
I asked for an AK-47 in Another World

Have you ever thought of bringing a gun to another world, and wanting to see what would happen, well don't look further. this story is about Yuuma The main character, being killed on his 18th birthday, and being sent to another world.

xXSpiderGamingXx · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chp. 20 Round 2

(Announcer)Oh, I almost forgot, if both teams have their flag at the end of the 20-minute timer, they are out, For this round. Teams to each side of the arena.

(Yuuma)*Walking* They are not going to teleport us there, this time.

(Asa) Yeah, they said that they had to stop some magic, so all their mages were low on mana.

That's what mana potions are for? Healers can heal mana energy too.

(Yuuma) Wait what magic did they have a problem with?

(Asa) That giant Fire snake you summoned.

Theres no way they had that much trouble with it. War System how strong is that magic spell?

(War System) Considering that most, A Rank mages only have 80 mana and 50 magic power, it's probably the strongest magic, because of your magic power.

But yet I still need like 300 Mana to get my Ak-47, I'm going to be the strongest in the whole world at that point. 

(War System) If your magic stat follows your mana stat you will only need 200 mana, with your magic at 200 you will be able to get your Ak-47

(Mamoru) Thanks, for giving the sword back, when I saw one of the instructors come to pick you up, he picked up my sword too, so I thought I wouldn't get it back.

(Yuuma) Don't worry about it.

(Aiden) Do you guys know each other?

(Yuuma) I met them, when I went toward that high mana source you told me about.

(Aiden) Oh, that was supposed to be a warning *Trip* *Yelling* *Smack*

(Yuuma) Dang that's a big fall, they put a ravine here. *Hup* Wind, 1 mana *Lands on the ground* Hey, Aiden are you, how is your leg backward, here Healing 5 mana

(Aiden) Thank you, I couldn't feel it for some reason.

(Yuuma) It was probably your adrenaline.

(Aiden) Adrenaline?

Man, they don't know anything about their bodies in this world. 

(Yuuma) C'mon, Let's go Wind 2 mana. *Lands*

(Aiden) Sorry, Yuuma you had to use your mana before the match.

(Yuuma) Don't worry about it, My mana recharge is quick, I think it's 15 minutes for 5 mana now.

(Asa) How do we get across?!

(Yuuma) Wind 2 mana

(Mamoru) AHH, I'm floating.

(Asa) Stop it, he's flying us over.


(Asa) I thought you would have broken something at that fall.

(Yuuma) Come on, I healed him, we need to get to our base before the game starts.

(Asa) You know healing magic too, so I'm useless to the team. You can even use magic.

(Yuuma) Two healers are better than one, also you have boosts, so it's fine. Also, I can only use basic magic when I'm without a wand, My Wand is my Gun though so I always have it.

(Mamoru) I think I can see the base.

(Yuuma) Alright, this is what we'll do, Aiden You place as many Gravity magic traps as you can, You two will stay and protect the flag. Since I'm the only one who can make it across the ravine, I'm going to be the one to try to get the other team's flag.

(Asa) I'm fine with that.

(Mamoru) Yeah, I think we're all fine with that.

What's the fastest way across to the flag, War System?

(War System) The fastest way That is possible for you is Ice Shoes and Wind. You can slide there, But there is no way of stopping with the speed, you won't be able to stop unless you sacrifice your legs to stop the force.

I'm Willing to do that. 20 mana should be enough to heal myself. I might need your help with what you said, because the more I think of it, I don't understand it.

(War System) *Warning* Overuse of the Control ability, is not recommended. The announcer said no attack magic, so swords and melee combat are allowed, do you want me to just do this round, with you? 

What do you think I can't fight I know how to fight. Don't worry I can do this. I might have not been in the army, but I was a boxer and Learned Karate.

(War System) Do you know how to disarm a sword?


(War System) Calculating... You have a 43% chance of winning against the Warriors.

Dang, you don't believe in me. I'll make that 43% to 100%, Wait The warning, what will happen if I ignore it?

(War System) A System Failure...

What Does that mean?

(War System)...

So anything could happen. Let's not worry about it, Enough talk the round starting. make sure to give back the control...

(Announcer) Is Everyone ready, GO!

Alright, Go War System.

(War System) Are you sure? Confirm.


As the command was given, the System was pushed off the ground.

(Yuuma) Ice Shoes

it's creepy hearing my voice even though I don't think of it. The System Landed on the ground sliding very fast, clearing the ravine, in a second.

(Yuuma) Wind Push

Faster, and Faster I started moving Then I saw the enemy's flag, and all four of them just standing there, I got closer, and closer...

This is far enough War System.

(War System) Error... Message not received. 

Really How did I not see this coming, he even warned me about it.

(War System) Rebooting System... Timer 2:00:00

2 Hours, that's too long, the 2nd round will be ended by then. 


I forgot something going on. As I turned and looked at the screen that showed me what was going on, Both of My legs were stumps. I skitted to stop. 

(Yuuma) Healing

Wait, Menu


War System


Name: Yuuma

Strength: 40

Magic: 150

Mana: 100 

Agility: 40

Intelligence: 70

Stamina: 40

Endurance: 35




Kid (Age: 7 1/2)



Gun Maker (E)


Special Skills


Magic Master (E)

Intelligence Boost (F)



Passive Skills


Warrior (E)

Defender (E)

Swordsmanship (F)

Sword Master (E)

Healing (C)

Friendly Face (F)

Mana Circulation (D)

Mana Control (D)

Wind (E)

Fire (E)

Water (F)

Earth (E)

Light (F)

Pain Nullification (F)

Chantless Magic (F)

Gravity Resistance (F)




Troublemaker (F)


My Mana hasn't gone down, does the system not use mana when using skills, wait did my healing skill just Rank Up? My First C Rank and I didn't use Mana to get it. that's broken.

This is the turn I wanted to take if you like it tell me, if you don't then tell me, I want your opinion, If no one likes it then I won't do it again. but I think I have some good stuff planned in the future, with this concept.

xXSpiderGamingXxcreators' thoughts