
I became a vampire npc in game

Reed accidentally crossed into a virtual game that was only released a year ago. He has also become the ancestor of a vampire who learns magic hidden by humans, and has an ancient castle and more than 200 blood. This time it was really exciting. But fortunately, he can still return to Earth, but the biggest crisis he faces now is the game public beta one year later, and the players arrive. What to do, as a vampire, how can he be strong against the coming natural disasters-players! ! This is the story of a vampire ancestor leading a group of vampires and humans to farm together. (this story is a translation I really likes so I am posting It here so everyone can enjoy)

Gilgamesh_25_50 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Chapter 31: Magic Research

It was night when Reed returned to the Mage Tower, and the dim magic lights illuminated the inside of the Mage Tower very fantasy, with a Harry Potter atmosphere.

   He gave Laurent all the tasks of trading with the Alex Chamber of Commerce, and selected a few clever apprentices in the Mage Tower to follow.

  In the future, the Golden Wheat Chamber of Commerce will become an important component of the Scarlet Mage Tower. These mage apprentices are the best labor force, and it is a good thing to let them contact in advance.

   On the seventh floor of the Master Tower, the Goddess of Dark Night has covered the whole world with her skirt.

   Looking down on Grimm from a high place, there is no such a brightly lit scene as modern.

   Scattered lights are only available in areas where nobles live. Most of the shops on both sides of the street have been closed, and only a few of them are still operating normally with oil lamps or magic lamps.

   The pedestrians on the street are even more empty, even beggars are reluctant to walk on the street after dark.

   The moon half-hidden by white clouds shone a hazy cold light.

   The noisy city during the day became quiet.

  The kinsmen are the darlings who have been gifted by the goddess of the night.

   Reed clearly felt that when the last glimmer of light in the sky disappeared, his control of magic instantly became active.

   The magic power around during the day is like mercury, which requires more energy to mobilize, while the magic power at night seems to become a clean and gentle spring water, just need to be pulled at will, and the magic power will be mobilized by the mental power.

   The magical power is still the original magical power, but the increase of Dark Night's blood clan makes him more sensitive to magical power, which is why this feeling is caused.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that the strength of the blood clan after night falls is at least 50% stronger than during the day.

   Reed has long been familiar with this situation, so he prefers to study magic at night.

   After several days of research, coupled with the knowledge of the ancestors of the blood race for two hundred years, Reed has a deeper impression of magic.

   If a mage wants to cast a spell, it must be done through a magic model.

  The magic model is very similar to computer programming. You only need to input a fixed formula to get the result directly.

   The only difference is that the magic model requires input of magic power.

   There are no more than 100 mana nodes in a circle of spells, and the hand of a wizard has only 30 mana nodes.

   Dozens of magic nodes form a model, which operates according to a fixed rule. After inputting magic power, the model is activated to obtain spells.

   But Reed is very curious about this. Are the nodes of a magic model completely fixed and unchangeable? What are the consequences if the magic node is moved?

  The boldness of modern souls towards magic is far beyond the imagination of this era. The awe of magic by the mages of the glorious world is carved in their bones.

   Even the ancestors of the blood family never tried to change the magic model, because this not only requires a deep understanding of magic, but also a huge knowledge reserve and a heart that does not fear the goddess of magic.

   Even in Grimm, only the extraordinary mage has successfully improved the magic model, and even the three archmages with a level of more than 15 have not studied this aspect.

   After the previous few days of thinking, Reed is going to try to change the bold idea of ​​the magic node tonight.

   But in order to prevent accidents, he still made a thorough preparation.

   First of all, he wants to study the spell of the first level of the hand of the wizard, because this spell is the simplest of all the spells of the first level... there are only 30 magic nodes.

   Even many wizards do not admit that this is a one-level spell, it can only be regarded as a trick.

   And the hand of the wizard is not an offensive spell, even if it fails to cast the spell, he can withstand it.

   The function of the current hand of the mage is very simple, only a translucent giant hand can be transformed.

   The power of the giant hand that he uses this magic to transform can reach about 150 pounds, and the mana required is 10 points.

   The average apprentice of the mage is far from this power. After their release, the power of the giant hand is at most more than ten pounds, which is very far from him.

   But at the same time, these magic apprentices also consume 10 points of mana. Although they all cast the same spell and consume the same mana, the results are completely different.

   This leads to the other two speculations in Reed about casting spells.

   Whether the deeper the magic power, the stronger the spell cast,

   Whether the higher the level, the higher the utilization of magic power.

   Reed is full of interest in exploring these mysterious magic.

  If the magic node is not fixed, can you improve the magic model by adjusting the magic node or the magic circuit between the nodes to achieve the effect of reducing the consumption of magic power or strengthening the power?

  What will happen if the magic nodes are reduced or increased?

   Thinking of this Reed, my heart throbbed faster, full of curiosity about my own ideas.

   is like a child seeing his favorite toy, but he is a hard worker.

   First start to input magic power.

   Reed carefully observe the magic circuit from the first node to the last node from the magic input.

   After connecting 30 magic nodes, the model of the hand of the mage took shape in an instant, and he could clearly sense that as long as he released this magic power, the hand of the mage would be successfully released.

   He did not release, but slowly reduced the magic input. As long as there is always magic input, the magic model will always be activated and ready to cast spells.

  Until the magic power drops to the limit value of the magic model operation, if the magic power is reduced, it will collapse, and Reed will stop reducing.

  The purpose of reducing the magic input is to minimize the damage if backlash occurs. The magic model is activated to observe the role of the magic node in the magic model more intuitively.

   Next step.

   Reduce magic nodes.

   Reed is extremely focused, this is his first attempt.

   After he had the idea of ​​improving the hand of the mage, he cast it hundreds of times in these two days in order to become familiar with this spell.

   So he already knows the structure of this spell.

   He took the lead in numbering 30 magic nodes from 1 to 30.

   The 23rd node and the 24th node belong to the very close nodes in the Mage Hand model. If one of them is removed, the magic circuit can bypass this distance of magic and connect to the next one.

  If a magic node is removed, can the loss of magic power be reduced after casting?

   It is very simple to remove a magic node. You can achieve the goal by controlling the magic circuit to avoid this node and directly connect to the next node.

   Reed slowly released the mental power, controlled the magic circuit to avoid the 23rd node, and made the 22nd node and the 24th node directly connected.


   When the magic loop bypassed the 23rd node, the magic model of the entire mage's hand shook for a while, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

   Reed had been prepared for a long time and didn't panic too much, and slightly increased the input of magic power.

   The shaking magic model temporarily stabilized because of the powerful magic power.

   Just when Reed breathed a sigh of relief, the light flashed and the entire magic model collapsed.

   Reed felt a pain in his head, as if he had been pricked by a needle.

   The first experiment.


   Fortunately, the backlash of the hand of the wizard is not great, and the blood clan's control over magic has been strengthened at night. After a 10-minute rest, Reed returned to normal.

  "No, the magic node can be removed if it's not close. This magic node is probably the point of a stable magic model

   So if it is stable, can't you add another point parallel to this magic node to continue to strengthen the magic model? "

   One minus one will collapse, what about adding one?

Being prepared for failure, Reed was completely unaffected, and continued to concentrate, and once again input the magic power into the model of the hand of the mage~www.mtlnovel.com~ This time the magic node and the first part of Reed The 23 nodes are parallel to connect 23 and 24.

   Joining a magic node is also very simple. You only need to focus your mental power on one point, leave a mark in your mind, and then connect the magic model with a magic circuit, and this extra point is integrated into the magic model.

   After adding the extra points, the magic model did not show the same signs of collapse, but it was running normally.

  Reed was overjoyed. It seems that this idea is not wrong, and the magic model is not unchangeable.

   After running for a few minutes, he was sure that the model would not crash.

   A snapped finger.


   A translucent mage's hand appeared in front of him.

   But this wizard's hand is completely different from the initial version.

   The original hand of the wizard was a giant hand, but the hand of the current wizard is like a freak.

   There are only three of the five fingers left, and the arm has become three times larger, like a hammer, and the entire spell is full of disharmony and weirdness.

   Reed was not disappointed after seeing it, but was overjoyed.

   "Able to successfully cast the spell, and the magic model did not collapse after casting, which means that my assumption is true.

   This spell, which is far from success, greatly encouraged Reed.

   Successfully cast spells means that the direction is correct.

  Since the direction is right, what is needed now is to continuously experiment with improvements until he understands the role of each magic node, and improves and repairs it so that this one-ring spell becomes a new spell.

   is full of interest and confidence in this Reed.

   Studying magic is so interesting. The joy of creation can hardly be described in words.