
I became a hero who was cheated

This is my first novel. I hope for support, in addition to the fact that English is not my mother tongue. Erin, in his late twenties, was a game addict until he had a heart attack and died to wake up to find himself in the game he was playing and became the weakest hero who was betrayed by his party and his childhood friend whom he loved This is the story of a person from one of the weakest heroes to the worst nightmare that afflicted the entire continent ...

Dark_lord99 · Games
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15 Chs

Isn't It Too Much To Be A Hero? (5)

When faced with situations that are too unconventional, people usually tend to panic.

That was exactly the situation with jeef now.

He voice felt struck as he looked at Cloud stupidly.

After some time, as he regained consciousness, he realized that he had been teased.

"You bastard!"


Cloud, who was punched straight on his face by jeef, was thrown 5 meters back in the air.

Cloud fell on the floor and rolled over.

jeef hared right away and squarely kicked on Cloud's stomach.

Cloud's waist arched like a stretched bow..

You bastard who do you think you are! Ya know who you talking sh!t with?!"

Every time he kicked and stepped on him, he heard a crunching, crackling sound.

Even though Cloud's body was being broken in real time, Jeff's mind just refused to cool down.

It was strange.

Usually hitting like this will relieve his mind, but no matter how much he hit this guy, that fucking annoying feeling didn't go away.


jeef soon realized.

Usually, they cry and beg for their pitiful lives even if he only delivers a light beating.

Humans are creatures that are vulnerable to pain.

And jeef is the type of person who can feels appeased whenever he sees such an unsightly appearance.

However, Cloud who was being thrashed right now was different from those ordinary bastards.

No matter how hard he punched or kicked him, even if his bones were broken and his internal organs left ruptured, he didn't leak even a single moan.

Why is that?

Cloud did neither avoid nor tried to block his kicks. It was like, as if, as if some mature adults comforting their children.

And jeef definitely didn't like that previous pitying look on his face.

'Should I just kill him?'

It was the moment when jeef, who had been caught up in a murderous impulse, was about to kick Cloud's neck.


Neria intervened in between them.

Thanks to that, the kick that tried to break Cloud's neck had to be stopped. jeef glared at Neria in vehemence.

"What are you—fucking trying to do?"

"What are you doing!? Isn't this different from what you promised?"

Neria faced jeef, covering Cloud behind her back.

Seemingly trying to be protect Cloud.

jeef stifled a smirk.

"Fuhuhu, you've already betrayed that bastard as much as you could, and now you're pretending to have care for him?"


"If you don't have anything to say, piss off. For I'm going to end it off with that bastard."

"That's not going to happen."

It was the moment when jeef was about to push Neria away. Aiden grabbed jeef by his shoulder and pulled him back—to make jeef' brow furrowed with hostility.

"You wanna pick a fight?"

"Why don't you just look around for once before you try to even get mad?"

aiden pointed to the left with a chin gesture. There, the circles of nobles were gathered, murmuring amongst themselves, although he couldn't hear what they were talking about, the atmosphere did not look quite right.

Of course.

No matter how strong he is now, even if others respects the strong jeef more than the weak Cloud, the fact that he comes from a humble background that is no different from Cloud, doesn't change.

No, in fact, he was from slums, so one can say that was even dirtier in a way.

And such a guy assaults a fellow Hero at the continent's most reputed social banquet?

Meanwhile, Cloud who doesn't even resist while the aggressor continues, from a viewer's point of view anyone would be disgusted.

It was natural for these nobles to be offended by his barbaric behavior and to babble amongst themselves.

"Others are uncomfortable with your brutal violence."

"Brutal violence? Don't be ridiculous! That motherfucker just insulted me by bringing in my mother."

The murmurs of nobles grew louder.

However, the negative public opinion toward jeef did not change in slightest.


"Insult? And Cloud? You sure sound funny."

Cloud is of low origin and a figure of incompetence.

However, he is a good-natured and caring human being.

Although the nobles ignored him, they were well aware of his personality.

That's why they took jeef' words for an aggressor's pitiful lies.

'This bastard… he definitely heard it.'

No matter how low was the whisper, Aiden would have heard it. But he shamelessly pretended as if he didn't, labelling him in bad light.

"Haven't you already achieved your purpose? I hope you don't make any more of this situation."

"Yeah, my purpose has been achieved."

jeef threw away aiden's hand with a displeased expression.

If jeef stole Cloud's party members because of his own twisted desires, aiden's was in order to keep Cloud in check.

At first, he was just going to shake up the things a little bit, but somehow, things worked out too well.

So aiden didn't want his hardwork to be ruined by escalating this matter any further.

"Shouldn't you be content by now, with all that beating?"

"Ha. What if I say no?"

"Then I will deal with you on his behalf. In the form of a duel."

When aiden drew his ceremonial sword, cheers erupted from among the nobles.

At this moment, the good and the bad were clearly divided.

jeef, the villain, had created a situation where it was his loss regardless of either he won or lost.

"….you fucking dirty bastard."

jeef clicked his tongue and hurtled out of the venue with a displeased expression.

As soon as he left, Ophelia hurriedly ran towards Cloud.

"Hero! Are you okay?"

That's what she asked, but in no way he looked in a good condition to her.

Neria, who looked with sad eyes, urged urgently.

"Ophelia, do the treatment, quick!"

"All right. I'm…"


Cloud raised his upper body languidly.

Neria and Ophelia's eyes widened, but he didn't care and looked at his own body.

It was a total mess.

The shoulder was hanging limpidly and his knee was bent in a inhuman direction, and there seemed to be quite a bit of internal bleeding too.

Cloud pulled his dislocated right shoulder first. He placed his left hand on his shoulder and wrested with a strong force—his shoulder blades aligned with a staunch crackling sound.

The broken leg was grabbed and gyrated to the original direction.

He moved around until the broken bones were positioned in right places, and then released his hand snugly.

"Done. Now heal me."

"…Y, Yes? A-Ah, yes…"

Ophelia felt a little creepy for some reason and quickly used a heal on Cloud.