
I Became A Zompirewolf

Do read my new novel **Chimaera's Conquest**. It would mean a lot to me if you could read it and give your valuable review. Thanks in advance. *** In the year 3000, humanity was forced to leave the Earth when a sudden mutation caused more than 70% of the planet's population to mutate either into zombies, werewolves or vampires. The humans put up a fight but didn't have a chance against the united front of the monsters, and they were forced to leave. At least those who were rich and lucky enough to leave. A century later, the chaos on earth had calmed down, but the humans who were left behind were treated like slaves and were forced to join one of the three factions: The Undead, The Cold Ones or The Lycans when they turned 16. It was a similar story for Ashton, who was one week away from being turned into one of the monsters as it was his 16th birthday. He decided to run away from his fate and join the secret resistance to battle against the monsters. However, his plans came to a standstill when a series of misfortunes led him to be bitten by a Zombie, a Vampire and a werewolf before either of his powers could manifest. He ended up receiving all of their powers but at the cost of his humanity. Yet, he wasn't willing to let his humanity die. No matter the cost. Will he be able to live his life, or is it already too late? Which faction will he join? Will he be able to find the secret behind the mutation? There were too many questions, and only one way to find the answers: follow Ashton's journey as he fights back to retain his humanity. *** Discord Server link: https://discord.gg/bjetmPER5p Cover art: Monark Ai Please DM in discord for removal, thank you.

AkshatArpit · Fantasy
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766 Chs

Duel (1)

"Think carefully, Ashton." Jonathan continued with his plan of manipulating Ashton, "What do you want? If you choose revenge, I'll give it to you as long as you do what I ask of you. Help me take care of the swamp, and I'll help you take care of your foes."

"...Fine, I'll do it." Ashton agreed with his expressionless face. 


"But I have some conditions of my own."

"What is it?" Although Jonathan did not like to be interrupted while talking, he was willing to make an exception here because the kid was a valuable asset for him.

"Allow me to form an independent team. I don't mind working with the soldiers you trust but I'd rather have my own people whom I can trust around me."

'This fcker...' Jonathan forced a smile on his face as soon as those words emerged from Ashton's mouth, 'He doesn't even know how everyone had been betraying him and yet he talks about trust so high and mighty.'