to create swirling currents that ensnared and impeded his foes.

As the rain continued to pour relentlessly, Mingliang's control over water grew more pronounced. He conjured powerful waves, crashing them upon the enemy ranks with calculated precision. The force of the water sent soldiers sprawling, their armor heavy and their movements hindered by the weight of the sodden fabric.

Mingliang's actions were both graceful and deadly. With a flick of his staff, he summoned spiraling water spouts that spiraled toward the enemy, striking with the force of a tidal wave. The guards, drenched and disoriented, could do little to defend against the relentless assault of Mingliang's aquatic onslaught.

Through his skillful manipulation of water, Mingliang created a watery labyrinth that encircled the enemy, trapping them in a quagmire of their own making. The once orderly and disciplined guards now found themselves struggling to navigate the treacherous terrain, their movements slowed by the relentless rain.

Mingliang's presence on the battlefield was an embodiment of calm amidst chaos. He moved with a grace and precision that belied the ferocity of his watery onslaught. With each surge of his power, he sent a clear message: the element of water was his ally, and those who stood against him would be swept away in its unyielding embrace.

As the enemy guards faltered and their defenses crumbled, Mingliang's resolve remained unwavering. The battlefield, now a watery battleground, served as a testament to his mastery over the element. With the enemy's ranks in disarray, he glanced toward his comrades, a nod of acknowledgement passing between them. The time for victory was near, and they would not rest until their mission was accomplished.

Lianhua's eyes gleamed with determination as she surveyed the base before her. Armed with her trusty blacksmith's hammer, she moved with purpose and precision, seeking out key structures and targets that would cripple the enemy's defenses.

With each swing of her hammer, Lianhua displayed the full extent of her blacksmithing skills. She targeted weapon racks, striking with unwavering accuracy to send them crashing to the ground. The resounding clang of metal on metal echoed through the base, a testament to the force behind her blows.

Her keen eye for weakness and vulnerability guided her strikes. Lianhua identified crucial equipment and machinery, ensuring they suffered irreparable damage. She skillfully disabled siege engines, rendering them useless and robbing the enemy of their offensive capabilities.

The enemy guards, caught off guard by Lianhua's stealthy presence, struggled to react in time. They attempted to fend off her relentless assault, but her hammer struck with a force that left them reeling. The sound of splintering wood and crumbling stone filled the air as Lianhua shattered barricades and sabotaged fortifications.

The chaos that ensued was a testament to Lianhua's strategic prowess. The enemy's defenses were compromised, their once-formidable structures reduced to ruins. Lianhua's blacksmithing skills had proven invaluable, as she systematically dismantled the enemy's means of resistance.

Amidst the chaos, Lianhua moved with grace and agility, never losing sight of her objective. Her strikes were deliberate, calculated to maximize damage and sow confusion among the enemy ranks. Each blow weakened their resolve and further eroded their morale.

As Lianhua continued her relentless assault, the enemy guards grew increasingly demoralized. The destruction she wrought struck fear into their hearts, leaving them questioning their own defenses. The base, once a bastion of strength, now lay in ruins, a testament to Lianhua's skill as a blacksmith and her ability to cripple the enemy from within.

With each structure that fell and each piece of equipment that was rendered useless, Lianhua's determination burned brighter. She knew that her actions were crucial in turning the tide of the battle. She spared no effort, tirelessly smashing and sabotaging until her task was complete.

As the dust settled and the chaos subsided, Lianhua stood amidst the wreckage, her hammer resting at her side. She cast a proud gaze upon the destroyed structures, knowing that her efforts had significantly weakened the enemy's ability to resist.

With a nod of satisfaction, Lianhua turned to join her comrades, ready to press on with the next phase of their mission. The path to victory had become clearer, thanks to her skill as a blacksmith and her unwavering determination to see her allies triumphant.

Zenki's eyes narrowed as he assessed the battlefield, his mind racing with strategic calculations. Drawing upon his vast knowledge and experience, he incorporated modern tactics he had learned from Earth, weaving them seamlessly into the chaos of battle.

With a quick signal, Zenki set his plan in motion. He divided his forces into smaller squads, each with a specific objective and role to play. Utilizing hit-and-run tactics, his troops struck swiftly and with precision, targeting key enemy positions and swiftly retreating before the enemy could mount a counterattack.

The enemy, already disoriented by the disruptions caused by Qingyi, Mingliang, and Lianhua, found themselves facing an additional layer of chaos orchestrated by Zenki. His troops employed guerrilla tactics, using the terrain to their advantage, darting in and out of cover, and striking with sudden ferocity.

Zenki's knowledge of modern warfare tactics allowed him to exploit the weaknesses of the Kingdom of Frosthold's traditional approach. He employed ambushes, flanking maneuvers, and diversionary tactics to sow confusion among the enemy ranks. His troops struck from unexpected angles, catching the enemy off guard and disrupting their formations.

Incorporating elements of asymmetrical warfare, Zenki's forces used their agility and speed to outmaneuver the slower, more rigid enemy troops. They disrupted supply lines, cut off reinforcements, and targeted high-value enemy officers, inflicting significant damage to the Kingdom of Frosthold's command structure.

Zenki's strategic genius became evident as the enemy struggled to adapt to the fluid and unpredictable nature of his tactics. His troops moved with precision and coordination, executing their assigned roles flawlessly. The enemy, in contrast, became increasingly fragmented and disorganized, unable to effectively respond to the ever-changing battlefield.

Despite the chaos, Zenki's leadership provided a steady anchor for his troops. His clear and decisive commands kept them focused and motivated, instilling in them a sense of confidence and purpose. His presence on the battlefield was commanding, inspiring his soldiers to fight with unwavering loyalty and determination.

As the battle raged on, Zenki constantly assessed the evolving situation, making real-time adjustments to his tactics. He exploited the Kingdom of Frosthold's vulnerabilities and weaknesses, pushing his troops to maximize their advantage. His ability to adapt and think strategically allowed him to stay one step ahead of the enemy at all times.

With each successful maneuver and every decisive strike, Zenki's forces gained momentum, their confidence growing. The enemy, overwhelmed by the combined assault and the intricate web of tactics orchestrated by Zenki, found their morale waning and their resistance crumbling.

Through Zenki's strategic chaos, the Kingdom of Avaloria's forces prevailed. The enemy, battered and broken, were forced into a hasty retreat, leaving behind a battlefield strewn with the remnants of their shattered defenses.

As the dust settled and the victory became apparent, Zenki's gaze swept across the battlefield, a mix of pride and determination in his eyes. His use of modern tactics had proven to be a game-changer, allowing his forces to outmaneuver and outwit the Kingdom of Frosthold's traditional approach.

With the first phase of the battle won, Zenki knew that there was still much work to be done. He gathered his troops, rallying them for the next stage of their mission. As they prepared to advance, Zenki's mind raced with new strategies and tactics, ready to lead his forces to ultimate victory.

While Zenki's enemies marveled at his tactical brilliance, little did they know that his expertise was honed through an unexpected source—strategic video games he had played during his pastime on Earth. In the quiet moments between battles, Zenki would immerse himself in virtual worlds, navigating complex scenarios and mastering the art of modern warfare tactics.

Through countless hours spent strategizing and analyzing virtual battlefields, Zenki developed a keen understanding of unconventional warfare and asymmetrical tactics. He learned the value of surprise, the importance of reconnaissance, and the art of exploiting weaknesses in enemy lines. These virtual battles became his training ground, sharpening his mind and expanding his tactical repertoire.

As he commanded his troops on the battlefield, Zenki drew upon his experiences in those virtual worlds. The strategies and maneuvers he had executed countless times in digital simulations seamlessly integrated into the chaos of the real battlefield. His ability to think several steps ahead, anticipate enemy moves, and capitalize on opportunities came from the countless victories he had secured in the realm of strategic gaming.

Zenki's passion for gaming, once seen as a mere pastime, had transformed into a valuable asset on the battlefield. The lessons he had learned while immersed in digital warfare had become his secret weapon, granting him an edge that few could comprehend. The fusion of virtual tactics with real-world combat elevated Zenki's leadership to new heights, making him a formidable force to be reckoned with.

As he orchestrated his forces, Zenki's mind seamlessly transitioned between the virtual and physical realms. His decisions were rooted in a deep understanding of strategy, tempered by the realities of the battlefield. His troops marveled at his uncanny ability to devise intricate plans and adapt them on the fly, unaware of the unassuming origins of his tactical prowess.

In the midst of the chaos and violence, Zenki's mind remained focused and sharp. He saw the battlefield as a dynamic chessboard, each move calculated and deliberate. His strategic gaming background had taught him the importance of analyzing data, spotting patterns, and making split-second decisions—a skill set that proved invaluable in the heat of war.

It was this unique blend of real-world experience and virtual mastery that set Zenki apart. His enemies were confounded by his unconventional approach, unable to comprehend the source of his tactical brilliance. Little did they know that the foundation of his success lay in the virtual battles he had fought, conquering digital foes and honing his strategic instincts.

As Zenki led his forces to victory, he reflected on the unexpected journey that had led him here. From the virtual realms of strategic gaming to the blood-soaked fields of battle, his skills had transcended the boundaries of imagination. He had turned a seemingly mundane pastime into a source of inspiration, reshaping the course of the war and leaving a lasting impact on the Kingdom of Avaloria's fight for victory.

The forest reverberated with the clash of weapons and the cries of battle as the group unleashed their combined might upon the unsuspecting Kingdom of Frosthold. Their relentless assault, fueled by their unwavering determination and united purpose, began to dismantle the enemy's defenses piece by piece.

In the midst of the chaos, they maintained their focus and vigilance, moving with calculated precision to neutralize threats and seize strategic objectives. Their teamwork and synergy were evident as they seamlessly coordinated their attacks, exploiting weaknesses and capitalizing on opportunities.

As dawn broke, the once-thriving supply base of the Kingdom of Frosthold lay in ruins. The enemy's logistical backbone had been shattered, leaving them vulnerable and demoralized. The combined efforts of Zenki, Qingyi, Mingliang, and Lianhua had dealt a significant blow to the Kingdom of Frosthold's war effort, tipping the scales of battle in favor of the Kingdom of Avaloria.

Exhausted but triumphant, the group regrouped in the safety of the forest, their eyes reflecting a mixture of satisfaction and determination. They knew that their mission was far from over, but this victory had set the stage for future success. With their bond strengthened by the trials of war, they stood united, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their relentless pursuit of victory.