
I Became a Predator in a World of Systems

In a world where every citizen died and was resurrected with a system that bestowed upon them different races and abilities, society is now divided into two distinct categories: Predators and Preys. Predators are the higher-ranked, evil-generating individuals, feared and respected for their power and malevolence. Preys, on the other hand, generate good, often finding themselves at the mercy of the ruthless Predators. Aiden, a calm, collected, and law-abiding citizen of Canada, lived in this new world as an Incubus—a mild evil-generating system tasked with awakening the deepest lusts in others. Though his life took a dark turn with the world purge, Aiden managed to maintain his moral compass, balancing the demands of his system with his inherent sense of justice. But fate had other plans. After a horrific accident left his body brutally destroyed, Aiden's soul was unexpectedly transferred into the body of a wealthy young conglomerate—one who bore an Extreme Evil System. Suddenly, Aiden found himself in the shoes of a high-ranking Predator, a Demon, a race that transcends all others, a direct descendant of the Devil himself. Now, Aiden must navigate the treacherous world of Predators, wielding the overwhelming power of a Demon while grappling with the moral conflicts of his former life. As he adapts to his new identity, Aiden must decide whether to embrace the darkness within or find a way to survive without losing his soul.

Unique_Ideas_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
75 Chs


The road Alex was taking was bumpy. After knocking out Aiden and somehow the lady he was also planning on taking was out, he put them both on his shoulder and straight to his car.

Now, he was on his way to his house. Since the incident, he had managed to turn his life around from a poor frat to a rich person.

Though being a predator wasn't easy with his change of race as he would need to satisfy his hunger, it was getting better. He was getting better at getting his meals, if he didn't run into another predator.

Alex looked back at his meals and smiled. On normal occasions, based on the fact that he was not the only vampire in town, he always only managed to get one meal but now today. This fact managed to widen the smile on his lips.

He checked up on the two of them again and seeing that they were still out, he decided to fully focus on the road and he connected his ear pod to his ear as he drove on.

After a while, one of them in the passenger seat awoke, and he, having blocked his ears, was unable to notice that. 

Lydia's head felt heavy as she woke up. She stared at nothing for a while before realizing what was wrong.

"I…I…" even though she finally managed to know what was wrong, she still had trouble piecing all the tiny bits of memories in her head together.

She looked around and her eyes caught the guy she had been thinking of feeding on.

"Is he a predator?" She muttered as she moved closer to Aiden and sniffed him.

"I don't think so, he smells human and his blood calls me," she muttered, moving her head away from him and then turning it to look at the one driving.

"And that one, is he…" she trailed on as she tried to sniff him.

She understood that he wasn't able to notice her because his ears were blocked but the same wouldn't be said for his skin as if she got any more closer, he would notice that she had woken up.

"He's definitely the predator. His blood smells different from earlier…his blood smelled human then and now…is he a predator but hid his form then?" She tapped her chin, her eyes narrowed in concentration.

Diffusing her mind of Alex's identity, she moved her attention back to Aiden who was still sprawled out.

"I should feed on him, I'm so famished," she muttered as she looked at his neck which was pulsating blood from his vein.

She began to transform, her eyes turned to red, her skin became very pale, her finger grew longer and her mouth now bore fangs.

Lydia moved closer to Aiden and first took in his smell which managed to send shivers down her spine but she managed to believe it as hunger controlling her.

Her fangs grew longer as she nestled between his neck and sunk deep. She awaited the pleasure of feeling her fangs immersed in blood but it didn't come.

What came instead was a burning feeling on her fangs and tongue. Her throat felt hoarse and before she knew it, she started gasping for breath.

'He is a predator,' she thought before falling limp on Aiden's body.

The heavy weight of a person and a sharp piercing of his neck woke Aiden up. He had been deeply immersed in his slumber that he had not been willing to wake up.

Not to forget the throbbing pain on his head where Alex had knocked him out earlier.

"What the hell!" Aiden squealed as he felt the weight on him. He squeezed his hand out and pushed Lydia's limp body away from him.

And then he was able to breathe and feel his own body again. He saw the blood smeared on her lips burning it and he unconsciously brought his hand to his neck.

"I did that to her?" Aiden questioned himself as he watched her.

Alex, who was busy driving with pods in his ears, finally noticed something was wrong and he craned his head to confirm his intuition.

The sight surprised him. The lady now appeared to be a vampire with her body looking leaner than before and the guy was awake, staring at him intensely.

His senses told him to release the strong eye contact he had with the guy but his eyes had another mind of his own as his eyes remained glued to him.

"Stop the car!" Aiden commanded after having activated his compel spell and it worked as Alex quickly stopped the car without any questions.

After stopping the car, he commanded again, "Look at me"

Alex looked at him, staring deeply into his soul and Aide asked, "Are you a predator? If yes, what is your race?"

Aiden knew what he was doing, he wanted to be sure of the number of predators in the country as if he knew, he would know how much chaos will be happening often.

Perhaps, there could be a way he could go against the system and stop evil from happening if he knows those causing it.

Aiden looked at the guy in front of him who seemed to be struggling to bring out the words from his mouth.

"Answer me!" He shouted again. His compel spell wasn't like the others, it had a limit to which he could use it so he couldn't accommodate the guy taking so long to answer his questions.

"Sorry master but I can't answer that question. If I tell you, I'll have to kill you." Alex, who was under his spell finally said after taking a while.

"Just tell me and when you do, you should sleep for up to one hour before waking up. And when you wake up and the lady in the passenger seat isn't awake, you should wait for her to wake you before you commence any action. Okay?"

"Okay, I understand. Yes, I'm a predator and a vampire." With further command and intensity from Aiden, Alex had no choice than to comply.

After answering all Aiden's questions, he did as told. Alex laid his head on his steering wheel and went limp.

"A vampire…just as I thought. He must've caused a lot of harm to so many preys in the country as he would have to feed…" Aiden muttered as he watched the sleeping Alex.

As he was deep in his thoughts, the notification of the system brought him back.


_Hidden Task Completed: "Take out a female vampire by making her paralyzed from taking your blood."_


- 50 EXP

- 500 Credits

- Unlocked Skill: "Memory Manipulator" (Allows the host to manipulate a selected person's memory by erasing, altering, or adding)

Details improved!

Host Name: Aiden Smith

Career: Model, Actor

Race: Demon Level 50/500

Evil Contribution: 0.002%

Grade: Beginner 

_Allies _

- Alex Shu (Vampire, Level 1, 600/1000 EXP)

 - Evil Contribution: 0.8%

 - System Type: Blood Sucking Venom

 - Grade: beginner

- Lydia (Vampire, Level 1 800/1000 EXP)

 - Evil Contribution: 1%

 - System Type: Blood Sucking Venom

 - Grade: Beginner

*System Explanation*

- Ally: When a predator (a being of evil race) knows the status of another predator willingly or unwillingly, they gain an ally. This ally will assist the host in various ways, depending on their abilities and level.

- Demon Race: As a Demon, you are the highest race of all evils, with your father being the Devil. Your powers and abilities are superior to other races, and you have the potential to dominate and control other predators.

Congratulations, Aiden! Your successful completion of the hidden task has granted you new allies and a powerful skill. As a Demon, you have proven your superiority over other predators. Continue to dominate and control the world of evil.]

"Oh…" Aiden stared at his current stats in awe.

What do you think of the concept of good and evil and our MC perception of it? What is your own perception towards it?

Also, creation is hard, cheer me up!

Unique_Ideas_creators' thoughts