Kai Tieldich, a shut-in gaming loser in life, has just died from a tragic truck accident and finds himself reincarnated into a near-indestructible homunculus living in the magical world of Solaster; a world at constant battle between Humans and Demons. His goal in this new life? To become the Demon Queen's Assistant and to save the Demon Kingdom from the worst thing a gamer could think of: a [Bad End]!
"WAHAHAHAHAHA! Absurd, absurd!! WAHAHAHAHAHA!" Flaur fell into a laughing fit on her seat as Levii stood agape and Aim on the verge of popping a blood vessel.
"RIDICULOUS! ABSOLUTE STUPIDITY! You make LIGHT of the problem that runs deep into our NATION!" Aim shouted; visible veins bulged out of the bit of exposed neck visible out of his large overcoat as he did.
"Your Majesty, I beg you, please get rid of this 'thing' before it makes our already terrible matters WORSE!!" Aim shook a straight finger at me.
But Flaur was still too busy laughing her head off, giggling over my given proclamation.
I started to feel a little- no, honestly, I felt VERY embarrassed over what I had just said.
I don't know what it was- the flow of the conversation, or my desperate grab at whatever hope I could latch onto to get everyone off my back-
especially Flaur's; for some reason.
"As I heard from Levii, the night before, Uncle Belial had asked of you to become my assistant as payment for the deal you two had struck." She said as she snickered.
"That old dummy, what a worry wart!"
"But- it is as he says,-- I don't have many allies." Her laughter quickly began to fade.
"With Carmi being stretched beyond what her normal duties should be, and the handful of people I trust doing the same-" She glanced at Aim.
"The likelihood of me ever doing anything that could remedy the issues that plague Modos is slim to none."
"And I believe I do not have to mention the other 'barrier' I face involving those tarty 'bluebloods' from the Lesser Keys Court." She slowly shook her head.
"But, Kai."
"Just because you say so, does not mean I will 'trust' you." Her eyes sharpened to a needle edge.
"It is true that we have shared a strange familiarity so far, as I find myself acting oddly comfortable with and around you- even though we've only known each other personally for two moon-cycles now, wahaha!"
"But with the fact that you're a Mana Eater- is, well, how do I say, a 'Devil's Twisted Horn' of an issue!" I have no idea what that metaphor means.
She paused as she tapped her fingertips together.
"Yet, if what you claim is true- that you 'COULD' solve the issue within a span of a week-"
"Your Maje-" Aim tried to interrupt.
"-then so be it! Prove to me that you can! Prove that you'll become an asset so valuable to me that I couldn't bear parting with you." But he was ignored as Flaur agreed to my preposterous claim, with a malicious smirk to seal the pact.
"Otherwise- hmmm."
"Well, you'll be branded an enemy to Modos! WAHAHA!" Well, that's motivating.
"Uhh, one question- does this pause our suitor thing or--?"
"Moon-above no, you're still my suitor even with the fact you're a Mana Eater, hehe~." DAMN IT!
This is going along too smoothly- there has to be a catch. If this brat was more or less raised even in the same mile-wide vicinity of Belial, then she's scheming some bullshit that'll land me into a whole other mess.
"What're the restriction Flaur, I know that you have them ready- just tell me them now."
"Hmmm~ Why, how astute Kai! hehe, plus two points~!" What're these points for!?
"Yes, there are restriction's as you could imagine."
"First, after today, you will not be allowed near Levii, Aim, and lastly, Me."
"That is until the Sanguidicium."
"Y-Your Majesty!?" Levii spoke up.
"Hmm, Levii? Is there an issue with this restriction?" She asked, she was surprisingly patient with Levii's outbursts compared to Aim's.
"Why are you imposing such a thing onto Kai! Especially I, as I'm to be his companion for the second trial in the Sanguidicium!"
That's right- she will be my choice for the combat trial. And if we're separated until then, how're we going to get to know each other well enough to fight together?
"Levii, think about it this way..." Flaur twirled with her hair as she began to explain.
"How are you aware whether or not whatever that you do is a direct result of Kai's influence over you?"
Thats- that's a valid statement.
"What do you mean your Majesty?" Levii looked confused.
But instead of Flaur explaining, it was Aim instead.
"As what her Majesty is trying to explain to you, girl, is that as you had said earlier- you feel a strange connection to the thing that stands before you-" He motions his hand to me.
"As we do not fully know the nature of Mana Eaters, how are we not aware of how they affect their servant's abilities by simply being near them?"
"Why- what if they're directly pumping mana into us right now, making us perhaps stronger than what we really are?"
Flaur rose a flat hand up, a sign to Aim to stop.
"It's as Aim said, we are not aware of the extent of Kai's powers."
Thinking about it now- I think I can see the true intent of this restriction.
"This isn't a restriction on me- it's a restriction on them, and in greater effect, a live test on me, a Mana Eater's, abilities."
Flaur smirked at my deduction.
"Hehe~ Correct."
"Then it's safe to say that whatever else you have in store for me is just more hoops for me to jump through for you as a lab rat to research, is that correct?"
"A 'lab rat'? I do not know what that is, but if you're saying whether or not I am using you as a way of researching the abilities of a Mana Eater- then yes, you are a 'lab rat' as you say."
"Don't take it too harshly Kai,- why if you weren't who you were to me, you would be dead! Wahaha!" What a great thing to hear, the perfect kind of morbid to keep me going, tch.
"Then how will it work? Do I just not leave my room the whole day?"
"Don't be silly, you'll be sent on a trip with Carmi instead!"
"Say what now!?"
"Don't be sill-"
"I heard you the first time!"
"Why, it's as I said- she's going on an important trip for me coming by tomorrow- she'll be spearheading an important assignment that has direct ties to the Stolg crisis; and you'll be accompanying her to fulfill the first restriction, I'll inform her myself of the sudden change."
"And as for why you haven't seen her yet- well, actually, I think I'll keep that a secret until we see her later today, hehe~." She snuck a quick sneaky glance at Levii; I barely managing to catch it.
"What if I just make her my servant, aren't you afraid of that!"
Flaur knitted her eyebrows at my outburst, but she blew a small raspberry instead in response.
"*Pffft* If it'd save the Stolg's, then feel free! Wahahaha!"
"I jest- besides, I have full confidence of Carmi being able to take care of herself, even with you around." She waved it off.
I feel like she wasn't lying about the first part- but I'll let it go for now.
"B-But, how will I train for the combat then without Kai?"
"The Warmaster will train you, won't you Aim?" She gave a very sweet smile to the now nervous looking Aim to her side.
"Your Majesty, I-"
"Fantastic! I knew I could count on your Aim, especially after your attempt on MY life just recently showcasing your refined spearman-ship that Levii here could definitely learn a thing or two from, hehe~!"
"That and that perplexing wind magic that you two have an affinity for as well."
Levii looked at me distraughtly- Flaur mentioning the Wind-Deity magic reminding her of her original question; I have to come clean with it now.
"Yes, Levii- you were the one who had removed the spear from the Warmaster's body."
"And- as you're now aware of your contract to me, you're no longer purely a Steppe Imp."
"W-What do you mean, Kai??"
"Believe it or not- I have access to basic information about the people I have a contract to."
"For your information, I can see your skills and latent traits that make up your 'self'."
Aim spat at the stonework floor as he heard me explain this- I didn't blame him, he probably feels disgusted knowing that I can just peer into his personal information at any time.
"For you- you're considered a Wind-Deity Imp now."
"A- A Wind-Deity...?" She looked like she was going to stumble over, but she managed to keep herself from doing so.
"Then what I had done, was true?" She looked at Aim, he gave a silent nod.
"Ah, ah- my father, my father would be- proud, perhaps?" She muttered listlessly.
"Other than that- I was alerted that you used an ability in the battle we had to allow yourself to have complete control over the winds- or more precisely, a kind of immunity to them." As I said this, Aim couldn't help but gasp.
"The Wind Spirit's Aura." Close but no cigar Aim, it's called the [Wind-Deity's Grace] for me; but I won't tell him that.
"It's a special skill that the Wind-Deity herself bestows upon her chosen to temporarily rule over the gales- it explains the fact that you were able to directly grab Gae Assail!" He looked pretty excited now, almost like a little kid finding a new toy.
"Haahh- I see..." But Levii herself was stuck in a weird kind of daze with the fact that she's a part of that now.
"Very well, as her Majesty had commanded it, I will take it upon myself to train you, as the Warmaster of Modos!"
"Hoohhh- is that so...? I will be in your care... Warmaster Dagon."
"Please, call me Comrade Aim! We are disciples of the wind now, dear girl- No, Wind-Heir!!" He joyfully walked over to the drained-looking Levii- him chattering away about the training he had in store for his new protege.
I kind of regret telling her the truth now- but she had to know about herself at some point.
"But why couldn't I remember any of it... Kai?" She asked in a lethargic tone, her eyes were a little hollow.
"That... I'm not so sure myself- from what I do remember, you were almost in a kind of trance when you used the skill to save the Warmaster."
"Other than that, that's something you're going to have to figure out for yourself- I'm sorry Levii." And I really was legitimately sorry, I couldn't read her skills to figure out why either.
// [Servant: Levii] Relationship Stabilized. //
Finally, some good news.
"So, back to the topic-" I turned my attention back to Flaur- she was twiddling her thumbs, but I could imagine she was paying special attention to the news about Levii's hidden power.
"What're the other restrictions?" I figured it's pointless arguing over the semantics and details of the trip I'll be forced to take with Carmilla, so I'll gloss that over for now until I see her myself.
"You will have a personal detail of mine to watch and observe you at all times."
"And you will NOT tell anyone else outside of this room that you're a Homunculus- consider that your highest priority out of all of the restrictions, and an ongoing one outside of the week limit."
"Seems fair enough- but who's going to be my personal watch?"
"Why, you have already been acquainted, Kai! From 'his' reports, it appears as though you two have reached a certain, hehe, 'understanding'."
Oh- oh no, no- it can't be that obvious, could it?
"Hmmm~ Perhaps, perhaps not- you'll see later tonight in your suitor's quarters~" If it weren't for the tense atmosphere of the room, I would definitely throw her around like a basketball to wipe off that annoying smug smirk of hers.
My chains- geez, they're getting annoying. They're not heavy but being constantly reminded of being in them is getting on my nerves- not to mention sleeping in them too.
"Ah, your anti-magic cuffs- not to your liking, Kai?" Flaur revealed a toothy, cheeky grin as she rested her head onto her palm lazily.
"Once you've been dispatched along with Carmi, you'll be unchained."
"Afterall, the Lesser Keys Court has ended, you're no longer really needed to be protected as a 'prisoner'."
"And- well, I believe you have already found out the other reason as to why I had them placed onto you other than them acting as a symbolic protection as well?" She motioned with her eyes to get me to look at Levii, who was at loss listening to Aim prattle on about spear techniques and the glorious history of Ludan-whatever.
"Yeah- I got the hint then with all of the nobles and their 'welcoming'."
"Good- I believe that was a great introduction to you to our world of 'diplomacy' in Modos, wahahaha!"
Weren't you asleep around then? I guess if she had predicted it, then she didn't really even need to be awake for it to know it 'would' happen regardless.
"Your deadline for our little bet will at the eve of the Sanguidicium- that being held once again at the throne room; Carmi will inform you of what time when you two see each other tomorrow in the morning." I nodded in understanding.
"In regard to the first restriction- am I really allowed to speak and interact with ANYONE other than you three?" I asked, because I had someone I really needed to talk to, even if I despised their all too obnoxiously 'elegant' selves.
"Yes, you are- as long as you follow the other two restrictions to the letter that is."
"Fine, that'll work."
"Great! Ah, what an exciting morning!" Flaur proceeded to rummage through the Warmaster's large desk for an oddly long time as she finally found what she was looking for with a triumphant squeal of success.
"Here, I believe I should give you back these now- before we're not allowed to see one another after leaving this room that is."
She procured my grimoire- and cane-... staff?
"The 'book' is mine, but I think you've got the wrong staff?" I said, as the staff laying atop of the desk looked like something straight out of an RPG's end-game Wizard's weapon; it being a long, black staff with a clear gem affixed to one end.
"But they are! I believe Aim should inform you of his other skill now, as it pertains to Levii's spear just as much." Flaur motioned her white-gloved hand to Aim- he was caught off guard from his ramblings to Levii.
"Ah- Ah yes, your Majesty- yes, I have the ability to magically restore anything considered a 'weapon' to a certain degree." He explained, half-attentively. It seemed like his mind was muddled up in Wind-Deity history.
"I however cannot restore non-weapons, so I could not do anything for that aged tome there." He pointed to my grimoire.
"My spear... so it was you." Levii gave a weak smile to Aim, she looked pretty exhausted.
"Yes Wind-Heir, it was I- I was the one who had repaired the mighty Gae Assail- and with that in mind, let me explain to you the intricacies of its design and it's astounding use for the Steppe Imps and other lesser clans of the Steppe..." And like that, he resumed his rambling to Levii.
"So, I guess that staff is mine- well thanks for that." But my thanks were lost to the old Demon and his very much unwanted lecturing to Levii.
I walked over to the desk- it felt like the worst of it has passed, with me being a Mana Eater and all; the tenseness of the room had alleviated.
But just as I was about to grab my newly fixed cane, Flaur gently placed her hand over mine.
I can't lie- my loser virgin-self did feel a little excited having a girl hold my hand like that, but I soon lost that enthusiasm to the booby brat whispering to me some chilling parting words.
"Kai- I know you're hiding a lot more than what you're letting on~" Her red eyes glistened with a strange intensity as she stared me down.
"Just know, however-"
"I am aware of a lot more about you than you think, hehe~" She venomously cooed.
"WELL!" She suddenly clapped her hands together, grabbing everyone's attention- mines especially having a mini panic attack over not knowing what she 'really' knows about me.
"I believe with the bet set as is, it should now be carried out." Flaur got up from her seat from the desk and walked around, making sure to keep a certain distance from me as she did.
"You'll be staying here until you're picked up by my 'detail', Kai."
"Otherwise, stay put! You will be free to roam the grounds of the castle at night once my detail allows it."
"Any last words for our friend before he embarks on his improbable quest, Levii?" Hey, no need to add in improbable like!
Levii gave me forlorn look as her lips quivered to come up with a suitable goodbye.
"Best of luck, Milord." Is all she could get in as she returned to her listless demeanor.
"And for I-" Flaur spoke up.
"I expect results, my dear suitor!" Is what she said, as she exited the door with Levii,- and Aim who gave me some serious stink-eye as he exited last, closing the heavy door behind him with a heavy slam.
I was alone now in the room now, the noon sun shone with a surprising heat through the small windows placed high above the office.
I took this as my chance to inspect my things more closely now- and to soak in the gravity of what the hell I've gotten myself into.
First the Sanguidicium- and now I have to solve the Stolg crisis within the week leading up to the stupid trial!?
Augh, I really regret not telling them I'm just an incarnation of Ahriman- that would've likely made them gloss over a lot about me if I had.
But if I did tell them that- I feel as though any kind of work I could do with Ryul would've been lost. I can't explain why, I just feel like that it would happen if I had spilled the beans about Ahriman. Maybe it's ol' Assmoldy watching over me like a weird elderly angel goading me into not talking about Ahriman? Meh, doubt it- I think I'm just being naturally paranoid.
I walk over to the seat behind the desk and sit down- surprised by how comfy the chair was. No wonder Flaur was hogging it all this time, especially with her lazy-
No. No, I can't just write her off like that anymore.
'I am aware of a lot more about you than you think'
That single sentence of hers, it made whatever this body had considered to be blood, run cold. It felt like I was dipped into an ice bath hearing her say that.
It genuinely made my 'brain' feel numb.
What could she know? Was she bluffing? Or does she know 'everything' about me?
About Faustus, Ahriman- or even... even 'that'.
Me being from another world that is.
I recline in the comfy chair, letting my back jut deeply into it as the cushioning molded around my body shape.
Deeper and deeper did I sink into it, but as I did- I notice that the compartment that Flaur had rummaged through to find my items was still open.
Hmmm- eh, why not.
Letting my curiosity get the better of me, I decide to give a quick peek through the half-opened storage cubby.
But as I opened the cubby-
A small, hastily written note fell out-
It having been carefully angled to fall out if someone were to open the cabinet further, but not to close it.
"What the..?" I grab the note, it being the size of my hand at most.
"Kai- at the moment Ami and you fall 'asleep' in your quarters- leave your room in haste and proceed to the dining room- I must discuss something briefly with you. F."
'F', huh?
I wonder what she's planning with this- especially as she's already breaking restriction one and two with this kind of secret meeting in the night.
Well, this does kind of fulfill that secret meeting with a girl under the cover of darkness trope, so I should be happier. But, with it being the fact that it's the surprisingly cunning booby brat, I couldn't really be all that happy about it if I tried.
Taking no chances of being caught with this kind of incriminating evidence- I did something that I haven't done since kindergarten.
I tore the note into small shreds and swallowed it whole- and with that, the question is no longer 'what note?' but more 'what' note?
Nope- nope I still feel shame, my stupid wordplay doesn't help with that; eating paper is just embarrassing!!
But before I could further wallow in my aura of lameness, I heard a polite knock tap on the wooden door.
Thinking about it now, if Ami is my observer- what's stopping me from forcing a contract on him? I'll just assume Flaur's thought up of something to account for that- yeah, let's go with that. Plus., it's not like I'm such a loser creep to actually FORCE a contract on someone, especially a blooming friend.
"Come in." I say, as the wooded door opens to reveal a familiar maid.
"Good-Afternoon Sir Kai." Ami bowed as he entered the room.
No matter how many times I see him, he'll continue to always look so-... feminine.
If it weren't for his black ribbon, I wouldn't be able to tell between him and his sister at all.
"Hello Ami, I suppose you're already aware of what's going on?"
"Yes, Sir Kai, I have been informed by her Majesty." His monotone voice ever the same as he walked forward, he now standing before me in front of the desk.
"Alright, guess with that out of the way- what am I going to do until tomorrow?" I pondered as I sifted through my grimoire uninterestedly.
Even though I'm able to read and write now (something I'm still don't fully know how or why but I digress) the book is still just a bunch of random archaic looking scribbles to me.
Otherwise, a glorified picture book with a severe lack of pictures other than the map of some of the world shown in the back- the one I had used to figure out I was in the Steppe back then.
"Oi, Ami." I called out to him.
But he looked a little dazed as it took him a moment to respond to me, maybe he's had a long day? I'd bet with the ridiculous breakfast he was in charge of making and serving in the morning.
"Y-Yes Sir Kai?"
I showed him the book, choosing a random page from it to show him.
"Can you read this?" Doesn't hurt to try, besides, I'll be stuck with him for the week- I got to get used to him knowing a lot about me whether purposefully, or accidentally.
He studied the page, knitting a perfectly trimmed brow at its contents as his eyes scanned the page's writings.
But alas, it wasn't meant to be.
"Forgive me Sir Kai, I have not been taught Old-Devil; I cannot read it."
Wait a minute- scratch that!
"Did you just say-... Old-Devil?"
Looks like I can work with this!
I LIED, I posted a whole day early!ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
Well in all honesty I really just did that because I went into a late night writing spree up until four AM, but details shmetails right?
We've hit 500 collections for the novel!!! Woah, that is crazy!! I've been enjoying seeing chapter interaction with a lot of you as well! And for those who vote for my work, a special thank you because in doing so, it exposes my work to others to have a try at reading ٩(^‿^)۶
And in regards to some readers, my characters are not one note- and neither are they at their full potential at the current moment. I may have written quite a bit, but I'm no where near getting said characters to acting the way you'd expect them to; so please be patient.
Other than that, till then ┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴