
Isis Magic Academy

As the sun began to rise, the room started to lighten up. Kevin slowly opened his eyes and stretched his arms, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep.

''After living in the forest like a caveman. Now I know how comfortable this bed is."

He got out of bed and walked over to the window, pulling back the curtains to allow the sunlight to stream into the room.

The room was small but cozy, with a comfortable bed, a small table, and a chair. The walls were painted a light shade of blue, which gave the room a calm and soothing atmosphere.

After that, He went to the bathroom to freshen up, he took a quick shower and then got dressed.

After getting ready, he checked out of the inn. As usual, he was wearing a face mask and covered his head with a hood.

"I have to learn a camouflage spell or dye my hair and change my appearance. Moving around while putting a hood and mask on my face is making me suspicious."

Kevin decided to change his appearance to avoid being recognized. He headed to a nearby store and purchased black hair dye and contact lenses.

Once he had the items, he found a secluded alleyway to apply the hair dye and put in the contact lenses. Using magic, he dried his hair quickly.

With his new black hair and altered eye color, Kevin looked completely different.

He then put on a black mask that covered his lower face, as well as a black shirt and pants to complete his new look.

While this outfit might draw some attention but not as much as his real appearance.

'Okay. So I kept all my belongings in the subspace and tomorrow is the entrance exam. So let me first go to the Academy to check in.'

Yeah. You have to go the day before an exam to check in at Academy. Soon, Kevin arrived at the station.

Although he wanted to visit the Stormhold city, he was pressed for time, so decided to do it another day.

There were many people at the station. Many parents were saying goodbye to their children.

In the game, only Athena Knights Academy and Isis Magic Academy were mentioned.

But this is the real world, there are many other Academies and all of the Academies choose the same day for the entrance exam.

All Academies are interlinked by the education system.

So, although you fail in the entrance exam somewhere. You might be recommended to another Academy according to your results of the exam and after re-evaluation, you would be enrolled there.

The Academy course is about 4 years. In these four years, parents can't even enter the Academy grounds. So you can guess why they are parting now.

And why does Kevin know this? Even though that stupid goddess didn't mention this in the game. However he read all this stuff on the news and the Internet.

'Yeah, I thought there might be some new things in the world. I also searched about all the Main characters pretty much on the internet and they are the same as in the game. Still I don't know them personally. So it might be some different.'

Kevin boarded the train under the Isis Magic Academy's banner, which might look exaggerated. Like why does one Academy has its own whole train?

Well, for starters, you can say that it's one of the best academies with more than 1000 students attending the Academy.

Most of the rich kids and children of high-class families go here to study, so the resources allocated to it are justified.

The train that Kevin boarded was like something out of a science fiction world with magic.

The train was sleek and modern, with a design that looked like it was straight out of a high-end sci-fi movie.

The exterior of the train was made up of a material that seemed to shimmer and change colors in the light, making it appear almost alive.

As Kevin boarded the train, he was amazed by the interior. The seats were made of a soft material that seemed to mold to the shape of his body, providing maximum comfort for the long journey ahead.

The walls of the train were lined with screens that displayed images of stars and galaxies, creating an immersive and otherworldly experience.

As the train began to move, Kevin noticed that the windows were not made of glass, but rather some kind of transparent, magical material that allowed him to see the passing scenery in stunning detail.

He could see fantastical creatures and magical landscapes that he had only ever read about in books or seen in movies.

The train also had advanced features, like a holographic map that displayed the train's route and speed, and a virtual assistant that provided information about the various amenities available on the train.

Kevin felt like he was traveling in the future, even though he knew that this was a world where magic was just as prevalent as technology.

He was feeling good in this train, he felt that he was in some fantasy movie that he watched in his childhood.

But soon his thoughts were interrupted by a harsh reality.

Because the train had arrived at the Suncrest city where Isis Magic Academy lies.

'The train was pretty much faster than earth's trains and the interior design was also good. As expected.'

Kevin came out of the train and started walking towards the Academy. He knew that the Academy was just a few minutes' walk from the station, so he took his time enjoying the scenery along the way.

As he walked, he took in the sights and sounds of the surrounding area, marveling at the intricate architecture of the buildings and the beautiful gardens that adorned the path leading up to the entrance. Despite the distance, he arrived at the gate in no time and was met with a large crowd of people eagerly awaiting entry into the prestigious institution.

As he approached the gate, he could see that there were several magical barriers in place, making it clear that this was no ordinary gate. The barriers glowed with a faint blue light, and Kevin could feel the hum of magic in the air.

He saw a large sign with the words "Isis Magic Academy" emblazoned across it in shimmering gold letters on the gate.

A sense of excitement began to well up inside him. This was it - the beginning of a new chapter in his life.

The gate was very large. But it still looked crowded because there was too much crowd in front of the gate.

Although Kevin was one of the people who likes to travel around, watch new things, and meet new people. But he wasn't very fond of crowded places.

Yeah, all these people are here for the entrance exam.

Kevin made his way through the crowds, trying to keep his head down and avoid drawing too much attention to himself.

After so much hard work, Kevin was able to reach the entrance.

After showing his application form, Kevin slowly started walking around the Academy.

As he passed through the gate, he was struck by the sheer size and beauty of the Academy grounds. Towering spires and elegant buildings stretched out in every direction, surrounded by lush gardens and shimmering fountains. Students in colorful robes bustled about, chatting excitedly and pointing out various sights to one another.

Isis Academy.

One might wonder, what makes this Academy so special? Well, it has a rich history dating back to a time when humans began to realize the importance of education. As they built schools and small groups...

As time passed, the schools and groups grew in size and importance.

Then slowly this system got much smoother and a thousand years ago, one of the archmages established this Academy with help of the country. It quickly gained a reputation as one of the best magic schools in the world, with a rigorous curriculum and high standards for its students.

Then gradually other Academies were also established. But a thousand years of history is not to be underestimated. You can see the background of the Academy.

Over the centuries, the Academy has produced countless accomplished mages and scholars, many of whom have gone on to become leaders in their fields.

Today, it continues to attract the brightest and most talented young people from all over the world, eager to learn and master the magic.

However this Academy will be attacked more times in these four years than it was attacked in the last 100 years.

Yeah, stupid plot hole and because of this Kevin has to become strong.

According to the rules of the Academy, each examinee is assigned a small room measuring 2 × 2 × 2 meters. However, this space is only provided for a single day and many people find it too cramped to be comfortable.

As a result, some individuals end up wandering around in search of a more spacious area to relax in.

However, Kevin was quite familiar with the layout of the Academy and was determined to avoid bumping into anyone he deemed foolish.

Consequently, he opted to spend his time resting in temporary accommodations allocated to him.

He did not have any concerns.

There was no need for him to verify anything, such as the exam classrooms or his assigned seat number. He would simply receive a notification on his registered number.

'It was a good choice to change my appearance before the exam. There is zero chance of them knowing my appearance.

Even if they try to investigate me. All they will know is shit. Because the orphanage had been closed already one year ago. Yeah, one more plot hole.'

In the game, the reason wasn't mentioned. If someone has these much holes, their clothes might become fishnets.

It's also one of the reasons that Kevin wants to know about MC's past. Furthermore, it would be too much trouble if some annoying thing popped up and he is 100% sure that gods would have messed up MC's past.

For now, he can't do anything. He has to wait for some time. After gaining some strength, he can start investigation about it.

Kevin was quite bored in his room. So he started reading books to review the content for tomorrow's exam and practice mana control.

After some time, a sudden sound interrupted him and he dropped his book.


[A Random Task generated.]

[Task: MC should be smart.

Rank in the top 20 among students in writing exams.

Reward: 100 god coins

Penalty: None.]

'Huh?' Kevin surprised by the sudden sound.

'Doesn't these people have manners? You should inform someone first before disturbing them like this.' Although Kevin wanted to give some lecture about mannerism, he stopped himself. Because he was curious about content of the notifications.

'So finally the System, or should I say gods gave me a task?'

Soon Kevin read the task. There was small smile on his face.

'Although I wanted to score good at writing exam. Hell, I can even score a perfect score in it.

But it would be too weird. Like how a commoner got first place. It would sure piss off some Nobles.'

Yeah, this happened in easy mode, where Kevin was the chief student of Freshman year.

Because of that many nobles felt angered, he was challenged by them. But with plot armor and strength he quickly beat them. Although, it might be a good chance for Kevin to get attention from heroines

However at this moment he is too weak. He will be beaten to the core if he scored perfect marks.

Because of that Kevin decided that he won't score perfect score or rank 1. If he scores more than 85, he can easily enter in the top 20 for written exams.

He will also get some God Coins for completing the task. There might be some good stuff. After that, Kevin again started reading books.

While Kevin was reading books and practicing mana control, a day passed.

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