
Stage 77: Battle Pt1

The general's voice, a thunderous command, sliced through the soldiers' momentary stupor like a whip cracking the air. "What in the blazes are you lot gawking at?! Get them!" Fear transformed into frenzied action as they surged forward, driven by the urgency of their leader's words.

"Looks like I can't let you have all the fun," Zeyu retorted with a cocky grin, his response a direct challenge to the general's command. "Let me show you what I can do."

Locking onto the soldiers who had recently renewed their spirits, Zeyu charged toward the onslaught. His massive ax cleaved through the ranks of soldiers with a dramatic flair that seemed almost choreographed.

As the first soldier lunged at him, Zeyu spun gracefully, the ax's deadly arc describing an intricate pattern of doom. It crashed against the soldier's shield with a bone-jarring impact, sending the enemy sprawling.