
I became the Devil's bodyguard

Maya Donovan finds herself in a compromising position. She doesn't remember who she is and where she came from. The doctors resurrected her , she was dead for exactly five minutes. It is a miracle that she survived. She had come from the Death's door, but she returned with someone. An entity which could make disasters appearing from left and right. The dark entity wants to go back to where it belongs and Maya couldn't agree more. There's only one problem. She had to find the Devil of this world . The Devil will help her only for a cost. She has to become his bodyguard. All she could think is "What kind of nonsense is this?"

Shinyee · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

I knew I was up to no good. I mean who in the world would be alive after being dead for two whole hours. Now the reason for my survival was this mysterious entity right inside my body.

The Zeda.

It was hopeless. I didn't know who was I and furthermore stuck with this annoying whatever she was. She was a leech.. a leech let me tell you. She never left me alone. Not even once.

" Are you done mopping about?"

I glared at the source for my misfortune. Even though she hadn't done anything other than blowing the washroom window ( I got out of there quickly before they could charge me for the damage) her existence was still a headache.

" Are you really inside my body?"

" Yes..."

" Then how come you're outside talking with me?"

" Projection girl. It's better to show my face than just talking in your mind "


I was right. It was hopeless.

She just looked like me which was creepy enough and that's where the connection ended. I was pretty sure it was not how she looked. I gave out a deep sigh. Standing on the terrace, I looked at the sun setting like it always does. It was beautiful. The whole sky tinged with crimson - it soothed me somehow.

" What's that guy doing there?" An annoying voice interrupted my calm zone.

I forgot about her existence for a minute. Still she was telling the truth. A guy was indeed standing... on the ledge.

First a window, now a person.

He was wearing the hospital gown just like me , his brown hair was flaying softly in the cold evening breeze. I hoped he was not thinking of doing something disastrous.

I moved towards him praying he just became adventurous like everyone gets at a certain point of time and called out.

" Hey mis-"

Before I could finish calling him, he jumped down.

My eyes bulged out thinking all the possibilities of what could happen next. But what I did shocked me the most.

Following him my body instinctively jumped down too.


The terrace was on the thirtieth floor. Even the crazy doctor couldn't save me now. During the fall I could somehow catch onto that guy and both my arms grabbed his sturdy body, his back was still facing me. We both were going to be smashed to death. At least my face would be spared unlike this guy.

" I knew you're insane."

Zeda was falling right beside me... with more fashion.

I never felt so relieved seeing this annoying creature before .

" HELP ME!!!!!" I screeched out.

Her face scrunched in utter disgust. My sheer stupidity was something to be loathed on. Well I hated it too.

Finally she took a pity on me.

" Fine.. "

A flick of her fingers and everything stopped. We were in the midair. Me holding onto the guy like a koala bear and the man had probably fainted. If somebody had seen us, that would have been so embarrassing.

" Zeda put us down.. "

" I'm not your dog" she snapped out.

" Zedaaaaa.... "

" Say the magic word "

" Please put us down.. safely.." I gritted out.

She gave me a triumphant smile and descended us down with safety. My sudden compulsion to beat the guy was still present. Who in the right mind jumped like that?

Well I jumped after him too. So I couldn't complain.

" Looks like he's out.. you should check him out.."

For the first time Zeda had said something sensible. She was already poking the guys head rather vigorously. Even though she's I upturned the guy who was lying on the ground. Even though he was frail he had some weight, or maybe I was just weak.

" Well well well look at this cutie.. "

I was getting sick of the live commentary inside my head. But I couldn't agree more with her. This guy looked gorgeous.

With the chiseled face his sharp features stood out the most. Sharp nose , kissable red lips , long eyelashes something I would die for.

Maybe if it was some other time I would've ask for his number. But now it's better to run away far as possible.

I checked whether he's breathing or not. He was alright.

" There's something wrong with this guy" Zeda shared her two cents with me.

" You bet.." I scoffed.

" No there's something inside him which made him fall.. I don't think he was conscious in the first place."

" You mean..."

" There was an unwanted soul inside him. It lurked out while you were holding onto him"

" You mean it went away because of me?"

" More like because of me.."

" Oh because you came from Hell "

She kept quiet and got lost in her thoughts. I thought a minute was enough for an amiable conversation with a hellish creature.

" What to do with the guy?" I asked her.

" Keep him here someone's coming.. let's go"

She took my hand and we both transported to the terrace again.

" That turned up alright"

" No.."


" Nothing is going right. As you turned up in my life. Everything sucks. I end up in a hospital. I got stuck with you.. moreover I don't remember a shit about me.."

I felt like crying my eyes out. In this whole world I was alone with no identity. Someone who could be discarded easily. An uncertainty crept into my mind. What if I didn't remember who was I.

" Maya Donovan..."


"Your name.. your name is Maya Donovan"

" You know me? And all this time you didn't even tell me"

"Well I didn't exactly got the memo that you literally forgot everything"

" What else?"

" What what else?"

" What else do you know about me?"


" Say something Zeda "

" That's it.. "

" That's it??... You just know my name."

I was losing the thread of that invisible patience in me. She got to be kidding right? A supernatural being like her , she should have known literally everything but she only knew my name.

" Well when I touch someone.. the facts I come to know are their names and what misdeeds they have done in their life. Apparently you're one of the souls who have done no misdeeds. Sorry kiddo."

" Who are you exactly?"

She gave me a small smile. I was kinda afraid of her smiles.

"Thought you would never ask. I'm the Zeda. The Punisher of Hell"

Hey guys this is my very first story here.. Thank you for giving this book a chance.. happy reading!!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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