
I Became Konoha Jounin From the Start..

The story starts with a guy transmigrating into body a Konoha jounin Kitamura Aoki about a year before Naruto's graduation. Well he has a system which will give him amazing rewards and a Shop from which he can buy almost everything. So he is destined to become powerful. Let's see how his presence affects the storyline.

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 10

Konoha was a large village but only a handful good blacksmiths lived here. That profession was more adapted in the Land of Iron.

I wanted a good sword badly but Land of Iron was too far. So I searched through Aoki's memories and found a shop which may be a good one.

Right now I was standing in front of a shop called Tanaka Weapons Shop. It looked shabby and was located in the outskirts of the village but many shinobi were regular customers of this shop.

I planned to visit Tenten's shop but decided to check this one out first because this shop was famous for their katana in particular.

The reason behind my decision was naturaly the unparalleled sword talent which I got from the system. That shit was really great.

It felt like I was born to weild a sword. Yesterday, I checked at the training ground and confirmed the amazing talent.

All jounin had mastered the art of chakra flow to some extent. Basically strengthening their weapons with chakra for some time to achieve greater power.

I dont know the logic but after getting the talent , I seemed to have developed an instinct for this art.

When I wanted to throw a kunai strengthened with chakra , somehow my body knew the right allocation of strength , the right movement of my arm and the right amount of chakra.

I just casually threw a kunai at a tree and it literally pierced through its trunk like it was cotton. I was amazed because of the precise mark my kunai left on the trunk. It was sharp one with the sheer of my kunai's spearhead but the rest of the tree was totally fine.

This act was definitely not normal because before I destroyed the tree everytime during training. In the past even the kunai would be damaged because it did not contain chakra metal. But now even the kunai was barely damaged. This meant that the allocation of strength and chakra was near perfect.

The possibilities ran through my mind but I was sure of one fact that I definitely needed a good sword which contained good amount of chakra metal. The sharpness and power behind my attacks would be unimaginable.

A weapon like sword and kunai was made for piercing power and my sword talent seem to perfectly accomplish that. So it would be foolish to not use my talent.

I even had natural wind affinity and had masterd wind natural transformation to great extent. So I could add wind chakra to my attacks to further increase the piercing power. Then I could definitely even fight elite jonin class ninja because I could use my attacks as long as I had chakra inside my body.

The scene from when Madara split mountain using his susanoo's sword came to my mind and I could not help but shiver from excitement because if I trained in the way of sword , I could definitely do the same feat with less chakra and more precision. When that time came , I could fight with the likes of Hashirama. Why wouldn't I be excited ?

For now I wanted a good sword to start practicing as I could always get a better one in the future like a Kusanagi sword for example which seemed to be of highest quality in this world.

I checked the system shop and found many sword training manuals and even swords of highest quality. But it would take me a while to gather the required shop points to buy them.

Thus I wanted a good sword even more because I could then use my new weapon to complete the missions more easily and quickly thus earning shop points faster.

There was a particular manual which I wanted to buy from system shop. It was called the Sword of Basics. The name sounded normal but I read the description and was instantly attracted to it.

There were no mention of flashy sword moves in the description but the levels of mastery in the art of swordsmanship.

Basic Sword Mastery

Breath of All things

Flying Slash

Sword master

Sword Grandmaster

This manual was cheap with the price of just 1000 shop points and would be extremely helpful to me who wanted to learn the basics and practice them to perfection with my unparalleled talent.

The shop had some amazing techniques from other anime too like Rokushi from One Piece. I really wanted that manual too but it would take time as it cost 5000 shop points.

The cheapest sword in the system shop which could conduct chakra was priced at 10,000 points so I had decided forget them for now.

Right now my goal was to buy a good sword from this Tanaka shop and then earn enough points to buy Sword of Basics from system.


I had been looking around at the rows of weapons inside the Tanaka shop and was impressed with the quality.

Aside from kunai , shuriken and few of other types of weapons like kusarigama , the shop displayed only either tanto ( short sword ) or Japanese katana which I had seen many times in other anime.

My sword talent gave me another useful ability which was that I could feel the quality of swords at one glance. All of them here gave a good vibe.

?? - A new customer huh..

I turned to my right side and saw the owner of this shop whose name was Tanaka and he seemed to have named the shop after his own name. That was called confidence.

Tanaka was not that handsome but he sure gave off a wild feeling because of the scars on his face. Especially the long one which continued from his left cheek till half of his neck vertically.

Me - Yes. My name is Aoki. Tanaka san , I can tell that all the swords are of good quality. I'm looking for one which has good amount of chakra metal. Can you recommend one to me?

I got straight to the point as other talks were pointless.

Tanaka - How rare these days. I have opened this humble shop in Konoha for a decade now but had only sixteen customers who bought swords from here. I can tell from your muscles that you have some experience in the way of sword. How about this? You can try the ones I provide you and choose the one which suits you the best.

Me - That's good with me. Let's start already.

The suggestion suited well with me as I was eager to weild a sword. Haha.. maybe this was a side effect of the talent from system.

Tanaka - Eager aren't we.. Haha.. alright follow me..

I did not say anything else and started following him. He chose some katana on the way towards the back but two of the katana displayed in the back room really piqued my interest so I could not help but halt and eagerly stare at them..

I was absorbed so did not notice the amused and slightly shocked expression of Tanaka who had also stopped and was standing at my right side silently.