
I Became The Father of a Nation

Adrian, a historian, looks back on the Zenki Dynasty with fascination and awe. He recognizes Emperor Zenki as one of the most fascinating and complex figures in the kingdom's history. Adrian notes that Emperor Zenki was initially seen as a fool, but he ultimately proved to be a wise and just ruler. Adrian speculates about the reasons behind Zenki's transformation, considering theories that range from divine intervention to simple cunning. Despite not knowing the true cause, Adrian acknowledges that Zenki's actions brought about a great deal of prosperity and progress for the kingdom. Overall, Adrian sees the Zenki Dynasty as a fascinating period of history, marked by a complex and intriguing figure who defied expectations and ultimately brought about positive change for the kingdom.

Liorfa · Fantasy
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253 Chs

Cleansing Pill

After separating from her father, Princess Mengting with a smile on her face went to her bedroom, excited to tell her mother Empress Zhenyue about her father's changes when she returns from her visit to the United Realms of Ardenia. Empress Zhenyue had left for Ardenia a few days ago, accompanied by her son Prince Mingliang.

"I hope father always stays like this," Mengting happily muttered before falling asleep, thinking about the possibility of a happier and more loving family.

The next day, Zenki woke up to the sound of a light knock on his door. Before he could even get out of bed, the door opened, and in walked the same maids who had helped him change the night before. They greeted him with a respectful bow and began to dress him for the day ahead. With skilled hands, they dressed him in regal attire befitting an emperor, carefully selecting each piece of clothing to match the occasion. Once they were finished, Zenki thanked them and dismissed them, feeling grateful for their assistance. With a renewed sense of purpose, he set out to face the challenges that lay ahead as the new emperor of Avaloria.

"Wow, those maids are professional," thought Zenki to himself, as he looked down at his freshly dressed attire.

As he made his way to the dining hall with Zhang Liang, he was pleasantly surprised to see that his new instant daughter, Princess Mengting, had already arrived. "Good morning, Mengting," greeted Zenki with a warm smile.

Mengting returned the smile and replied, "Good morning, Father."

During breakfast, Zenki asked his new daughter Mengting, "What are your plans for today?"

Mengting looked down at her plate of food and spoke softly, "I have some etiquette lessons after breakfast, Father."

"Do you have any trouble with your lessons?" Zenki inquired.

Mengting nodded her head shyly. "I struggle with remembering all the rules and customs, but my teacher says I'm improving."

Zenki smiled encouragingly at her. "I'm sure you're doing great, Mengting. Come to me after your lessons so we can spend some time together."

Mengting's eyes brightened at the thought of spending time with her new father, but she still spoke softly. "Okay, Father. I'll come to see you as soon as I'm finished with my lessons."

As Zhang Liang guided Zenki toward the emperor's office, they walked through several grand halls adorned with intricate carvings and paintings of Avaloria's history. The walls were lined with glowing lanterns that cast a warm, golden light throughout the halls. Finally, they arrived at the door to the emperor's office.

Zhang Liang opened the door and allowed Zenki to step inside. The room was spacious and well-lit, with tall windows that let in the natural light and offered a breathtaking view of the city below. The walls were adorned with ornate tapestries and paintings, depicting scenes from Avaloria's past. In the center of the room, there was a large, polished wooden desk with several documents scattered across its surface.

As a former programmer on Earth, Zenki quickly assessed the situation and began reviewing the documents logically and systematically. He sorted the papers into neat piles and cross-referenced them with the notes he had made the previous night. The process was smooth and efficient, and before long, Zenki had completed his review.

Satisfied with his work, Zenki stood up and stretched his arms. He turned to Zhang Liang and said, "Thank you for guiding me here. Is there anything else I need to attend to?"

Zhang Liang bowed respectfully and replied, "No, Your Majesty. Everything is in order. If you have any further tasks, do not hesitate to let me know."

Zenki nodded and made his way out of the office, his mind already moving on to the next task at hand.

Zenki leaned back in his chair, his mind racing with plans and strategies. As a former programmer on Earth, he was used to thinking logically and systematically, and now as the emperor of Avaloria, he knew he needed to apply those skills to rule his kingdom.

"Zhang Liang," he said after a moment, "do you think we should investigate the head of finance further? I have a feeling there might be something amiss."

Before Zhang Liang could reply, a man entered the room. He appeared kind, but there was a slyness in his eyes that made Zenki wary.

"Your Majesty," the man said with a bow, "I heard you are investigating our head of finance?"

Zenki studied the man for a moment, taking note of his appearance and demeanor. "And you are?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you not remember me anymore, nephew?" asked the man with a kind smile, yet something in his eyes seemed off.

A sudden realization struck Zenki, and he realized that the man before him was his so-called uncle, Zenki Zhanwang.

"Yes, uncle. We are going to investigate the case if there is any wrongdoing committed," he answered calmly.

"Why would you do that? You know that the head of finance has always been our ally. You could just leave it to me, as always," Zhanwang asked, his smile fading a bit.

"Uncle, we need to investigate properly, even if it's one of us," Zenki answered firmly, his programming background prompting him to approach the matter logically and systematically.

"If that is your decision, please do so, Your Majesty," Zhanwang answered, but inwardly, he thought, "This guy seems to have changed overnight."

With that, Zhanwang said goodbye and left. Zenki couldn't shake the feeling that the uselessness of this body had something to do with his so-called uncle's actions.

Zhang Liang was surprised to see the change in Zenki's attitude towards Zhanwang, as he knew that Zenki used to have great respect and admiration for his uncle. He couldn't help but wonder what had caused this sudden change in behavior.

"Is everything alright, Your Majesty?" Zhang Liang asked cautiously.

Zenki let out a deep sigh before answering, "I don't know, Zhang Liang. There's just something about Zhanwang that doesn't sit right with me. I can't explain it."

Zhang Liang nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I will keep a close eye on him, Your Majesty. If there is any wrongdoing, we will find out."

Zenki gave a small nod in response, lost in thought about the possible schemes that could be brewing in the palace. He knew that he had to be vigilant and stay one step ahead of any potential threats, especially if they were coming from within his own family.

"Zhang Liang, do you know where I can get some cleansing pill?" asked Zenki, his eyes shining with determination.

"Sire, we have some in the storehouse. May I ask, what do you intend to use it for?" replied Zhang Liang, curious about Zenki's sudden interest in cultivation.

"I plan to start my cultivation journey," answered Zenki confidently. "I must remove the impurities in my system before I begin."

"Ah, I see," nodded Zhang Liang, understanding. "I will procure one for you immediately, Your Majesty."

Zenki's eyes brightened at Zhang Liang's response. "Thank you, Zhang Liang. I am eager to begin my training."

With a determined look, Zenki eagerly awaited the arrival of the cleansing pill, knowing that it was the first step on his road to mastering the arts of cultivation.

After Zhang Liang left to get the cleansing pill, Mengting arrived, finishing her lessons. She timidly entered the room and bowed to Zenki.

"Hello, Your Majesty," she said softly.

Zenki smiled at her and gestured for her to sit. "How was your lesson, Mengting?"

"It was fine, Your Majesty," she answered, her voice barely above a whisper.

They had lunch together and walked through the gardens, enjoying the peaceful surroundings. Throughout their time together, Mengting remained quiet, occasionally smiling at Zenki but mostly keeping to herself. As the time for her lessons approached, she hesitantly told Zenki that she needed to leave.

"I'll see you later, Your Majesty," she said, bowing before she left.

Zenki watched her go, wondering why Mengting seemed so reserved around him.

"Well, with time, I hope Mengting will feel more comfortable around me and we can bond even more," thought Zenki with a slight smile.

Moments after Mengting left, Zhang Liang returned with the cleansing pill in hand. "Sire, I have brought the cleansing pill you requested. Would you like me to prepare the bath for you to consume?" he asked Zenki.

"Thank you, Zhang Liang. Yes, please prepare the bath for me," Zenki replied, feeling a mix of anticipation and apprehension. He knew that consuming the pill would be a painful experience, but he was determined to begin his journey toward cultivation.

Zhang Liang quickly got to work and prepared the bath for Zenki. He added some special herbs to help soothe the pain and help with the cleansing process.

As Zenki sat in the warm water, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He felt the cleansing pill work its way through his system, causing intense pain that he had never felt before.

Zhang Liang watched on with concern, but Zenki had been preparing for this moment for a long time. He knew that enduring the pain was a necessary part of the process.

After what seemed like an eternity, the pain began to subside and Zenki felt a sense of clarity that he had never experienced before. He opened his eyes and looked up at Zhang Liang, who smiled with relief.

"How do you feel, Sire?" Zhang Liang asked.

"I feel...different," Zenki replied, struggling to find the right words. "Clearer. Like a weight has been lifted from my mind."

Zhang Liang nodded in understanding. "That's to be expected. A cleansing pill is a powerful tool for those on the path of cultivation. It purges impurities from the body and mind, allowing for greater clarity and focus."

Zenki took another deep breath and nodded. He knew that this was just the beginning of his journey toward enlightenment, but he was more determined than ever to succeed.

"I can finally begin my cultivation," Zenki thought.

"Zhang Liang, can you also prepare a suitable body tempering manual for me?" he asked.

"Certainly, Your Majesty," Zhang Liang answered.

After a pause, Zenki added, "Also, please ask someone to investigate the head of finance and my uncle without others knowing so."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Zhang Liang replied, thinking that Zenki's sudden interest in cultivation and desire to investigate his uncle and the head of finance might lead to positive changes in the future.

Zhang Liang nodded in acknowledgment, his mind already racing with plans on how to discreetly investigate the head of finance and Zenki's uncle. He knew it would not be an easy task, but he was determined to carry out his duties to the best of his abilities.

"As for the body tempering manual, I suggest the 'Dragon Ascension Manual'," Zhang Liang continued. "It is a highly effective technique that has been passed down through generations of our royal family. I believe it will be suitable for your cultivation needs, your Majesty."

"Very well, prepare that for me as soon as possible," Zenki replied with a firm nod. "I want to start my training right away."

Zhang Liang bowed and left the room to carry out Zenki's orders. As he walked through the palace halls, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what was to come. It was a new era for the kingdom, and he was determined to help Zenki lead it to prosperity and greatness.

But little did he know that the road ahead would be filled with challenges and obstacles that would test Zenki's leadership and his loyalty to the throne.

Slow and Steady and some Motivation is needed...

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