
I Became A Psychotic Demon god In My Banned Novel!

A 21st Century Psychopath, Ares spends his days in the mental asylum working on his extremely popular Web Novel which was inspired off his true life. His Novel follows a student of a righteous sect who deviates to the wrong path and founded demonic cultivation. And with his demonic powers beyond words, He was feared by the Universe! But just when Ares Seals off his Evil MC in the hands of the god emperor, with the intention of giving his Evil MC a grand return to take over the world.. Boom! His Novel was banned by Government! Tagged: Inappropriate content, Historical and Religious inaccuracy, ridicule and slander! Gore! Twisted mindset! "Sh*t what the hell?!" Ares was bent to kill the government for what they did! But who would have imagined that he'd be murdered on that same day. But Ares reincarnated into the his Novel as the escaped soul of his Evil MC. And Into the Body of a weak blind beggar! With the universe in chaos about the return of the World's nightmare, all was after This Demon Patriarch! But the now almost insignificant psychopath must stay low for the meantime as he slowly rises to power again as The Psychopathic Demon Patriarch!

STEPHEN · Fantasy
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300 Chs

51: From the real world II

She had decided to check out the Webnovel when she arrived home. And that was what she did.

While she lay in bed, she had clicked on the first episode of the novel and within minutes found herself reading through the episode twenty. It was up to an hour before she was finally at the hundredth chapter.

At this moment, she had to agree that the book was indeed addicting and fascinating. It was written at it's best shape and best execution with lively characters and fast paced plot.

it was extremely hard to not get immersed into it's splendid world like She was. She didn't even know when time had began passing.

It waw no wonder that this book was beloved by it's readers and fans and 90 percentage of the comments and reviews were flooded with praise for it.

But she could take a While to observe that almost every reader of this book had twisted mentalities or so.