
I, Asuna, don't want to travel around the world

The "daily life" of my time travel experience has passed: seeking encounters in the dungeon, God Eater, dungeon (disintegration of the family), leisure vacation, Wanhua Dream Mirror (optional), Sword Art Online, Zhanchi, Suqing ( beautiful world). Current progress - Re: From Zero (This is an immature book written by an author with brain problems. - I seem to have learned a lot from this book? - It seems that I have learned nothing? - Sure enough, there is still no progress at all.) ------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer! This story is a translation. It doesn't belong to me. Author: 相望 Title: 我,亚丝娜,不想世界旅行(至章节被破坏的结界) Cover: PixAI.Art

CrystalWisp · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 10: Do you want another shot?


  The sound like a girl crying gradually became clearer.

  On the sea surface, a huge figure advanced at a seemingly slow speed.

  It has a color like pure white ceramics.

  The upper body is a beautiful girl, and the lower body is a blooming lotus. If you ignore those somewhat scary tentacles, it can really be said to be a feast for the eyes.

  Its arms as white as jade are folded in front of its chest, like a shy girl, and its pretty features are expressionless, as if it were a pilgrimage.

  Strips of green vines extended upward from its lotus-like lower body, swinging irregularly like tentacles.

  It was a combination of beauty and weirdness, and it was also the first time humans had observed Aphrodite up close.

  In the past, people could only analyze it through satellites and a few video data.

  However, when the huge figure slowly appeared and entered his field of vision.

  At this moment, the heartbeats of all the people in the Jidong Branch, as well as the top management of other branches connected to the Jidong Branch, seemed to have stopped beating, and their breathing suddenly stagnated.

  The Far East Branch...is about to end!

  This is the truest thought in all of their hearts.

  Because they all know the deployment and situation of the Far East Branch.

  The ace God Eater team is sent to attack, and the remaining teams are responsible for cleaning up the Aragami organized by Aphrodite near the branch to prevent them from rushing into the branch.

  But, now it seems... can this thing really be defeated by the God Eater? !

  Not to mention, there are only three people responsible for defeating this mythical god!

  "Rentan and the others have still arrived at the battlefield?"

  The head of the Far East Branch knocked on the table and said seriously.

  "The enemy has five seconds to reach the battlefield."

  Branch head: "..."

  "...We still have thirty seconds to reach the battlefield."

  "I hope those oracle mines can have some effect..."

  The branch manager put his hands on his hands and rested his chin on the back of his hands. He only had to wear sunglasses.



  "Hey, Alyssa, wait for me here obediently."

  In the room, Asuna put on her cloak, squatted in front of Alyssa and rubbed her little head.

  "You have to come back soon, Asuna-sama."

  "Of course, I'll be back after I finish dealing with that big guy."

  Asuna stood up with a smile, and then took out the transfer crystal from the warehouse.

  She glanced at her inventory and frowned.

  Even as the deputy leader of the Blood Alliance Knights, she doesn't have many transfer crystals on her body.

  The one I used today is the third transfer crystal...

  And when I come back, I have to use another one. At that time, I will only have one transfer crystal left on me.

  Asuna gently crushed the transfer crystal and disappeared in front of Asuna in a burst of blue light.

  "Sister... you must come back safely."

  Alyssa silently picked up the wooden rapier Asuna gave her and continued to practice in the room.




  "Boom, boom, boom, boom—!!!"

  In my ears, there is the terrifying girl-like cry, and the continuous roaring sound of explosions!

  The blue light dissipated, and Asuna looked up at the source of the sound.

  There, Aphrodite, whose upper body was a girl and whose lower body was a lotus, kept waving her tentacles.


  Amidst the muffled explosions, huge vines falling from the sky fell heavily to the ground, and then, harsh explosions suddenly sounded.

  There were dark scars left on its cyan tentacles.

  That is the oracle mine deployed here by the Far East Branch. Apart from the divine machine, it is one of the few human weapons that can still harm the Aragami.

  However, these weapons lose their effectiveness when facing the huge Aragami.


  Huge vines were waving randomly, easily clearing away the landmines planted by the Far East Branch.

  The price the other party paid was only a few injured tentacles, and even considering its huge size, it was not considered an injury at all.

  "It's bigger than the floor masters and bosses I've seen before..."

  Asuna replaced the sword on her waist with her beloved sword "Flickering Light". Facing such an enemy, she had better use her beloved sword. If she used a backup weapon, she would not be able to hold on.

  Aphrodite passed through the minefield with ease, and while moving slowly, the vines around her were thrown around like a violent storm.


  The face with pretty features slowly turned towards Asuna.

  The piercing cry sounded again!

  "Bang bang bang bang bang!"

  Followed closely by several huge vine tentacles, slamming down on Asuna's location!

  It has found the target it needs to kill.


  Asuna stood there, but the sword in her hand was shining with a dazzling white light.

  Cracks appeared in the ruins underfoot, and there was an unbearable groaning sound of "clicking, clicking".


  Dazzling white light suddenly burst out from the rapier, but Asuna still stood where she was.

  She released her original thrusting technique in the form of magic power, and the cracks on the ground beneath her feet continued to spread toward the distance!




  The head of the Far East Branch slammed the table, pointed at the blurry figure in the picture, and issued an order to his subordinates.

  "Within five minutes! I want to know all the information about this mysterious man! Check it out for me quickly!"

  "Yes Yes..."

  The subordinate's expression turned bitter. I'll go over there and check the information for you. Are you a Mosaic star?

  Coincidentally, similar things happened in other branches.

  Even if it can't be found, judging from the other party's mysterious power, it seems to be the hope of saving mankind!

  When the time comes, all they have to do is stand on the side of justice. Isn't that mysterious man just allowed to be manipulated by them?

  It's a pity that they are all thinking about Taozi!

  The cloak from SAO will automatically be coded if Asuna thinks about it, even if she is caught on electronic surveillance.

  If you don't want to be monitored, then auto-mimic.

  However, if she wanted to fight Aphrodite, she couldn't maintain the mimicry at all, so Asuna just gave herself a layer of code.



  The dazzling light instantly split the incoming vine tentacles into two, and fell heavily to the ground.

  Then, Aphrodite's harsh "cry" penetrated its huge body!


  The green vines were waving in pain, and Aphrodite's girl-like upper body had a penetrating wound, and cracks slowly spread from the wound, intensifying her pain. !

  Amidst the deafening roars, wherever Aphrodite passed, whip marks were left on the ground, and the hill was easily destroyed.

  Asuna panted slightly for a while. This was her first time trying to use this kind of sword skill. She accidentally used all the firepower and almost collapsed from exhaustion.

  Quickly taking out the magic stone from the warehouse and crushing it, her body absorbed the scattered magic power. Asuna did not retreat but rushed forward, rushing towards Aphrodite's huge body.

  The restraint of magic power on Aragami was far beyond Asuna's imagination.

  Asuna felt that if the shot just hit Aphrodite's head, she might be able to go back now.

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