
I Became Her

Normal life become not normal. And a love story of the forgotten past.

bubble_tea05 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

I Became Her

" That jar is...." Cactus said but cannot continue. " Medicine you say? Is it herbal?" one official is asking. The poison tester who is holding the jar put the opening of the jar under his nostrils to smell it. " Yes ." he answer. " Only one person dare to give an herbal medicine to his highness, and that is the queen. " one official said. " Please hear our plea , your highness. The queen dare to poison you in front of your peopke. If you will ignore this your highness , I am afraid that our kingdom is just a joke to her. Doing what she wants and now putting your life in danger. " one of the official said. " Your highness, some people are complaining outside the palace . " one of the personal guard come while running. " What happened? " Cactus ask. " They are saying that the herbal medicine that her highness is giving makes them sick that they are vomitting . " the personal guard said. " Bring those people to check by the doctor and make sure for them to be quiet about it . " Blake said. " Your highness, what is your decision? " one official ask while smiling secretly. Blake close his eyes and make a deep sigh. " Wait until tomorrow. The safety of the people and mine is the priority for now . " he said. The five officials bow down and take their leave.

" Your higness, I am not in a place to say this but , her highness in not kind of person. " Cactus said. " I personally received the medicine with honey that Flora gave it to me and I can assure you that it is not poisoned. Please your highness, have a second thought about it. " he said. " If I will not do anything about her then those people who wants to harm her will sure find another way to make everything hard for her. Whatever she will do , she is already cornered. " Blake said.

" Did you already send the letter for the general of the elite soldiers in the opposite kingdom? " Ben ask the young king. " Of course. " young king Sven is now enjoying his tea. " With my sister's stubborn personality, I do not know how she will take her situation right now. " young king Sven is sighing. " Your highness, your sister needs to grow up and learn. It is part of one's life to experience hardships. " Ben said. " Only your words can make my mind at ease.... " the young king said.

Daniella is now in the prison with Flora . It is the middle of the night when concubine Wella came alone. " Enjoying the night are we? " she said in a mocking tone. Daniella ignore her. " That arrogant expression of yours because of your father who spoil you will be gone tomorrow. " Wella said while smiling. Daniella see her dangerously when she talk about her father. " Your father died because of Blake but you are still here to seduce him. Are you that shameless? " Wella said. " Or, are you in love with your father's murderer that is why you cannot leave him?" Wella is now in a high pitch tone. " I cannot blame you , he also stole my heart. But what a shame , because there is only one person in his heart and that is Sofia. " She said. " I will tell you one little secret.... " she continue to talk. " I killed her.... Sofia... she don't want to go and stop your wedding! She is sooo good that it makes me irritated. She is just one of the pawn, but how dare she act like an important person? " Wella said in dramatic way. Daniella smile and laugh a little bit. " You are so freaking miserable and jealous! " she said in disgust. " I have too much secret that I wanted to share but.... your face makes me so exciting to destroy it . " Wella giggle.

Wella is suppose to get the hot iron that is use to torture the suspects by the soldiers . " What are you doing here? " Blake said from behind her. The left eyebrow of Wella went up " I am interrogating her. " she said. " It is not your job to interrogate her. " Blake coldly scolds her. Wella pass beside him to go out of the prison with a irritating look.

Blake is with Cactus who is holding a food for Flora who is snoring while sleeping and for Daniella. The clean and straight hair of Daniella is now in messy state, her cheeks have a scratch and her face is now dirty. It seems that she see how he look her with pity. " Do not look me with that pitiful look, treat me like the way you used to treat me. Cold , anger and hatred. " she said while putting down her gaze. Daniella is now hugging her legs because she is sitting in a hook position. Cactus get near her and put the basket full of bread and milk near her. " I am not hungry . " she said. " Are you still going to argue with that stubborn attitude of yours? " Blake said. Daniella keep quiet.

" You need to stop doing medecine after what happened. " Blake said. " I will not! " Daniella stand up and go beside the iron bar. Blake close his eyes to control his emotions. " If you want me to save you , you need to stop doing medecine. " he said calmly even after she reacted violently. " I do not poison anyone! And I will never so it ! " she said defending herself. " But do you have evidence that it is not you?! Who give the people to drink medecine?! It was you! As clear as the sun ! The people can testify! " Blake shout.

After Cactus leave the bread he go out to wait for Blake and give them privacy. " Someone wants to frame me. I don't know who! But I know, I know I am framed! " she said. " Then who? There is no other villain here except you. From the moment you married me , you are always the villain. " Blake said. Daniella is now crying " Making medicine is the thing that I love the most. If you remove it from me then my identity as me will no longer me. You are removing my identity as me! " she said. " You can do other things like you use to do ? " Blake said in confusion because she see her as if making medecine is her world. " You know nothing! You ask me before if I trust you? Well the answer is no! In this world, I don't trust anyone except my father whom you have killed. Telling me to stop making medecine is telling me to die! " She said . " Now you need to kill me first before I stop making medecine. " she continues. " Why are you so hard to break? You are guarded around me , when can I enter into your zone so that you can trust me? " Blake ask in agony. " Your father killed my sister twice..." she thought.

Daniella realize that it was a trap when she see Blake removing the sword from her father's heart, but she don't know whom to blame for his death , that is why she put all her anger to Blake. Coming from other world, she is not that dense not to sense something is not right about everything.

Daniella remembered everything when the blood of king Sven , his father's warm blood flowed in her hands that day, after she hug his bloody body before he died. Her memories when she was six years old as Layla here in this world came back to her. The night when she lost her sister Lyka and the face of the man who is one of the assassins. It is king Fernan. " I am Daniella in the other world and she is Layla in this world, she is me and I became her. " she thought.

" Why are you even trying to keep me here? Why are you even trying to save me now? You are just making everything complicated. " Daniella said. " I --- " Blake cannot tell what he want. " It is not the time yet..." he thought. " It is better for you to rest first , let us see each other in the morning. " he said and turn his back to her. " Your goodness means nothing to me now Blake , you hate me and I hate you to the core. Seeing you today , alive and well. Seeing you well and alive is the evidence of what happened fourteen years ago. Who are the people behind king Fernan? Do you know them too? Are they now helping you too? Am I safe ? Is my brother safe? " Daniella thought. " How dare you take away the thing that define me. Being a pharmacist is my dream , and making medicine is the thing that I only want to do in the other world, it reminds me of it, me as Daniella . " she thought.

" Queen Layla poisoned the king! What more punishment could it be but death!" one of the investigator said. " Not only the king, but harming the people of the kingdom! " one of the official said. The crowd is getting noisier than before. " Because she is not from here! She is the daughter of the terror king!" one from the crowd said. " This is not the first time that she have killed with poison, remember she have killed someone before with it. But what happened today is considered mass killing , if not because of our king who ordered the doctors of the kingdom to heal those who drink the medicine with poison, then they cannot survive. And the queen tried to murder the king. " one of the official said. " It is punishable by death indeed, and no questions needed. It is only that she is the queen that is why she is having such a trial as her privelege. " one of the investigator said.

" As you said , she is a queen with previlege. And remember her contribution to our kingdom. I cannot remove all the public killing she have done in the past and I am agree that death will be her punishment. " Blake said. " But... it is better to let her alive for her to suffer slowly isn't it? ... But this time, with no title, not a concubine nor a queen. But a slave. " he announce. The crowd become silent, then a debate can be heard. " Hmmm... thinking it. It is not bad , let her feel how to suffer. It is like killing her slowly. " one of the official said. " Maybe one day she will kill herself hahaha! " one said with a happy tone. " The king is smart! We shall do what the king's wish. " one official said.

Daniella is sent to the lowest rank of the servant, they are the one who is doing the laundry for all the royal family and concubines. Since Flora have experience in serving , she is sent to serve concubine Sofie. " Doing laundry is difficult in this world. " she thought while rubbing the clothes to the rock the river. Then a piece of cloth accidentally went into the river , she can no longer reach it. The lady who is managing them see this and punish Daniella. " That useless hand of yours !!! Killing people by using medecine! " the lady is whipping her palm with a thin stick. Daniella close her eyes as she feel the hot sensation in her palm of getting whipped. It is not just scratch but a cut, and a blood is coming out from it. But Daniella did not say anything nor avoid her punishment. The lady who is in charge did not even give her a food and still punish her to stay out at night even if it is cold. She is now blowing her palms and sitting in the kitchen, like a thief to get a leftover food. Everbody is sleeping and she is busy chewing in the kitchen when Blake enters it. "Enjoying your food alone? " he said. Daniella roll her eyes and continue to eat. "Why did you not ask for help? I can send you food if you want to. " he said. " Save your pitiful eyes to other people. If you really want to help me, tell your personal guard to stop following me secretly. " she said.