
I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary

A young woman, Eleanor is suddenly faced with an extraordinary destiny. When a mysterious figure appears before her and reveals that she possesses extraordinary powers, everything changes. With her hidden powers, Eleanor is offered to join a secret organization tasked with maintaining cosmic balance in the world. As part of the organization, she must learn to control her powers and face various challenges that threaten the peace of the world. However, Eleanor's journey is not easy. She must face powerful enemies, unravel the mystery of the existence of two legends that continue to haunt her, know about her true identity, and discover the true purpose of her powers. On her epic journey, Eleanor will discover the true power within herself and change the destiny of the world entrusted to her. "I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary" is an epic adventure story of strength, courage, and sacrifice. Read how an ordinary woman transforms into a legendary heroine who will decide the fate of the world.

Wina_Valentina · Fantasy
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27 Chs

A Collision of Fates

Eleanor stepped through the door of her apartment, her thoughts whirled with the events of the day, leaving her feeling both bewildered and intrigued. As she prepared for work, she couldn't help but glance at her waist, half expecting to find some remnants of the mysterious wound that had seemingly vanished. Nevertheless, there was no trace, only the faint memory of an inexplicable occurrence.

With a determined spirit, Eleanor headed to Techhaven TechSolutions, ready to immerse herself in her responsibilities. The day at the office unfolded in a whirlwind of tasks and customer interactions. Eleanor, despite the unusual events, remained focused on her job, determined to provide top-notch service to the clients of Techhaven.

Throughout the day, she found herself dealing with a variety of customers facing issues with their electronic devices. From malfunctioning gadgets to software glitches, Eleanor tackled each problem with diligence and expertise.

One particularly challenging customer, frustrated by a persistent issue with their laptop, approached Eleanor's desk. "Excuse me, I've been having this problem for days, and your company hasn't fixed it yet!" the customer exclaimed, clearly exasperated.

Eleanor, maintaining her calm demeanor, "I'm sorry to hear about your troubles," Eleanor said sympathetically. "Let me take a look, and we'll do our best to get your laptop back to working order."

As she delved into the intricacies of the customer's laptop, Eleanor navigated through the labyrinth of technical challenges. Despite the mounting pressure, her expertise shone through, and she successfully identified and fixed the problem.

The customer, now grateful and impressed, thanked Eleanor for her assistance. And soon, a small line formed at her desk.

Amid the bustling atmosphere of Techhaven TechSolutions, Eleanor found herself facing a barrage of questions, complaints, and technical dilemmas. She multitasked effortlessly, providing solutions and addressing concerns with a finesse that left her colleagues in awe.

As the workday neared its end, Eleanor couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Despite the strange occurrences in the morning, she had navigated through the challenges of the day with resilience and professionalism.

The fluorescent lights of the office flickered as Eleanor gathered her belongings, a sense of relief washing over her as she made her way towards the exit, the hum of computers and chatter of colleagues fading into the background. Unexpected, Alex was waiting for her, leaning against the wall near the gate.

"Hey, Ellie! You've become the tech wizard of the office today," Alex teased, a playful grin on his face.

Eleanor chuckled, "Just another day at Techhaven. You know how it is. Btw, why are you here?"

"Every time I'm not by your side, something unexpected happens. What if something strange happens again? Especially now that it's late." Alex babbled. "Is that not permitted? You don't have a boyfriend anyway, who would scold me." Alex teased.

" Are you making fun of me?" annoyed Eleanor pinched Alex. 

"Ouch! Sorry. Sorry. I was just joking." Alex winced as Eleanor's playful pinch landed on his arm. He rubbed the spot with an exaggerated expression of pain, trying to elicit sympathy.

"Ouch! Seriously, Ellie, you've got quite the pinch. Remind me not to make jokes about boyfriends again," Alex said, feigning an injured tone but unable to suppress a mischievous grin.

Eleanor, still a bit annoyed, couldn't help but crack a smile at Alex's theatrics.

As they walked along the sidewalk lit only by streetlights, Alex couldn't help but express his amazement, "Seriously, though, you handled everything so smoothly. And people are already calling you the miracle worker of TechSolutions." 

Eleanor rolled her eyes, "Miracle worker? If only they knew what happened this morning."

"Oh yeah, tell me what happened this morning! How did you get into an accident?" asked Alex curiously.

Eleanor sighed, a mix of fatigue and contemplation in her eyes. "It's a bizarre story, Alex. I don't know how to explain it myself, but this morning, I saw a wound on my waist, and it was bleeding. The paramedics, the doctors, everyone saw it. But when I got to the hospital, the wound just vanished. Like it was never there."

Alex's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, what?! Are you serious?! You have a bleeding wound?! Where?!!!" Alex who immediately checked Eleanor's hand

"Hey, hey! That wound is now gone. It's healed." Eleanor said calming Alex, "The wound is on the waist. It looks like it was bumped and scratched by something while saving the little boy. But now that wound is gone. It's strange, isn't it?" Eleanor continued.

Alex's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "Wait, what, seriously? You had a bleeding wound on your waist, and now it's just gone? Ha... ha... ha... Don't be kidding me, El."

"Ah… But you've had a lot of weird things lately, too." Alex muttered.

Eleanor nodded, with an expression of anger on her face. "I told you! Arghhh!!! Why is all this happening to me?!!! I'm tired! Give me back my normal life, Jesus!!!"

Alex noticed the furrow on Eleanor's brow, a clear sign of her frustration. Without hesitation, he reached out and gently placed a hand on her shoulder, offering her a warm, reassuring smile. "You know what, Ellie?" he said, his voice laced with empathy. "I think we both could use a break. How about we go grab some late-night snacks and talk about all this craziness? Maybe some comfort food will help us figure things out."

Eleanor's initial scowl softened at Alex's gesture of understanding, her lips twitching into a hesitant smile. Caught between exasperation and curiosity, she couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "Fine," she relented, "but only if there's ice cream involved. Lots of it."

"You got it," Alex replied, his playful grin returning. "Ice cream it is." He took the lead, walking alongside her as they made their way towards a nearby convenience store. The gentle sway of his steps matched the rhythm of their conversation, the city streets now quieter in the late hours providing a peaceful backdrop for their stroll. 

As they entered the store, the bright lights and humming refrigerators showcased an array of snacks and desserts. Eleanor couldn't help but be drawn to the ice cream section, contemplating the various flavors.

"Any preferences, Ellie?" Alex asked, examining the options.

"Just surprise me. I could use some unpredictability in my life right now," Eleanor replied, half-jokingly.

With a bag full of snacks and a tub of assorted ice cream flavors, Alex and Eleanor made their way to a nearby park. They settled on a bench under a softly lit lamppost, surrounded by the tranquility of the night.

As they indulged in their late-night feast, Alex nudged Eleanor playfully. "You know, maybe all these strange events are just a sign that you're destined for something extraordinary. I mean, healing wounds? That's not your average day job."

Eleanor rolled her eyes, but a hint of amusement danced in her gaze. "Destined for what, exactly? Becoming a superhero? I've got bills to pay, Alex, not villains to vanquish."

Alex chuckled, "Who knows? Maybe you're the hero Techhaven didn't know it needed. Super Eleanor, the tech-savvy savior."

Eleanor couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the idea. "Super Eleanor, huh? Well, if that's the case, I demand a cape and a catchy theme song."

They continued their banter, letting the humor of the moment temporarily overshadow the perplexing events that had unfolded. As they enjoyed the simple pleasure of ice cream and friendship, Eleanor felt a sense of gratitude for having Alex by her side amidst the chaos.

As Eleanor and Alex strolled back, engrossed in their banter and laughter, they rounded a corner and unexpectedly collided with a tall, dark-haired man. The collision was mild, but they all halted, surprised expressions on their faces.

"Oh, sorry about that!" Eleanor exclaimed; her playful demeanor momentarily subdued.

The man, seemingly unfazed by the collision, replied, "No worries, it happens."

The man bowed and immediately turned around and left them. However, after a while, he could feel something amazing.

He thoughtlessly turned his head in all directions to find a source of energy that he couldn't explain.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Eleanor, as realization crossed his face. His eyes widened in astonishment. 

He looked curiously at Eleanor's back to see if the source of the perceived energy came from Eleanor. 

After observing for a few minutes, the energy he felt disappeared without a trace.

"Maybe it's just my feelings. There's no way a human could have this energy." he muttered in disbelief.

The man turned around and walked back, "That energy can't be possessed by just a human. Because..... they gonna die." he said calmly and smiled slightly.