
I became a Cult's Goddess in a Villainess Novel

"Shiori-sama!" "We have found the perfect vessel for you!" "Who would be better than the Crown Princess!?" "Yeah! That's right!" "..." When did I become the Goddess of a Cult? Wasn't it supposed to be just a typical villainess novel? *** One fine day, I was stabbed on the street like a certain salaryman I know. And as one would expect, I had just read a villainess novel before dying. And knowing the similarity of death with that salaryman, I made some pretty good wishes in my last moments. And when I reincarnated, although I got what I wished, I became a spirit because I wished to be indestructible immortal who is not affected by heat and cold. And somehow, the villagers of the village I arrived after my Isekai were able to see me. They became nutcases and formed a cult with me as their Goddess, smug that only they could see me so they are my descendants or whatever. And somehow, I don't why, they have kidnapped the Crown Princess of the Empire, the Villainess and offered her to be my vessel. Well, it might not be that bad... I am bored anyway. No! I just want to support her by sharing my powers to her while being inside her body. Nothing more less. It is all just because of my goodness of heart!

Ghkt14 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


I woke up in a dimly lit room, my head throbbing with pain. Confusion washed over me as I realized I was no longer in the familiar surroundings of the palace. Instead, I found myself lying on an altar within a dark and eerie church. The air was heavy with an inexplicable energy, and a sense of foreboding settled upon me.

My heart raced, and panic began to rise within me. How did I end up here? I struggled to remember, but my memories were fragmented, hazy. I had been going to the Academy, then...

I can't remember!

I tried to move, but my body felt heavy and unresponsive. It was as if invisible restraints held me in place. Looking around, I noticed a group of cloaked figures surrounding me, their eyes filled with fervor and devotion. They were muttering in hushed tones, their words lost in the echo of the chamber.

Fear gripped me, and I called out for help, but my voice fell on deaf ears. These people, these cultists, seemed to be in some sort of trance. It was then that I noticed their focus was not on me, but rather on the empty space beside me. They were speaking to thin air, their gazes fixed on an invisible presence.

Then they suddenly started shouting with excitement.


"We have found the perfect vessel for you!"

"Who would be better than the Crown Princess!?"

"Yeah! That's right!"

I shuddered. Was there a demon here who wants to possess me!?

The cultists chanted, their voices growing louder and more fervent. They started celebrating and singing a scary song. I strained to hear their words, to make sense of their madness. And then, as if on cue, I felt a strange sensation rippling through my body.

I heard a voice, "Do you want power?"

Power? Like the magicians?

"Kukuku, not like thise puny creatures. The are like ants in front of me."

Fear gripped my mind. Are you a demon? Why are you trying to possess me? Do you want to take over the Empire?

"Huh? Demon? Who are you calling a demon!? I am a Goddess! I am Shiori, the name I gave myself! Not like your fake religion who believes White Magic to be the gift of god. I am a real goddess!"

Then why do you want to possess me!

"Umm, hehe~, you know, I am a spirit goddess and don't have a body. Only these people can see me. And I can't just possess anyone because I will just completely overtake them because of their mana. Though you are different. You have no mana, and I wouldn't have any problem in making you my vessel. But fear not! I won't take over your mind! I will just reside in your body, let you use my power, and you let me taste delicious food through your body! You will even get my cult who will follow your every order! They are very strong! I have blessed them myself, and each of them are stronger than the high ranking knights and magicians combined! It's not a bad deal, right? Just let me enter your body. Pretty please?"

Is she telling the truth? Or is just tricking me?

"Of course I am telling the truth!"

...If they kidnapped me despite being all the knights protecting me, they are strong for sure. And it's true that I don't have any mana, despite even commoners having it. If I get power and this strong cult as well, I wouldn't have so much opposition in becoming Crown Princess. But...

I don't want to. I don't trust you.

"Ugggh! I was asking because I wanted to get along, but I can always take over your body! I simply want you to be the main driver of the body because I am lazy. Hmm, lemme just enter you and have a test run of my power, then decide for yourself!"

The magic circle beneath me lit up, and the cheering of the cult became louder than ever. I felt another being entering my body, enveloping me with a strange power. I had never felt such power coursing through me before, and despite my reservations, it felt... good.

"Kukuku, liking it? You will easily become more powerful than even your dear Crown Prince. Wouldn't everything become easy if you have power? No one will question your engagement."

She's right. Maybe I should just accept the situation... It's not like I can escape from her on my own...

"Yeah. That's right. I will take care of you, and give you unimaginable power."

That's right...

Ugggh... I am feeling dizzy.

"Don't worry about anything from now on, my dear Evelyn. Shiori-sama will take care of everything."


The power continued flowing into me, and I felt powerful for the first time in my life. I could feel my mana circuit being created, and immense amount of mana flowing through them. Maybe... I can finally use magic...?

I felt my dizziness increasing, and suddenly, I felt like someone else was controlling my body. My body got up from the altar, and walked towards a golden throne. When did it appear?

I watched, unable to resist, as my limbs moved on their own accord. I was being manipulated, my body becoming a vessel for an unknown force. Panic surged through me, the loss of control intensifying my fear.

My eyes widened in horror as I saw myself being guided to a majestic throne at the front of the room. I sat upon it, feeling a surge of power flowing through me. It was a power I didn't understand, a power that wasn't my own.

And then, as if by some unseen force, my clothes transformed. The simple garments I had worn moments ago were replaced by intricate and regal attire, befitting a goddess. Wait... Isn't it too revealing!? Hey! There is no way I will wear something like that, and in front of so many people!

Whispers echoed in my mind, a voice that was not my own. It was silky, seductive, promising untold power and glory. "Dear Evelyn, embrace me, accept the new yourself. You are my vessel now. You should feel proud of being the vessel of such powerful goddess as myself. No one will bully you from now on. Don't resist. Become the goddess for my people."

I felt a strange combination of fascination and fear. This goddess, Shiori, had taken control of my body, and yet, there was an undeniable allure in her promises. I had never felt such power coursing through me before, and despite my reservations, it felt... good.

As I sat upon the throne, I realized I was no longer in control. Shiori guided my actions, my words, my very essence. It was as if she and I had become intertwined, sharing this vessel. I was a mere passenger, observing as Shiori commanded the attention and devotion of the cultists.

"My children. I thank you for providing me such a great vessel. I bless you all great prosperity."




"You will call me Evelyn-sama from now on. And follow every order of this vessel from now on. She is my devotee who willing gave her body to me, so she will be your goddess as well from now on. She is me and I am her from now on."




The room erupted in a chorus of worship, the cultists chanting my name, referring to me as their goddess. It was a surreal sight, their eyes filled with adoration and reverence. They saw me as the embodiment of their beliefs, a being beyond mortal comprehension

The mouth and voice was mine, but the words were hers. Did she trick me? Did she took over my body, and left my mind intact for her amusement?

"No, my dear Evelyn. It just felt so good to move in a body. I am taking the backseat now, and this cult is all yours. Kukuku!"

I was suddenly in control of my body again, but with a huge amount of mana. I never felt so powerful that it was almost intoxicating. I felt connected to all the members of the cult, as if I could control them as my pawns with mere mental commands.

As I sat upon that throne, my mind a swirl of conflicting emotions, I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead. I have become a cult goddess. And as the cultists continued to worship me, I knew that my life would never be the same again.

But... It is not so bad...

Afterall, I am now a goddess!