
Spiritual Energy Storm

Fang Chen was angry because of the way Tain Yue's behavior. He has just tried to save her and she is saying that he is following her.

Just as he was about turn back, Tian Yue called out.



"I am sorry, they followed me and attacked so that's why I thought you also followed me."

Fang Chen shook his head after hearing her reasoning. He remembered that she is from the Nobel clans so she would think like that.

"I didn't followed you"

Tian Yue nodded but got confused.

"Then why are you here."

Fang Chen sighed and explained.

"I was at quite a distance from but I heard the noise so I followed it and found that two cultivators were attacking You. So I decided to help you but you used your sword to kill them.

Also I seeing you I wanted to ask you something so that's why I stayed"

Tian Yue finally understood what has Happened and her face turned red because of embarrassment.