

IT'S NOT MY NOVEL IT'S TRANSLATION SO ENJOY In a melodramatic[1] novel, there is always that type of rich and beautiful female supporting character with a hot body. However, her fiancé is always snatched away by the delicate and pretty white lotus flower.[2] It just so happens that Xia An transmigrated into this type of female supporting character, chasing all over the world for the scum. The system informs her that if she wants to avoid the tragic death ending, she has to resist the influence of the plot setting and reduce the amount of supporting female character’s bad luck value. Her current bad luck value is 999. Xia An and the white lotus flower were attending a live variety show together. While they were talking, the white lotus flower suddenly fell to the ground. Xia An: Hm?? In the white lotus flower’ heart: Xia An, just wait to be cursed to death by the whole internet! The next second, Xia An fell to the ground as an “ah” escaped from her lips. She held her knees with one hand and looked up timidly. With a hauntingly beautiful gaze, she cried out, “Ouch~” White Lotus Flower: Huh? Why is she not following the usual way of things?! #Acting? I’m a natural film empress.# #Sorry. I’ve gone from being infamous to popular on the internet.# The system gave Xia An an assisting NPC, Sheng Zhi Yan. This NPC is a huge boss in the novel. He possesses an outstanding appearance, body and financial resources. The system told her to use him to her heart’s content. Xia An did use him to her heart’s content. She brought the NPC to act as her partner in a dating variety show. In the storyline, Sheng Zhi Yan loves her so much that he can’t help himself in wooing her with love stretching thousands of miles. Xia An never expected that while they were acting, the whole world started to support their pair. And the big boss’ fake acting became real. #What should I do when the boss keeps staying in my room and he isn’t leaving?

Fiercearcane · Urban
Not enough ratings
106 Chs


Xia An's live video was edited by netizens and posted on the Internet, named: Xia An and her unlucky ghosts.

In the video, Xia An is scared, the little pitiful, then the ghost yelling "There are ghosts so terrible", then the hanged ghost waving his long nails trying to grab his tongue, and then the red ghost's hair falling off. The screen below.

Then there was a scene of Xia An and the red ghost with big eyes and small eyes.

Finally, the netizens cut the four people to a page with big characters: it's terrible!

Netizens are laughing to death.

The amount of video views went up swiftly and directly rushed to the popular square.

A large number of netizens flooded into the Xia'an live broadcast room, and even netizens from other live broadcast rooms also ran over.

Oh, it's still interesting here.

While they are afraid of the horrible images in the maze, they are also looking forward to a new weird way.

Just, scared and looking forward to it, it's really exciting.

After going through a few units, Xia An became more and more familiar with the routines of these ghosts. The more they blocked something, the more Xia An went, and because of this, it caused some ghost jokes.

It can be said that along the way, every ghost has lost a face.

Xia'an walked into a corridor with many exits. He hadn't seen any ghosts yet.

"An An!"

Xia An turned his head and saw Su Wan coming out of a door with messy hair and pale face, as if he had escaped.

Su Wan frowned when he saw Xia An.

Why is she still so good-looking in Xia An's scariest scene!

Xia An is so afraid of ghosts, she should be so scared!

The design here is so horrible, she almost fainted!

Su Wan was a little unwilling.

She tidyed up her hair, looked at the neatly dressed and ruddy complexion over there, with scared eyes in her eyes, and looked very small and poor Xia An, secretly angry.


Why can she look good!

Su Wan thought about it, probably because the route Xia An took just now was not scary, otherwise how could Xia An still look neat?

She suddenly thought of the ghost she was behind the door just now.

This ghost is not fixed in a certain room, but as long as it sees you and has you within its sight, it will chase you hard.

I have followed her through three rooms, very difficult!

Otherwise she wouldn't be so embarrassed!

She raised her eyes and looked down the corridor. Although it was not so bright, it was very clear.

She hopes to show Xia An's embarrassment in 360 degrees without blind spots!

The door behind Su Wan was still banging, it was the mad dog who was smashing the door.

Oh, just right, show Xia An.

Su Wan leaned back a little, leaned against the door, paying attention to the camera and couldn't be seen.

She quietly stretched her hand behind her, opened the door, and then quickly turned sideways, the door slammed open by the ghost.

Xia An suddenly raised her head, a demon with black fangs looked at her straightly, and then smirked.


Xia An almost couldn't hold back.

Hahaha, he seems to want to have a wicked smile hahaha!

The next moment, the evil spirit rushed towards Xia An, Xia An was stunned on the surface, and when the evil spirit was about to pounce, he turned around.

The evil spirit was caught off guard, and the big horns on his head hit the wall directly.

Suspended for a moment.

Netizens laughed crazy.

[Hahahahaha here again and again, I am so ridiculous! ]

[So happy, what I am most looking forward to now is a few more ghosts hahaha]

[Xia An inexplicably messed up these ghosts so badly hahahaha]

The evil spirit felt a little embarrassed, so he immediately pretended to be more fierce, turned around, and pounced on Xia An again.

And Su Wan, seeing Xia An dodging lightly, was a little anxious.

Suddenly thought of the coat sprinkled with a lot of mucus by another ghost just now when she ran away, she was agitated, took off the coat, pretended to beat the ghost, and threw it at Xia An's feet.

fall! fall!

It is best to face the ground first!

Xia An jumped slightly and hid.

She walked around a little bit, pretending to panic, and then turned around, turning Su Wan into the middle.

The evil spirit was turned around by Xia An, and it was too shameless. He immediately focused on Su Wan, and ran towards Su Wan with his teeth.

Su Wan subconsciously thought that the evil spirit was coming to avenge her, and ran forward in a panic. He didn't run a few steps, harp, and fell.

The face touches the ground first.

The evil spirit smiled triumphantly.

Hahahaha He really is the scariest ghost in the maze!

Su Wan gritted her teeth, her head in a daze.

fine! The ghost is still there, and as long as Xia An is embarrassed, she will buy a draft and make Xia An's ugliness the top of the hot search!

Seeing that the evil spirit had solved one, he was proud, and rushed towards Xia An with confidence, and Xia An turned and ran forward.

Oops, it's really tight, I'm tired from running, so hurry up and move on to the next unit.

Before he rushed to the door, the door opened and Sheng Zhiyan walked out.

Xia An's eyes lit up, rushed over, and threw into Sheng Zhiyan's arms, "Uuuuuu is so scary!"

Netizen: Fuck! The grand man is here to save the little poor!

Devil: Heh! No one can come! See me scaring you guys to death!

Xia An held Sheng Zhiyan's waist and grabbed Sheng Zhiyan from behind.

[Dip—Little Fairy An'an sends you an order to "cooperate with her to act and drive away evil spirits". This order cannot be refused. Please execute it as required. If it is not executed within 5 seconds, it will be enforced. ]

Sheng Zhiyan smiled, and he hugged Xia An hard.

Netizen: Huh? ? ?

Ah ah ah dog food! It's dog food!

The evil spirit was stunned.

Ye Di, look down on him? He is so terrible, dare to show affection in front of him?

Does he want face?

The evil spirit became more fierce, and he rushed towards him with teeth and claws. Sheng Zhiyan suddenly raised his eyes and looked at the evil spirit.

The aura filled the corridor in an instant.

The evil spirit was scared.

The footsteps stopped.

That, that man, he is a bit scary.

Right, the eyes looked indifferent, but, but it made him unable to move.

Just don't dare to move.

Oh oh oh he was a ghost so he failed, he didn't dare to move!

The evil spirit stopped, and the netizens were also stunned.

[My god, it happened to be a close-up just now, and I was shocked by the look in his eyes. ]

[Is this the aura? It's amazing! ]

[Master Ba, Ben Ba, really murderous in his eyes! ]

[Too terrible, since I met Sheng Zhiyan, the male protagonist in the novel has a face! ]

[Mom, what is written in the novel is true, you can really kill people with your eyes! ]

The ghost also stopped, and stood there afraid to move.

Sheng Zhiyan bowed his head, looked at the little girl in his arms, and asked, "Afraid of him?"

Xia An put his head on his neck and shoulders, trying to suppress a smile.

I couldn't control the force with my arms, and I hugged my neck tightly.

Xia An was about to die of laughter, she tried to suffocate, "Well, it's him!"

it's him! Hahahaha, his expression is too funny!

Sheng Zhiyan knew it.

This is not afraid at all.

He raised his head, looked at the evil spirit, and said lightly: "Go back."

The evil spirit breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, just let him go back.

Yeah! You can move!

The evil ghost ran back.

Halfway through, I realized that something was wrong, he was a demon, and he wanted to run back fiercely!

He immediately changed his appearance and ran back fiercely. Before leaving, he frightened Su Wan who was about to get up. Su Wan shuddered and fell back again.

Netizens are laughing crazy.

[Hahahahaha I'm going to be laughed to death by this evil spirit, change my face in seconds hahaha]

[In the beginning: the evil spirit roars! Encountered Sheng Zhiyan: Mom, come and save me! When running away: Wow wow I'm super fierce! Hahahaha laughed so hard at me. ]

The netizens laughed joyfully, and Su Wan's head was dumbfounded.

Why is Sheng Zhiyan here?

Still holding Xia An!

I'm so angry I'm so angry!

She is still so embarrassed!

There are so many netizens in Xia An's live broadcast room, so naturally I saw Su Wan, her embarrassed look, and showed it through the live broadcast in a 360-degree way with no dead ends.

Very embarrassed.

Su Wan's agent looked outside and was furious.

What happened to Su Wan this time! How to improve the style of such negative images!

A few days ago, fashion brands sent cooperation intentions. If she keeps on doing this, which fashion brand will look for her!

I really hate iron but not steel!

Look at Xia An, who is also a haunted house and is also chased by evil spirits. How can it be beautiful?

I'm really disappointed!

[Drips—The value of bad luck is subtracted by 20, leaving 817 remaining. ]

Xia An raised his eyebrows.

Bad luck value reduced?

Sure enough, Su Wan just threw the clothes over on purpose.

Fortunately, she responded quickly.

Su Wan is also self-inflicted.

Xia An gently scratched Sheng Zhiyan, and Sheng Zhiyan put her down.

Xia An raised his head and pretended that he was too anxious just now, and he didn't expect to throw him in his arms, "Brother Zhiyan, I was too scared just now."

Chong Sheng Zhiyan blinked.

Sheng Zhiyan smiled and lowered his head, "Really?"

The voice Su is dead.

The netizen just lost it.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ]

[Ah, ah, Mr. Sheng's looks, this figure, this voice, Xia An, I have reason to suspect that you did it on purpose! ]

[Ah ah ah ah, Xia An, don't want Li Jingqing, let's take a look at Mr. Sheng! ]

Xia An felt that Sheng Zhiyan was naughty again, but he could only continue acting, "Well, I'm too scared, don't get me wrong, Brother Zhiyan."

Sheng Zhiyan watched her acting, raised his eyelids, "What's the misunderstanding?"


Very rebellious.

Xia An knew that Sheng Zhiyan would rebel from time to time.

She avoided the camera and scratched him twice.

What are you doing, what are you doing! Why add drama to yourself again!

Sheng Zhiyan felt her little paws and hooked her lower lip, so she was not embarrassed.

The two walked to the next unit together.

Behind him, Su Wan was still sitting on the ground.

No, you guys, didn't you see her?

Just leave her behind?

Su Wan almost fainted.

Xia An enters the new unit, which is an ancient castle-style room with all kinds of weird paintings on the wall.

At first glance, it is the ghost of the West.

With Sheng Zhiyan as a cover, Xia An can relax and be bold.

Don't be so afraid of acting.

Suddenly, a figure ran out from behind a door, and flew towards Xia An in a hurry. Xia An looked up and saw that he was a vampire.

Netizens were scared to death.

[Ahhhh, go away! ]

[My mother is so sudden, it scares me to death! ]

[Ah, ah, ah, Xia An, jump into Mr. Sheng's arms! ]

[Ah, ah, why are you going to Xia An, what can Xia An do? ]

When it was said that it was too late, Xia An quickly took out a yellow symbol that had just been buckled from the corridor from his pocket, slapped it, and stuck it on the vampire's forehead.

The vampire was dumbfounded, "You, what did you do?"

Xia An didn't change her face and flickered: "Fu, you can't move."

Vampire: "But I am a ghost from the West."

Xia An continued to flicker: "Do as the customs of the countryside."

Because Mrs. Xia An is too serious, and the man next to her who looks reliable and serious also sees: "What she said is true."

The vampire dare not believe it.


That's it, it doesn't move anymore.

Netizens are laughing crazy.

Hahahaha, one dare to say, one dare to believe!