

When we were getting closer to the ambulance van that have been waiting for us, Princess Sarah shouted excitedly,

"Momma", and started to clap excitedly,

"That is my mother," she said, as she was pointing at one of the hired chefs who was sitting in the emergency entrance or exit door at the back of the van.

"Is that your mother?" Lizzy and Genevieve asked Sarah in unison, they were both shocked.

"Yes Ladies", Sarah replied.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" I asked them.

"That is the lady whom I helped clean her wound earlier this morning," Lizzy explained to me.

"Is she the same person Mike called an ambulance for?" I asked her,

"Yes, she is the one whom the ambulance was called for", Lizzy replied to me.

"What a small world", I said.

"Have you heard of her before?" Lizzy asked me curiously,

"Yes I do, I did not know she was a chef either," I said to her,

"Okay," Lizzy said, as she was not satisfied with my reply to her question and started to simmer. I hate that, she hates my smirks too.

"I know her too." Genevieve joined the conversation again, she went off for a while, she was about to continue talking, but we had already arrived at our destination.

"My baby!" Sarah's mother exclaimed as she stretched her hands to get hold of her child.

The chef kissed her child on the forehead, the very moment she got hold of the child.

"How have you been?" She asked her daughter.

"I have been a good momma", Sarah replied to her mother and smiled, which revealed her cute dimples.

"What happened to your knee?"The lady asked her daughter, as Sarah was showing her mom her wound

"I tripped on a toolbox and fell and got wounded," Sarah replied to her mother.

"Am sorry baby, let me see." The lady said as she was breezing the wound and cuddling her child at the same time.

"Thank you Mummy", Sarah said to her mother,

"You are welcome, baby. So, have you missed me?" The lady asked her daughter,

"No," Sarah replied to her mother.

"Why?" She asked her daughter disappointedly and started to pout,

"I made some new friends today, they are so cool. I like Lady Eunice the most, she is the coolest among them."

"Aww, thank you, princess Sarah." I, Lizzy and Genevieve said in unison, we were glad she mentioned us, especially me.

"Okay ladies, I am sincerely sorry to interrupt your sweet conversation. I think it is time to round up this conversation and say your goodbyes. How about you continue next time or when you next meet? We have to take our leave now." One of the male attendants said as he was about to close the door as he was waiting for us to say our goodbyes for now.

"Goodbye Sarah, goodbye ma'am," Lizzy said to Sarah and her mother,

"Goodbye ladies and thanks for watching over and babysitting my daughter while I was away." She said and thanked us.

"You are welcome, ma'am." I, Elizabeth and Genevieve replied in unison.

"I hope we have a proper conversation when we next meet," I said to Sarah and her mother.

"Sarah, tell them bye." The lady said to her daughter.

"Goodbye lady Eunice, goodbye Lady Elizabeth and goodbye miss Genevieve", Sarah said and waved the three of us goodbye. We waved our goodbyes back as the male attendant entered the vehicle and shut the doors behind them as the ambulance van drove off.

"I like that little girl." Miss Genevieve said as we began heading back into the house.

"I did not know that, that little girl is the child of the chef lady, I know her, I mean the chef but she does not seem to be like someone who has given birth" she added.

"Why do you say so?" I asked her out of curiosity.

"We work under the same service agency, but guess what I am about to say next", Genevieve suggested,

"She is an agent of the agency?" I tried guessing,

"She is an agent. Her husband owns the company, he is the founder and the owner of our agency. She is my Boss, I guess that she doesn't even recognize me. But I am still in my uniform." Genevieve explained to us.

"And so? This is gossiping." Lizzy said to Genevieve.

"No, it is not, I am not a gossip. I just wanted to find out something. I have filled my curiosity now." Genevieve said and laughed softly.

"Whatever," Lizzy said and walked off.

"Wait for me, Lizzy," I said and walked fast too to catch up with her.

"Lady Elizabeth, Lady Eunice, please wait for me." Genevieve pleaded and tried and then started walking fast too to be able to catch up with Lizzy and me, as I had already caught up with her, we were already inside the living room by this time.

"And why in heaven's sake should we wait for you?" Lizzy asked as she stopped walking to turn around and face Genevieve, I stopped walking and turned around too to face Lizzy and Genevieve.

"Lady Roseanna, Lady Eunice's mother, ordered me to help you ladies get dressed for the party and to help you run errands if the need arises," Genevieve said facing the ground, she dared not raise her face to face Lizzy.

I have mentioned earlier in chapter two, she is the type of girl you would not want to mess with.

I understand what it means to be in Genevieve's shoes right now.

"I have been dressing without any assistance since I was six and why would I need assistance now that I am nineteen? Even if I would need assistance, I would not need it from a gossip like yourself. You can assist Eunice, I do not need your assistance. Thanks." She said and walked off again but this time, she was climbing the stairs and probably heading to my room.

"Um, uh," I said and smiled, forcing a fake smile as I did not know what to say to Genevieve, who was already looking afraid.

"Even if I would need your assistance, it would not be this very moment. I have not had my bath yet. You can come and wait in my room. I will let you know when I need your assistance."

"Do not worry, you can come with me. Trust me, Elizabeth does not bite, she just hates people who talk badly behind someone's back. Come on." I said to Genevieve as I started climbing the stairs, leading the way.

By the time we got to my room, Lizzy was already in the bathroom, taking her bath.

I showed Genevieve where to sit and said,

"You can sit down there."

she refused by saying,

"No thank you, Lady Eunice, for your kindness, but I cannot sit, maids are not allowed to sit with their masters, my agency forbids it." She said and was shaking her head too at the same time in refusal.

"Okay, you are free to suit yourself, "I said and walked towards the package Lizzy brought to my room this morning, the things mom bought for me yesterday.

Suddenly, my phone beeped and I reached out to it and lifted it. It was a miss call notification, Hale, Lizzy's boyfriend, called.

I wonder why he did not call her instead.

I was about to press 'call back' when I saw the time. It was six minutes past noon.


Mom would kill me if she finds out I am yet to have my bath. I quickly walked across the room and knocked on my bathroom door.

"Lizzy, it is high time you left the bathroom, you have been in there for too long.It is already past twelve, mom would kill me if she learns I have not had my bath yet".

I quickly stripped and tied my towel around my chest. I picked my clothes from the floor and put them in the basket where I keep my dirty clothes.

I walked towards the bathroom door and knocked again, "what is taking up your time?" I asked her.

"Be quick, Hale called," I said to Lizzy. "You have been in there for ages, how about I join you instead? Just leave already and go talk to your boyfriend. Did you two fight? Why did he call me, instead of calling you?" I asked her, but she did not give me a reply.

She will not talk to me until she comes out, I have been wasting my time and energy since talking to her.

I decided to sit down and wait for her, I was famished too, extremely hungry, and I have not eaten anything today.

But then, I remembered what grandma said about an hour ago. I have to confront her about it because I was eager, you are allowed to say that I am curious to know what she told J.J.

She did not have the chance to tell me because mom wanted to see me.

I still have not told Lizzy the two things about what I wanted to tell her from last night, about J.J and about almost having mom killed.

Oh, Mike, my stepdad has already told her, thank goodness.

Just then, the long-awaited Lady Elizabeth walked out of the bathroom, "you are finally out of the bathroom, it seemed you were in parturition, so where is your baby?" I asked her jokingly and chuckled, as I quickly headed for the bathroom.

By the time I was out, Lizzy was already dressed, while Genevieve was dressing her hair for her.

"Ooh, nice", I muttered to myself but I think they heard me.

"Do not get me wrong, Eunice, she offered to help me dress and I could not resist her offer to save time and energy dressing it all by myself", Lizzy tried defending herself.

"She said she knows some hairstyles that will suit me, my face and this gown", Lizzy added.

"Okay, but I thought you were mad at her some minutes ago", I tried confronting her.

"Yeah, I was. I have not forgotten what she did, nor have I forgiven her yet. Everyone deserves a second chance, right?" Lizzy asked.

I did not reply to her, and then she continued,

"We kept that aside for now and will talk about it later, hopefully, after the party".

I rolled my eyes and started talking,

"Duh, that is your cup of tea, it is none of my business, I have nothing to do with it. You should not even think about trying to get me involved. I don't….."

"Okay, it is none of your business, I get it."Lizzy interrupted me and then added.

"It is already past twelve-thirty PM. Your mom would soon seek your presence. I advise you to start getting dressed up, instead of saying all kinds and manners of irrelevant things that do not make a single sense or benefit either of us in this room. You are talking pants!".

"Duh, whatever," I said and rolled my eyes, she just defeated me.

I began wearing my pants and bra.

"Done," Genevieve said as she finished dressing Lizzy's hair.

"Wow, it is very pretty. Thank you, Genevieve.'' Lizzy said to Genevieve.

"You are welcome. It is my pleasure, my Lady.'' Genevieve replied to her and was smiling.

I guess she was proud of herself for winning back Lizzy's heart.

Lizzy was impressed by Genevieve's handiwork, I became a bit envious.

By the time I wore my grown, Lizzy stood up from the stool and said to me,

"You can sit, let me begin my makeup now."

"I want prettier hair, okay?" I said to Genevieve, as she began arranging and adorning my hair.

"Hale called me, but I missed it,'' I said to Lizzy.

"My phone is switched off, I did not want him to call me." She said to me,

"Why?" I asked her, I was curious because I know something is wrong somewhere, Hale has not shown up too.

I just hope it is nothing serious because I do not think Lizzy is willing to talk about what happened between them now.

"I want to focus on my makeup, you know that I am not too good with it, let us talk about it after the party," she said to me, but I was not satisfied with her answer and then I said.

"One more thing." I wanted to know if Hale was coming or not.

"What?" She asked me.

"Is Hale coming?" I asked her.

"I do not know, I do not need to invite him. This is your mom's sixth wedding anniversary for Christ's sake and he has never missed any year before. That is his choice to make. As for my phone, I will not put it on for now, until after the party, satisfied?" Lizzy asked me,

" Yes", I replied to her.

"Okay." She said to me with a glare.


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