
I Became Invincible Too Easily

In the underworld where secret and extremely dangerous forces and organizations operate, there is a legend of the most dangerous member of the black organization, who controls half of the world without anyone knowing. This mysterious figure is called Spyritus, but contrary to rumors, he was just a boy hiding an even more incredible secret. Read what will happen in his incredible life, and how he will become stronger. - [I do not own the rights to commonly used phrases and characters, except for the protagonist of the fanfiction.]

DaoisthjLX4f · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Helping an Old Man

Suddenly discovering that on the road ahead there was a large group of people crowding on the roadside of the park, while surrounding an old man who was clearly ill but no one helped him, in fact, some gangsters even took his medicine.

Shikami could have stopped in surprise, he could immediately hear the sounds of discussions of passers-by surrounding the old man.

Among these there were many who wanted to help the old man but did not dare for fear that it was a scam.

A middle-aged woman approached and tried to help him "this old man looks so old and he also seems quite pitiful!" But just as he moved, another discordant voice came

A bald man stepped forward to stop the woman, while saying in a sour tone " tsk. He seems like a pitiful old man, but nowadays who dares to help and thus do a good deed, only to be cheated or accused for a fake accident from which you will have to pay treatment costs?. It's definitely a scam."

Hearing his opinion, most people secretly nodded, because in cities like New York there had been many cases like these, and only 10% were true.

Another passerby who witnessed the scene said, recounting a past experience of her own, "right, there have been so many scammers who pretend to be pitiful and vulnerable these days, and once you give them a hand, they will grab you tightly so as not to leave you." go.

They will accuse you with an excuse such as having made them fall and thus sprain their foot, or they will threaten you with the excuse that they are old and therefore more pitiful, and they will not stop until you give them money"

So by replying and clarifying that it might be a scam, they let the gangster holding the medicine get away with it, while another person started talking.

"Everyone must refrain from helping this old man try to deceive and cheat. Some time ago I was on the street, when I saw an old man who was lying like him, at first I felt sorry for him and so I helped him.

But I didn't expect that just when I was about to help him, he took my hand and slammed it against his stomach and then screamed in pain and told everyone that it was me.

In the end I had to give him a thousand dollars that I had saved to take a trip for the summer, to make sure the public doesn't accuse me unfairly"

Everyone could only pity the man I'm talking to, while another person said "ahh... it's not that the elderly nowadays are cowardly and cunning like foxes, but rather it's the swindlers who have all grown old.

Guys, it's better not to help him so you don't risk it being a scam and having to pay the money."

Shikami who heard their conversation, got a clear idea of ​​what had happened, and I think the old man probably wasn't pretending, because the medicine the gangster was taking was for heart failure or heart attack.

However, it was very clear that nowadays, no one would come forward to help an elderly person in difficulty, but perhaps only young people who were still pure and not corrupted by society.

So he could see that no one dared to approach the old man who was still trying to get up to take back the medicine, while the bystanders looked at him without feeling guilty or pity.

With disappointment growing at how they treated an elderly old man, he pushed his way through the crowd of people to get to the front of the scene. He could see that the old man's face was now completely pale, while it seemed that he was only one step away from death.

You could hear and see that he seemed to be having difficulty breathing, as his old body began to convulse incessantly, but with his last bit of strength, he made one last attempt to get his medicine back, but even so he couldn't, because the gangster just put inpocket while laughing in his face.

Shocked to see such an atrocious scene, he immediately stepped forward and so with a sprint, he gave a good kick to the gangster and then chased the flight restaurant, and then bent down and took the medicine that was in the pocket of the unconscious gangster.

Then he ran to the old man to then put the medicine and make him take the water which he took from a civilian among the many people.

The old man felt that someone had helped him, but by then it was too late to take the medicine, because he had now reached a state of no return.

The surrounding crowd started making the video and insinuating that it was a scam or something, but slowly they saw that the old man didn't seem to move anymore, they realized that maybe it wasn't a setup.

Shikami who realized that the situation was worsening, decided to use his knowledge and skills to save the old man. It was so that everyone could see him raise his hands and then cut down each finger in various points of the body.

As he repeated the extended action more than ten times, the crowd was wondering what he was doing.

"Isn't it better to call the ambulance?"

"ignore him, maybe he's an accomplice of the old man"

Many rumors that were both positive and negative spread, but after a few moments they could see a miracle, because the old man who had been immobile until a moment ago, was now recovering.

His face which had been pale, had now returned to normal, as he could be seen waking up.

Looking around in confusion for a few seconds and then remembering what had happened, I look at Shikami with gratitude and extreme respect for saving him among the many people who had ignored him.

He told him "thank you, young hero. If it weren't for your sudden intervention, I would be dead by now, while those scoundrels would have criticized me even after my death, thinking that I was just a swindler!"

He was clearly very happy for Shikami's help, but he was also extremely disappointed and angry at the behavior of the bystanders.

Shikami who saw him recover, helped him get up and then calmly told him "there is no need to say thank you. Even if you are right about the fact that nowadays everyone is insensitive and too imaginative, but not everyone is like them"

Being helped and hearing what he said, the old man was very surprised and happy to discover that there were still people with good souls and a strong sense of justice.

But too bad, because he didn't know that Shikami was a bad guy who killed many people in his life, but even so there was no denying that he was also kind and good.

The old man who got up with his help, and then introduced himself so that only Shikami could hear "my name is Steven White, one of the ten great sects of the lakes and river.

Boy, I am very grateful to you for saving my life and for this I want to help you increase your strength and thus reach new heights that no one can reach or wish for in their entire life"

Steven began to tell him that in world society, there were people who could be stronger thanks to the practice and help of elixirs, and he was the Sect leader of one of the Ten strongest in the world.

He told him that he would give him the resources and complete support of the entire sect to help him become stronger, and only because he saved his life.

I say that there were five degrees of strength among cultivators, and it starts from (Innate - Master - Grand Master - Myth - Legend)

He told him that there were four small processes before someone could overcome and thus reach a new level of strength, and it was from (Low - Medium - High - Peak)

Each of which requires the cultivation of Qi in order to move to the next level, and was divided by (1 Year of Qi = Innate - 5 Years of Qi = Master - 10 Years of Qi = Grand Master - ?? Years of Qi = Myth - ?? Years of Qi = Master )

Steven told him that until now no one had ever managed to surpass the Myth, and therefore he did not know how much Qi was needed or if there was a fundamental requirement to achieve such a feat.

Finishing telling him everything he wanted to tell him, Shikami told him that he couldn't follow him to accept the Reward for the help given to him, because he was currently busy with the mission given to him by the Boss.

But she told him that she would contact him again and so they exchanged their phone numbers, then Shikami left him because he wanted to relax for at least this day.

Steven, who was now alone, as the bystanders had now left in shame, decided to return home.

His house was located in a hidden place in New York, and it was even bigger compared to that of Lin Fan and his father, because his entire genealogy lived there and thus forming an entire family of over one hundred members.

Of course in modern society it would be very strange, but for the sects and cultivators it was a very normal thing, because they were a family and also cultivators.

At this time, Steven successfully returned to his home and then called a reunion among his immediate family which consisted of (1 son - 2 daughters - 2 granddaughters - 1 nephew - 1 wife).

Each nephew was now an adult and therefore they could participate in the meeting. After being called by their patriarch, they went without hesitation to the great hall where the meeting would be held.

The only Son and also next in line for the Seat of patriarch arrived first, followed by his sisters and nieces, as well as his only daughter and family jewel.

The son named Adam came forward and asked in a respectful tone, "Father, why did you call a meeting?"

Steven looked at his son and said enigmatically "do you know what happened today?"

Adam was surprised by the sudden question asked by his father, but still answered with uncertainty "didn't you go walking in the park?"

Everyone except Steven did not understand the reason for this meeting, much less these questions, but they were enlightened by the answer of their father and grandfather.

"I won't go on and on. When I was in the park I had a heart attack, and if it hadn't been for a heroic boy, I wouldn't be here talking to you. I've decided that I will help him become stronger with all the resources of the sect and the our family as a thank you

And I want one of my three nephews to help him in his cultivation and protect him from danger, at least until he becomes strong enough to defend himself, and as a reward I will give you access to the treasure room and you can take any object "

When they heard that he had a heart attack, they were immediately worried and worried about him, but hearing his next words, they were surprised.

None of those present were ungrateful and so there were no objections, but the question still remained as to which of the three grandchildren should go to help and protect Shikami, but surprisingly it was the Daughter of Adam who volunteered.

He said "if the person who saved grandfather, then I will help him become stronger and also protect him, because I know that grandfather would not give all this help to someone who was not worthy of it"

Steven was very moved and so I entrusted the mission to him.

End of Episode 20