
I Became a Demon Queen's Assistant in Another World!?

Kai Tieldich, a shut-in gaming loser in life, has just died from a tragic truck accident and finds himself reincarnated into a near-indestructible homunculus living in the magical world of Solaster; a world at constant battle between Humans and Demons. His goal in this new life? To become the Demon Queen's Assistant and to save the Demon Kingdom from the worst thing a gamer could think of: a [Bad End]!

onthehouse · Fantasy
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48 Chs


We were riding in the carriage with the Flaur and Carmilla.

Azu'll was put in the back along with a guard to keep watch over her, from what I had seen- she was still unconscious when Flaur had dropped that bombshell on us.

"'You're being arrested on the grounds of now knowing top kingdom secrets! WAHAHAHAHA!'"

Ugh, the smug shit-eating grin she gave with that declaration almost made me want to full-nelson drop her into the floor- but I was too stupefied to react.

What happened next was her ordering her guards to chain both Levii and I by the wrists with magic and physical resistant cuffs. Again, I was still too stupefied to react to it all- Levii and I were caught off guard.

But- as we were escorted outside by one of the knights, instead of us being sent along with Azu'll in the back of the carriage- we were instead brought along with Flaur and Carmilla to their part of the private carriage instead.

I was pretty weirded out by their choice of animal for riding too- as they were gigantic iguana-rooster things, the upper body of the lizard with the legs of a bird.

I suppose that had solved the mystery of the hissing instead of the neighing.

And so- that brings us to now, I have no idea how much farther it is until we reach the capital. Levii had finally reached her limit, understandingly exhausted from the bizarre adventure so far and is now cutely sleeping on my shoulder (gods bless). W-wait, is she drooling on me? Meh still cute.

I was staring daggers at the idiot duo sitting innocently in front of me- I don't know what they're thinking arresting Levii and me.

I mean, do they really think these chains can hold me? I'm really tempted to just do a big comical yawn stretching out my arms and casually breaking my chains- just like that.

No- no, I have to think about this carefully- why would they have prisoners ride along with them like this? Wouldn't that be dangerous?

Hmm- I mean it could be something like 'that'.

"You're doing this for a loophole aren't you." I hazarded to finally speak to them- Flaur kept her self-same smirk as she eyed me lazily from her headrest.

"Why, whatever could you mean mister prisoner~?" I really, really want to sucker punch this midget.

Carmilla said nothing, rather she was busy writing away something on her clipboard- she looked completely engrossed into it.

"Don't act dumb- actually, scratch that, I don't think that's something you couldn't ever stop acting as."

"Pfft." Huh, what was that? Do my ears deceive me? Did Carmilla... just laugh a little!? I guess pigs DO fly!

Wait, they actually could out here- I haven't seen pigs yet.

"HEY!" Flaur kicked my shin from her seat, but instead of it hurting me- it was Flaur instead who hurt her own foot.


She took off her black boot and tearfully rubbed away at her hurt foot.

I think this girl is a misfortune magnet with how often she gets herself hurt.

"No fair, hmphh." Her cheeks puffed up in protest as she looked at me scornfully- how is that my fault dumbass!?

She closed her eyes and let out a big sigh as she looked out of the window of the carriage- the orange of the setting sun illuminated her face spectacularly- it ALMOST made her look beautiful; ALMOST.

"Look, you're right- this is out of a need of a loophole." She began to speak, adopting her authoritative tone again.

"But I can't tell you why just yet- you're just going to have to trust me as we enter Modos, it'll all make sense then."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her asking me to trust her. Nothing she has done so far has earned anything from me to potentially "trust" her with anything. Rather, so far I've come to the conclusion that she's ultimately an opportunist- and something like that is dangerous, especially to those who have stakes outside of helping her rule a kingdom.

That was a given when she had used the arrival of Levii as an opportunity to manipulate Azu'll.

That's just something I can't so easily move on from- even though Levii herself might have had already done so; with her being so relaxed right now even in chains.

"*Sigh* It WOUNDS me having you look at me like that, boohoo." Flaur taunted me as she fiddled with something on her chest.

It looked like a small pendant- it was a small blue crystal.

"But I don't blame you, as well-"

The carriage stopped, cutting Flaur off short. Carmilla looked up from her clipboard and began to speak.

"We've arrived your Majesty."

The door to the carriage was opened by one of the knights escorting us from outside, they said nothing as they held the door for us to leave- Carmilla and Flaur went out first.

I gently nudged Levii to wake- her eyes fluttered open with a great pause.

"Mmm? Ah!" She noticed the large collection of drool collecting on my shoulder and her cheek, it made her shoot straight right up.

"K-Kai! Forgive me!" She wiped away at the drool on her face with the back of her hand, and desperately tried to do the same to my shoulder- but I waved her off.

"Don't worry about it, besides- I think we're here." I pointed to the still silent knight waiting for us as they held the carriage door open.

"O-Oh, I see..." She looked back down at the chains that held her wrists in place, a frown quickly replaced her embarrassment.

"Mm, I thought I was dreaming of that- us being arrested that is." She glumly got up from the seat and shuffled out of the carriage door, I followed suit right behind her.

Outside of the carriage door, we found ourselves inside of what looked like a castle's courtyard. But above us was the towering, spire that we could see from the barracks from earlier today- it looked like it went up and up all the way into the clouds in the now night sky; the moon peaked behind the clouds with it's still strange-to-me green glow high up above.

The knight who was holding the door was now behind us and motioned for us to follow Flaur and Carmilla who were now standing next to a rather handsome man (there goes my self-esteem).

He was dressed in an all-black suit, his coat had long tailcoats to it that seemed to help him have room for his tail that flicked around behind his back. His hair was a vibrant-red, gelled back into a sweep- on his short, yet pointy ears he had matching earrings in the shape of squares of the same color as his hair; on his forehead was a single, long black horn. He looked like he couldn't be any much older than me (my 'real' old body age that is), so it made it hurt even more knowing someone like his looked that handsome compared to what I got! I mean, I'm not ugly, sure as hell an upgrade compared to how I looked in my old body, but damn- why didn't pops make me look like THAT guy!?

Even Levii took a double-take as she saw the man from the distance- is that a little bit of blushing I see!? AHH A CRITICAL HIT! -9999!

Even now in this homunculus body, I'm still vulnerable to crap like this!?

I wobbled weakly along as the now strangely energetic (TCH!) Levii walked towards the three who were in a conversation standing outside of steps leading up to the entrance of the castle inside.

I could see it now- the Levii route... slipping away... losing... will... *gasp*

"Ryul!!" Levii shouted gleefully, the handsome (2x TCH!) man looked at Levii rapidly approaching and squinted at her for a moment. After some deliberation, it seemed as though something finally clicked in his head.

"Levii!?" His smile... it's too... radiant!

I tripped just before the three who were waiting for us, my face planting onto the stone-paved ground as I could see in the corner of my eye this 'Ryul' ecstatically hugging Levii.



I'll just let myself slowly wither away here- yes, this will be my grave. I'll put some more points into my looks in the next life.

"Daww~ what's the matter Kai?"

I looked up and found myself staring at something rather black and lacy under a certain someone's skirt.

Flaur was kneeling down over me and annoyingly poking my forehead.

"Lame." Is all I could mutter as I let my face fall back flat onto the ground- not even that garbage fanservice could revive me now, booby brat.

"Tch!" I felt a swipe at my head, at this point I'll just start saying 'ow' to humor her.

"And here I was trying to console you- why, isn't that your lover hugging that rather handsome man over there, hehe~?"

Okay, that's it- I'm going to kill her, then I'll let myself die- how about that? Looks like you'll be getting your wish after all Faucet! I mean Faustus!

"Secret Technique: Ankle-Grab-No-Jutsu!" I (lightly) grab Flaur's ankle, surprising her and getting her to freak out as she struggled to shake me off.

I was kidding about killing her, (maybe).

"*Ahem*" Carmilla interrupted our (mainly my) fun as Levii and 'that' guy ended their conversation. I let go of Flaur's ankle, making her stumble back a bit before Carmilla caught her, prompting another eyeful from Carmilla, but I didn't care- what're you going to do, arrest me?

"Kai? What're you doing lying on the ground?" Levii leaned over seeing me, I noticed a peculiar black article of clothing draping over her shoulders-

It's the guy's coat!?!

"Uheh wah?" I babble spectacularly as I could feel my eyes figuratively pop out of their sockets straining at what I was witnessing. She was using it to cover her bare shoulders, I didn't think she'd be cold- as we've been traveling in her traditional (rags) clothes this entire time!




Nnnnng! Where's this asshole now!?! I'm gonna give him a terrible stink eye; that'll show him!

Flaur whispered to me as I tried to eye the guy down-

"Eugh, you got some serious dead-fish looking eyes there Kai, hehe." She dodged my second attempt at grabbing her ankles as she gleefully skipped back to Carmilla's side, one foot still barefoot.

The handsome guy, or 'Ryul', was talking standing next to Carmilla- he began to speak to the group.

"Ah, it's wonderful to see that your mission was successful your Majesty." He bowed majestically to Flaur who was just now putting on back her boot.

"Hehe, all according to plan!" Careful your big head will squash your tiny body brat!

"I see that you've brought guests as well! And I'm quite glad to know that one of them is a dear... friend of mine, Steppe Imp Princess, Levii." His face screamed youthful vigor; we might be around the same age, but he manages to make himself look like a spritely high schooler with that kind of enthusiasm- I can't compete!

Levii giggled happily with Ryul giving her the spotlight- I couldn't help feeling like a puddle of piss on the ground still lying down like this now.

I sluggishly shuffled up onto my knees, Ryul walked over to where I was.

He extended a hand down to me.

"I believe I do not know who you are, however, mister...?"

"M. B*son" I ignored his hand as I got up myself.

"M. B*son? What an elegant name!"

"He's lying- it's Kai." Flaur you little piece of-!

"Delicate... ah I see." No, don't give me those pitying eyes!

"Perhaps a delicate soul? No wonder you are acquaintances with Levii- elegant, nay- elegance incarnate indeed!" He gesticulated into the air grandiosely.

He looked me up and down, studying my body- I couldn't feel a little grossed out by another guy looking at me this intently.

"Hmm- hmm I see."

"Are you aware of the sheer amount of mana you are leaking out, Sir Kai?" His red eyes sharpened at the scar on my chest.

"You are as if- an elegant stream, ever so elegantly spewing forth outwards into the air." This can be taken EXTREMELY out of context.

"Huh?" I gave him a funny look, what the heck was he talking about?

I shot Levii a glance but she herself didn't know what he meant, but Flaur looked satisfied with what he was talking about.

"I do not know how you can handle that wonderful elegant parfum that you excessively exude, Sir Kai."

"As mana smells sweet- your very being exudes as such- ah, what an elegant, wonderful warmth." He hugged himself and took an extra strong sniff into the air- I retracted a little away from him.

"M-My smell? I mean, Levii had briefly told me before that I smell nice?" Levii nodded with my recount.

"That is the byproduct of excessive mana." Flaur spoke up this time, she was also sniffing really hard into the air; gross.

"It took me a lot to not mention it so far until I knew for sure it was mana to be sure. That's why I had to get Ryul here, as he's-"

"Ryul LuCraft, Chief Royal Magical Researcher- at your service!" He bowed once again, it directed towards me intently.

"If it is not elegant, then it should not exist!" His creed seemed a little extreme.

"Apologies to be cutting this so short- but could we move along into the lobby? I believe our 'prisoners' require some basic cleaning and lodging for the night, do you not agree your Majesty?" Carmilla smiled sweetly to the nervous looking Flaur.

"A-Ah yes! Yes, you're right Carmi, how forgetful of me..." I could audibly hear her gulp from where I was standing.

"Ryul, could you be darling and take them inside to meet their 'jailors'? Her Majesty and I are in need of tying up some loose ends out here so we cannot join you ourselves just yet." As if out of thin air, Carmilla brought out a sizeable, thick stack of documents- I could see the color drain from Flaur's face as she saw it.

"P-P-Paperwork!?" Flaur looked like she was going to make a run for it but was instantly caught by the collar by Carmilla as she was dragged off to a group of knights waiting for them in the distance, Flaur was sobbing bitterly.

"Ah, how elegant that Carmilla, I strive to be but at least an ounce of what she is!" He wiped away a single tear from his annoyingly handsome cheek.

He looked back at Levii and me now, he was gazing at Levii (3x TCH!).

"Pardon me if I had not immediately recognized your elegant presence earlier my dear, as your appearance- well, it has changed much from the last time I've seen you." His smile turned had a hint of bittersweetness- wait, what's with this sad backstory atmosphere creeping up on here!?

"Ah, I look like this now because of what Sir Kai had done to me- he saved my life."

"I see... if that is the case." Ryul walked up to me, I tried to escape his handsome aura, but he caught my hand before I could take a step back in time.

"Sir Kai, from the bottom of my heart- I thank you for saving my dearest childhood friend." His eyes became watery, for a moment I felt moved from his gratitu- CHILDHOOD FRIEND (??x TCH)!?

"A-Ah, N-N-No P-Problem, ha- haha." I became living putty from the sheer shock over hearing that these two share a literal romcom backstory.

And with that, I was dragged by the hand by this elegance-freak love route thief who escorted Levii by the arm as he led us into the castle itself proper.


Cleaned up some mistakes- I don't know if updating this alerts you guys so I'm sorry if it makes you think I've released something (lol)!

Otherwise, next chapter will be outsoon- who knows, maybe even later tonight if I'm feeling extra motived ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ.

(•̀ᴗ•́)و Please leave some comments- I like seeing you guys talk, it makes it feel like I have friends (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

Au revoir ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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