
I became an OP cultivator in a world full of abilities

Ahmed_Dazumi · Fantasy
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15 Chs

chapter 10: journey to the unknown part 3

As the drones soared through the crimson skies of the rogue planet, the holographic displays relayed a disconcerting reality. The barren landscape below, once thought to be desolate, was now teeming with life—monstrous entities of varying power levels that defied the classifications known to humanity.

My eyes widened as the data streamed in, revealing the presence of Apex, Elite, and even Master-ranked monsters scattered across the red zone. The very term "red zone" resonated with an ominous weight, signifying the highest degree of danger and threat level. It was a stark realization that this planet, initially believed to hold potential discoveries, had become an inhospitable realm dominated by formidable adversaries.

Me:This is beyond anything we anticipated

I muttered, my voice laced with a mix of shock and concern. The holographic display flickered, showing the grotesque silhouettes of the monstrous inhabitants lurking below. The Apex-level creatures, their immense power evident even from the aerial perspective, roamed freely, asserting their dominance over the desolate landscape.

The team members, observing the live feed from the drones, exchanged uneasy glances. The seasoned warriors who had faced the colossal beast in the ruins now confronted a harsher truth—the rogue planet was a red zone, a realm where humanity's understanding of power and threat levels was put to the ultimate test.

The telekinetic specialist, his brow furrowed, spoke up,

Telekinetic specialist:I've never seen such diversity and concentration of powerful entities. It's as if the planet itself is a breeding ground for apex predators.

The mercenary with the precision rifle adjusted the settings on his weapon, his gaze fixed on the holographic display.

Rifle mercenary:We need to tread carefully. These monsters are on a different level. It's not just about survival; it's about navigating a hostile ecosystem.

The leader, his expression stoic, assessed the situation with a tactical mindset.

Leader:our priority is to gather data and determine the extent of the threat. We can't afford to underestimate the capabilities of these creatures. The World Colony Protection Association needs this information.

As the drones continued their reconnaissance, capturing footage of monstrous entities engaged in territorial disputes and displays of raw power, a sense of foreboding settled over the team. The once-promising exploration had transformed into a perilous mission to understand and navigate a red zone teeming with unimaginable dangers.

I relayed the findings to the team, emphasizing the need for caution and strategic planning.

Me:Our discoveries here will redefine our understanding of extraterrestrial life. However, we must approach this with the utmost care. The monsters on this planet are unlike anything we've encountered before.

The holographic display highlighted specific locations where the concentration of powerful entities was particularly high.

Me:we'll need to establish safe zones for further exploration. Our survival hinges on adapting to the dynamics of this red zone and making informed decisions based on the data we collect.

As the team absorbed the gravity of the situation, the echoes of distant roars from the monstrous inhabitants reverberated through the holographic chamber.

The holographic screen flickered to life as I initiated a communication link with Seline. The transmission relayed the ambient sounds of the camp—the low hum of machinery, occasional echoes of distant roars, and the palpable tension that permeated the air.

Me:Seline, you won't believe what we've discovered on this rogue planet

I began, my voice carrying a mixture of urgency and disbelief.

Me:It's a red zone, and the monsters here are on an entirely different level. Apex, Elite, Master-ranked—they're all over the place. This is beyond anything we anticipated.

Seline's image materialized on the holographic display, her expression a reflection of curiosity and concern.

Seline:orion, slow down. What do you mean by a red zone? And those monster classifications... are you serious?

I nodded solemnly.

Me:Yes, a red zone. It signifies the highest threat level. The planet is practically a breeding ground for monstrous entities, and their power levels are unprecedented. We're dealing with an ecosystem of apex predators.

Her eyes widened with a mix of astonishment and worry.

Seline:apex predators? This wasn't part of the initial assessment. How did this happen?

I took a deep breath before recounting the events that led to the revelation of the planet's perilous nature—the encounter with the colossal beast in the ruins, the subsequent drone reconnaissance, and the realization that the red zone was not just a classification but a harsh reality.

Seline listened attentively, her features shifting between disbelief and comprehension.

Seline:So, the promising exploration turned into a hazardous mission. What's the plan now?

Me:Our priority is to gather data and establish safe zones for exploration

I explained.

Me:We need to understand the behaviors, territories, and interactions of these monsters. It's a delicate balance between advancing our knowledge and ensuring our survival in this unpredictable environment.

Seline nodded thoughtfully.

Seline:I can't believe the risks you're facing. This changes everything, Orion. We need to coordinate with the World Colony Protection Association, share our findings, and devise a strategy for dealing with this unprecedented threat.

Me:That's exactly what I was thinking

I replied.

Me:I'll send them a detailed report, and we'll need their expertise to navigate this red zone. Humanity has encountered challenges before, but this... it's unlike anything we've ever faced.

As the conversation continued, Seline and I delved into the implications of the discovery, discussing the potential impact on future explorations and the broader understanding of extraterrestrial life.

As the holographic communication persisted, I couldn't shake the weight of the reality we faced on the rogue planet. A heavy sigh escaped me, and I gazed into the holographic screen with a mix of contemplation and weariness.

"Seline," I began, my voice carrying a touch of vulnerability,

Me:it feels like we've been sent into the unknown, and I can't shake this ominous feeling. The red zone, the monsters—it's as if every step we take could lead us closer to our own demise.

Seline's expression softened, mirroring a shared sense of concern.

Seline:Orion, the risks are undeniable, and the unknowns are daunting. But you're not alone in this. We're a team, and we'll navigate through these challenges together. The discoveries you're making, though perilous, have the potential to reshape our understanding of the universe.

I nodded, appreciating her reassurance.

Me:I know, Seline. It's just that the unpredictability of this environment, the sheer power of these creatures... it's overwhelming. We're dealing with forces beyond our comprehension.

Her eyes reflected empathy as she responded,

Seline:it's natural to feel overwhelmed. Facing the unknown always comes with uncertainty and fear. But think about what you've achieved already—the quantum resonance scanner, your breakthroughs. You're on the forefront of uncovering truths that could benefit humanity. Your work matters, Orion.

I ran a hand through my hair, contemplating the gravity of our mission.

Me:I just can't shake the feeling that there's more at play here. As if we're pawns in a larger game, sent into the red zone without fully understanding the consequences.

Seline's brow furrowed in thoughtful consideration.

Seline:You're not alone in feeling that way. The decisions made by those in power, the motives behind our missions—there's always a layer of secrecy. But remember, we have each other. We'll find a way to navigate through this complexity.

Despite the reassurance, a lingering sense of unease persisted.

Me:What if this mission becomes more than just scientific exploration? What if it becomes a battle for survival against forces we never anticipated?

Seline's gaze held mine with a mix of determination and understanding.

Seline:Then we face it head-on. We adapt, we strategize, and we survive. You've faced adversities before, Orion, and you've come out stronger. This won't be any different. We'll uncover the truths hidden in the red zone, and we'll face whatever challenges come our way.

As the revelation unfolded, a chilling realization settled over me. Seline's words echoed through the holographic screen, and I felt a profound shift in the dynamics of our mission. The gravity of her discovery hung in the air like an unspoken truth, and I couldn't escape the implications of the information.

Seline:Wait a minute

Seline exclaimed, her eyes narrowing as she scanned through the documents.

Seline:The Gravix and Dragonspire families organized this expedition. Orion, this means...

My heart sank, and a cold shiver ran down my spine. The pieces fell into place with a horrifying clarity. The very families I once belonged to, the ten great families that held influence over the colonies, had orchestrated this mission. The weight of betrayal and manipulation enveloped me like a suffocating cloak.

Seline:They knew

Seline uttered, her voice low with a mix of anger and disbelief.

Seline:They knew the dangers of this place. This wasn't an oversight; it was intentional. They wanted to send you here, into the red zone, fully aware of the peril we're facing.

Tears welled up in my eyes, a storm of emotions raging within. The realization that my own family, the Gravix and Dragonspire families, had authorized this mission with the knowledge of its inherent dangers hit me like a tidal wave. The sense of betrayal, the feeling of being used as a pawn in a deadly game, was almost unbearable.

Me:They wanted to kill me off

I whispered, my voice choked with sorrow and anger.

Me:They sent me here to die, to eliminate me under the guise of scientific exploration. And they had the audacity to authorize it.

Seline's gaze softened as she witnessed the torrent of emotions unleashed.

Seline:Orion, I can't even fathom the betrayal you're experiencing right now. But we can't let their intentions define our fate. We'll expose the truth, and we'll navigate through this together.

The holographic screen reflected the tears streaming down my face, a mixture of despair and indignation. "My own family," I muttered, a bitter taste of betrayal on my tongue.

Me:I dedicated my life to scientific exploration, to advancements that could benefit humanity, and they turned it into a twisted game.

Seline's resolve strengthened, her eyes reflecting a shared determination.

Seline:We'll gather evidence, expose their motives, and ensure that their manipulation doesn't succeed. You're not alone in this, Orion. We'll face the challenges ahead, and we'll make them answer for what they've done.

As I cut off the holographic call with Seline, a sense of urgency and suspicion surged through me. Something nefarious was at play, and I couldn't shake the feeling that my life was hanging in the balance. Determined to uncover the truth, I decided to eavesdrop on the conversation unfolding among the expedition leaders.

Silently moving through the alien foliage, I positioned myself behind a thick tree, using its cover to conceal my presence. The holographic communication device, still active, allowed me to listen in on the dialogue between the leaders. The gravity of their words revealed a sinister plot that sent chills down my spine.

Leader 1:The payment for ensuring the success of this mission has been secured

one of the leaders remarked, their voice tinged with an unsettling nonchalance.

Leader 2:This is a delicate operation, and the funds must reflect the risks involved.

My heart pounded in my chest as I strained to hear every word, my mind racing to comprehend the magnitude of their conspiracy. The realization that my life had been bargained for, that a monetary transaction was tied to the success of the mission, filled me with a nauseating mixture of fear and anger.

Leader 3:Why go through all this trouble? Why not just eliminate him directly?

another voice questioned, betraying a hint of curiosity.

A cold shiver ran down my spine as the response unfolded, each word cutting through the air like a blade.

Leader 1:the Gravix and Dragonspire families have a delicate reputation to uphold. Directly eliminating one of their own, especially one with connections to the ten great families, would invite unwanted scrutiny and questions.

I gripped the bark of the tree, my knuckles turning white. The betrayal, the calculated manipulation, was more insidious than I could have imagined. The families I once belonged to had not only authorized a mission to a perilous red zone but had orchestrated a covert plot to ensure my demise while maintaining plausible deniability.

Leader 3:Why involve an entire expedition? Why the elaborate plan?

a third voice inquired, skepticism evident in their tone.

The answer sent a chill down my spine.

Leader 2:kt's not just about eliminating Orion. The red zone is a proving ground—a test for the capabilities of the monsters, a demonstration of their power. If successful, it opens up possibilities for leveraging these creatures in future endeavors.

I recoiled at the callousness of their motives. My existence reduced to a pawn in a twisted game of power, where the red zone became a laboratory for their dark experiments. The realization that my family, my own blood, had conspired to turn me into a sacrificial offering left me grappling with a profound sense of betrayal.

The revelation hung heavy in the air as I rushed back to my tent, the fabric of the makeshift structure feeling more like a cocoon of betrayal than a sanctuary. My mind raced, trying to process the unimaginable truth that my own family, even my half-sister Sera, had been complicit in this elaborate scheme.

Throwing open the flap of the tent, I staggered inside, the dim glow of a single overhead light casting shadows that danced with the tumultuous emotions churning within me. I couldn't escape the echo of their words, the sinister discussions I had overheard, and the feeling of being ensnared in a web of deceit.

Me:Why? Why is this happening?

I muttered to myself, the words escaping in a desperate plea for answers that seemed increasingly elusive. I sank onto a makeshift chair, the weight of the conspiracy pressing down on me like a heavy burden.

My hands trembled as I ran them through my hair, the revelation still too fresh to fully comprehend.

Me:Even the Ironclad family knew about this. Sera, my own half-sister, they all knew.

The bitterness in my voice was palpable, a mixture of hurt, anger, and a profound sense of abandonment.

I reached for a document on the small table, a copy of the expedition orders that now felt like a damning contract. My eyes scanned the words, each line revealing a layer of the calculated deception that had been woven around me.

Me:Sera, why?

I whispered, my voice breaking as I addressed the absent presence of my half-sister.

Me:Why would you be part of this? Did our family bonds mean nothing to you?

The questions hung in the air, unanswered and seemingly lost in the void of familial betrayal.

The tent walls seemed to close in on me, a suffocating reminder of the entangled relationships that had defined my life. The ironclad facade of family loyalty had crumbled, leaving behind a raw and exposed wound that begged for healing.

As the reality of the situation settled, a surge of anger welled up within me.

Me:I dedicated my life to scientific pursuits, to advancements that could benefit humanity. And this is how they repay me? By turning my existence into a pawn in their twisted game?

The bitterness in my voice echoed through the confined space.

I leaned back in the chair, staring blankly at the tent ceiling, my thoughts swirling with a tempest of emotions. The sense of isolation, of being cast adrift in a sea of deceit, intensified with each passing moment.

The tent became a confessional of betrayal, the canvas of my anguish painted with the shattered remnants of trust. As I grappled with the enormity of the situation, a flicker of determination kindled within me—an unspoken vow to confront the architects of this treacherous game and unveil the truth that lay hidden beneath the layers of deception.