
I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land

Xiang Ye, who died from overwork, woke up and discovered that he had turned into a piece of land. Just as he was trying to figure out his situation, a few bulky guys approached him and buried a female corpse inside him. This case of illegal disposal of a body made him nervous, but an even more shocking incident took place right after. One night when the dark clouds covered the moon, the dead body, which was buried deep underground, came back to life. Xiang Ye exclaimed, “Screw it! I have had it with being a piece of land. I want to be the most savage piece of haunted land in the world!”

Shadow of Time · Horror
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

What Should I Do?

Editor: Atlas Studios

"We have to find a way out of here."

A week had passed since being captured by the zombie.

In the past week, Xiao Luming and the others had been tortured.

They carried water, plowed the land, and planted trees without stopping. They even had to comb the willow branches of the entire willow forest.

Yes, comb.

Every willow tree had to be checked one by one. If they saw insects or dead leaves, they had to clean it up.

The only one who did not work was Long Yan.

However, Long Yan's situation was even more miserable than theirs. He was hung under the willow tree by the zombie and had to shout "Granny Willow, I'm sorry" at it a thousand times a day. Xi Hongshi sat beside him and stared at him. If his tone was even slightly disrespectful, he would whip him.

Compared to the zombie, Xiao Luming hated Xi Hongshi to death now.

This guy seemed to know the zombie. Now, he was like a lackey, looking for trouble with them openly and secretly every day.

"How are we going to escape? That zombie took everything from us. We can't beat it, and…"

Yun Ze looked up and stole a glance at the zombie riding a motorcycle happily through the wasteland. He swallowed and continued, "Besides, that zombie can ride a motorcycle. How can we outrun two wheels on two legs?"

If it were just the five of them, they would still be able to run even if they could not defeat a Zombie King. After all, no matter how powerful a Zombie King was, its brain was dead and would not be as agile as a human's brain.

Unfortunately, this time, they encountered an anomaly, a person in a zombie's skin!

In order to track the crocodile, they had ridden a motorcycle. Now that they were captured, the transportation naturally belonged to the zombie.

Now there was trouble. Not only could they not fight, but they could not even run.

The zombie's level of riding a motorcycle was not something ordinary people could achieve. Its performance of various motorcycle stunts like a standard bend and drift were even better than them.

It was impossible to escape from such a zombie.

"We can try," Xiao Luming said in a low voice.

"How do we try?"

"Didn't we find traces of the crocodile?"

Xiao Luming's voice was sharp.

"A crocodile?"

Yun Ze, knew that their mission was originally to find the crocodile's nest. In the end, the night they were captured, they were woken up by the loud sound of the crocodile running.

The crocodile took the initiative to rush towards their willow forest and even fought the zombie.

It was also at that time that they truly understood the strength of this zombie.

The crocodile that had turned Jiangnan City upside down was actually not a match for this zombie?

No wonder the zombie had slapped them unconscious as soon as it rushed over. After all, their mission had never been to find trouble with the crocodiles. They had only been to find the crocodile's nest and report the information to the Superpower Administration in Jiangnan City.

They did not have the ability to defeat the crocodile.

"This Zombie King has to fight that crocodile every night. Every time it fights, it'll leave this place."

"It won't have time to care about us at all. The only trouble is…"

"It's that dog Xi Hongshi who keeps an eye on us every day. He can't wait for us to make some small mistakes and tortures us with any excuse."

"Yes, that guy! But think about it now. Without the Tang brothers by his side, who can he defeat among us?"

"Without Tang Long and Tang Hu, I could take him down with one hand."

"Yes, that's right."

"We can take the opportunity to escape while the zombie is fighting the crocodiles at night. First, we can deal with Xi Hongshi together. Then, we can split up and escape in different directions. Every one of us can escape. This way, no matter how powerful the Zombie King is, it's impossible for it to capture us all."

"When the time comes, you have to send news of us to the Superpower Administration and get them to send someone to save us."

"Those who run back, don't say that we were captured by zombies. We have to think of a suitable reason to get them to invite the top experts in Jiangnan City. For example, the great cultivator Cheng Yifan of the Divine Might Temple, Abbot Chiba of the Yellow Mountain Temple, and Chief Luo of the Superpower Administration in Jiangnan City. It's best to call all of them over."

"Otherwise, we might not be able to subdue this zombie."

"Then the reason could be?"

"Hmm… Just say that the crocodile ate some heavenly treasure and it's even stronger now. It trapped us all here."

"When the time comes, let those experts directly suppress this Zombie King!"

"Yes, that's quite smart! If not for the fact that my main body is a piece of land, I might have let you escape."

At this moment, Xiang Ye rushed over on his motorcycle. He braked and took advantage of the fact that Xiao Luming and Yun Ze were still in a daze to slap them.

Previously, because he was too engrossed in learning Taiji, Xiao Luming and the others had directly approached him without knowing. Now, he would not make such a mistake again.

As a piece of land, the first skill he had mastered was perception. If he couldn't eavesdrop on their secret whispers, he might just kill himself.

Therefore, when he heard that Xiao Luming was secretly plotting something, he attacked without hesitation.

Before the two of them knew what had happened, they were slapped into the air again and fell to the ground with a plop.

"What right do you have to hit me?" Yun Ze covered his cheek and said aggrievedly.

The swelling had only half subsided, and now that he had been hit by Xiang Ye, it was beginning to swell again.

Xiang Ye looked at the two of them coldly, put on his sunglasses, stepped on the accelerator, and left with a rumble. He could not be bothered with them.

This new person was really dishonest. If he did not beat them up properly, they would really think that he was a kind person who ate vegetarian food and prayed to Buddha.

However, their previous whispers had also reminded him that the crocodile came to find trouble with him every night. Once he lets Jiang Xiaocheng out, they might really have a chance to escape.

At that time, if they called a large wave of espers, Xiang Ye might be able to withstand it, but not Jiang Xiaocheng.

If he was really suppressed by those experts, he would regret it.

The crisis must be nipped in the bud!

Therefore, he rode the motorcycle straight to the willow tree. First, he looked at Long Yan, who was hanging from the tree and shouting at the top of his lungs, "Granny willow, I was wrong." Then, he looked at the willow tree that was thriving and making a rustling sound. Only then did he take out the key on the motorcycle and slowly get off.

He took out his phone and quickly typed a message. However, after thinking for a while, he deleted it again.

Xiao Luming and the others could not be allowed to stay together, or something would surely happen.

He had to think of a way to separate them and take care of the willow tree at the same time. It would be best if they could not even see each other every day, for he could not let them communicate with each other in private.

After listing out these messages, Xiang Ye fell into deep thought.

What should he do?