
Trash Game

..ll wh.. he would sl..p… 

…ke ..p….

Tuk. Tuk. 

Who the heck is banging my head? Now normal person can't even sleep on Sunday?

I was ready to pounce on whoever was bothering me and my sleep.

'Are you awake now?'


There wasn't anyone there. A holographic panel was floating in the air.

I was in my room before I fell asleep. I didn't even drink. 

Then why am I suffering from this hallucinations?

Hazy, disoriented, I stared at the celling. Fortunately, it wasn't white.

As I tried to sit up, I realized that my legs were numb and tingling. 

"Ouch," I groaned again, rubbing my temples in an attempt to ease the throbbing pain.

I started analyzing my surrounding area.

Inside a small unfamiliar room, just enough space for one person to live comfortably. It was sparsely furnished, with only the essentials needed for daily living.

A single bed with a plain white comforter and a small pillow. A small desk in one corner of the room, with a chair pushed up against it. On the desk, there was a lamp, a notebook, and a few pens and pencils.

The room had a small window, which let in a bit of natural light during the day. The window had a plain white shade that could be pulled down for privacy or to block out the sun.

'What the hell happened with me?' I tried to recall what happened before I slept. 

Like a magic, all memories of previous night surfaced again.

How I finished an eroge game after a week and left a highly negative review on the official site.

'Ah, that was satisfying.'

Unfortunately, I was summoned by the Goddess of Love, Venus - developer of the game. Although I tried to apologize to her, she said something like,

"Yeah. But it's okay. You don't have to apologize.

Let's talk about something else. Now I know that you have some problems with my game. Why don't you play the game one more time? But this time the game will be more realistic." 

'Is she some kind of Devil?'

'Who the hell throws someone into another world without their permission, it was like catching a ball and then throwing the ball.'


'And I was right about that review. Wasn't all of that fact? I think real facts hurt her.

She is not the Goddess of Love. She is just a succubus who plays with people's dreams. I curse her that she will be single forever. I don't know if my curse will have any effect on her, though. But isn't she single, even now?

I know that even though she looks young. She is just an old hag.' 

While I was venting on my pent up frustration, I heard that voice again.

►[You know, I can hear you.]

It was a familiar female voice. It was clear enough, but to me, it was like a loud alarm of danger.

'Shit. Did I just fucked up again?' 

►[Oh, I didn't know I was a devil and I have a succubus bloodline. I play with people's dreams. Eh? And I am just an old hag who will be single forever. Fufu…]

Even though her voice was sweet and gentle, there was some chill in her voice. 

'I am scared. Please save me, God.

God of Wisdom, I always believed in you. Please take me to my home.' I prayed desperately. After all, only a god could save me.

►[Eh? God of wisdom? That guy is just an observer maniac. He doesn't interfere with other people's matters.]

What about other Gods?

►[About other Gods? They are watching your performance now. It's live broadcasting, you know. ]


►[Oh, let me explain.

We all gods are kinda free, you know?

So this is just for entertainment. And you can thank God of entertainment. He did all the job of setting up this.]

'God of Entertainment, Thanks. I WILL REMEMBER YOU.'

►[Enough chitchat. Now let's talk about the main thing.

First, You should already know that this is not your world. You are in the game world of "Magic Academy". Now you are the protagonist of this game. 'Kevin'.]

"LOG OUT!!" I shouted on top of my lunges. 

►[Logout has been denied.] 

I couldn't help but keep staring at holographic window blankly.

►[Hahahaha… You wanted realistic characters instead of 2D ones, right? Be grateful, it's reality now.]

At that time, I felt how absurd the Gods can be. However, it was just starting.

►[Because of that, all the loopholes and plot holes will be filled. Do you know all gods worked hard together for that. You don't have to applaud for us, we will be happy to see you clearing the game.]

'What kind of psycho would applaud for you?'

Fortunately, Venus ignored my grumbling. 

►[Ah, so you might die for real, too. Therefore, try your best to not die. Tehe.]

"Wait. Wait. Wait.." I raised my eyebrows, "I might die? You are saying I might end up dying??'

►[Are you deaf or dumb? Or both? Don't you know people die when they are killed? It's normal.]

"People don't get kidnapped while sleeping and end up in game normally!"

►[You are saying it's my fault?]

I was little scared. But I knew that was chance!


Unfortunately, the game had just began.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Madwriter_2377creators' thoughts
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