
I became Esdeath's disciple. (MULTIVERSE).

This is the story of a boy name senshi. He reincarnated in the world of akame ga kill with a system, but like other reincarnators he had never watched any anime or manga in his whole life. Therefore he do not know the plot and future of the world he goes at all. follow his journey on different anime worlds where he will change the plots and increase his harem. NOTE:- I am writing this as my first FANFIC for the purpose of practice for my original novel for which I have two three ideas right now. starting chapters may be short. english should not be a problem even though it is not my first language ,just bad at commas and stuff a little, bear with it for a while. UPDATES :- 5-6 TIMES A WEEK FIRST WORLD- Akame ga kill. SECOND WORLD - Attack on titan. third -??.

blabbermouth · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


In a very high building, in the business district of central tokyo, which can only be called as luxurious by any standards. A man was working.

The appearance of this man can be described as stunning whether it was his tall built, flexing muscles which were not bulk but compact and firm and his facial features sharp jawline, thick eyebrows, black hair as smooth as silk and his eyes just like an abyss that can attract anyone's attention which were glowing under the lights in the place. But even with such facial features there was a sharp frown on his forehead and wrinkled eyebrows like he was working on something very important.

Suddendly as if he got an idea he began typing faster and faster until his work was done. As soon as it was done a soft sigh of relief released from his mouth and a small smile could be seen on his lips. It was a smile any women in the world would want to be on the receiving end of the smile, even getting to see it would be a dream come true for many but unfortunately he was alone in this place.

After stretching for a bit the man moved from his chair and immediately opened his mouth and what flowed out was a deep manly voice which was full of satisfaction.

"Finally I can have a break".

This right here is the main character of our novel, his name is senshi, and he does not have a last family name as he was an orphan he was never had a family name and after growing up he refused to take any as he did everything in life alone without any support other than the orphanage he grew up in to which he till date made a regular donation .

His personality was just like his name he was a true warrior no matter how difficult life gave him the situations he just beloved that "when life gives you lemon make lemonade" Although sounds a little unrealistic but according to him it can be done with enough perseverance.

Senshi was one of the richest man in Japan right now and had many companies under him as due to which he had never taken a break in life and had just lived a life like a machine but after today that will be no more , as he had just finished a big project now he can finally enjoy life a little and the first thing he decided to do was.

"Let's watch an anime".

Now that his work for the next big project has been finished, he has some free time to do something that he wanted to do for a long time.

He had been curious about the ever growing industry of the anime in world and had finally gotten a chance to witness for himself what it was like. Now there was only one problem.

"Which anime should I start with... Hmm i remember a poster i saw not long ago of a anime what was it's name.... Oh right it was Akame ga kill,yes that. Great name".

And there was also a very beautiful girl's picture on the poster esdeath haa.. I mean she was just damm hot cough cough I mean that anime must have a good story.

Not wasting any more time the boy rushed out of office to the parking lot where his Mercedes Benz c-class was parked he quickly drove it to his mansion. After which he went to his room , took a shower and decided to watch it no his large T.V. with home theater system.

Just as he switched on the T. V. There was a mechanical voice that came from the T. V.


He was really scared.

He asked "who was that "

. .

No answer came.

And suddenly the power went off, no actually it was like I'm inside of a cave or something, as there was literally darkness there and no sound could be heard only silence greated him.

He shouted on top of lungs "wh-what k-kind of prank is this,if you think this is enough to scare me then you are wrong . Security SECURITY SECURITY"

But well no one came not even a single voice, than abrublty he felt a bad sense of forbearing as in the silence there was not even a single sound not even that of my heartbeat.

"Di-did i die... No I haven't even begin to live a leasurely life why JUST WHY"

Suddenly he felt pain in the head but he was happy as pain can only be felt by someone who is alive but he got happy a little to early as the pain just reached a whole new level that he gritted his teeth so hard that he thought they would just crush each other. When suddenly the Headache stopped and he could feel himself again and slowly tried to open his eyes.

And man he was exhausted as even he didn't know how long he had to endure that kind of pain as even seconds felt like hours at the time of that brain splitting headache but finally it was all over, now the question was what's happening,after he opened his eyes he was shocked again.

He was not in my room but a wodden room that seemed a little worn off and old but he was not in the mind to think about it as slowly sleep took over him but before he closed eyes it fell on his hands.

"Mmm why are my hands so small and....soaked in blood "

And why did my voice seemed to be a little different .This was the last thought after which he completely collapsed.