
I asked for an AK-47 in Another World

Have you ever thought of bringing a gun to another world, and wanting to see what would happen, well don't look further. this story is about Yuuma The main character, being killed on his 18th birthday, and being sent to another world.

xXSpiderGamingXx · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chp. 1 Another world

I grew up playing Duty of Calling as a child and always wanted to join the army. It was such a cool thought to me but on my 18th birthday, right when I was blowing out my candles I was struck with lightning.

Everyone thought I was dead so they were freaking out. When I got up after the lightning struck, I was gunned down by my father, because he thought I was a zombie. 

(Light) That's how you died, I'm very sorry but you can't get access to heaven, since you weren't supposed to die like that. Looking at your chart, you were supposed to die in World War 3.

(MC) What do I do with them? Wait, do I become a ghost indebted to haunt my father? 

(Light) Oh no, there is no such thing as ghosts, but what we'll do is send you to a different world that another god has been working on, he says that it's for all the weebs in the world or something. But I'll send you over there, you'll be his first transfer so try to be nice.

(MC) Ok…

Then there was darkness, and a bright light beaming from above.. 

(Gray Light) Hello, welcome to Anvilania. This is my world, no other god dares to step in. You will be transferred to this world, You are allowed a gift and two special skills.

(MC) What are gifts?

(Gray Light) have you never read manga? Well, gifts are things that I give you to explore the world with. Everyone gets normal skills, but you will have 2 skills that are made for you and only you unless another transfer asks for the same thing. Oh by the way what is your name, I have to put it into the system.

(Yuuma) Yuuma Bushida

(Gray light) alright, your name is in the system, what do you want your gift to be?

(Yuuma) I was thinking of it and I think I want an AK-47.

(Gray light) aren't you Japanese why do you want a soviet Russian weapon, we have magic in this world and you want a gun.

(Yuuma) Yes, I've always wanted one, but since I live in a country where I can't get a gun license, that's all I want. 

(Gray light) ok I can permit it, but there is one thing, I'll have to make it a magic gun, it allows you to make any gun you want because a normal gun wouldn't be able to do any damage to monsters.

(Yuuma) I'm fine with that.

(Gray light) Ok, what do you want for your special skills?

(Yuuma) Well since it's a magic gun let's get a magic-boosting skill. So I can use it.

(Gray light) You already have high stats for being another worlder. Confirm?

(Yuuma) Yes

(Gray light) alright, what will your second special skill be?

(Yuuma) Can I get a skill that makes me intelligent, because to be honest an AK is my favorite gun but I don't know how to use any guns…

(Gray light) *Sigh*… sure, I'll be transferring you to another world now, you will be a baby with the same name, and have fun in this world, oh before I forget you will get the war system, and other people from your world will be coming in every 6 ye…

*Baby Crying*

() Honey look he's here, he looks strong

() Joel, I told you, he would be beautiful.

(Joel) I was just saying he looks strong, as a child of a guard he has to be strong. Also, Onna remembers what we said if it was female she would join war school.

(Onna) yes yes, I remember, I won't forget.

War school, that sounds cool.. My mom is beautiful, and my dad also looks strong, and nice. Wait what did the god say, something about a new person every 6 years, and also something about a war system.

(Welcome traveler, I am the War system, I am only here to tell you your skills, your gifts, your stats, and your titles, I am here to answer any questions you have)

Can I see all that stuff you just talked about?



Name: Yuuma

Strength: 1

Magic: 50

Mana: 50

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 50

Stamina: 1

Endurance: 1






Gun Maker (F)

Description: The user gets to make any gun imaginable. 

Extra Description: Allows the user to save his gun blueprints.

Special Skills


Magic Master (F)

Description: The user gets a boost to their mana storage and has a high attack damage with magic, The user will also recharge mana quicker.

Intelligence Boost (F)

Description: Boost intelligence stat.

Passive Skills


Warrior (F)

Defender (F)

Sword Master (F)

Healing (F)

Friendly Face (F)





Wait, what are Curses and Passive Skills?

(System) Curses are given by the world, when it feels you have done something bad, it will make your life worse to have a lot of these, you can get rid of them, in several ways. Passive Skills are skills that you get from your parents. You can not transfer your passive skills to your offspring, but your special skill will be. 

That sounds nice. Am I able to make a gun as a baby?

(System) Yes, the mana will be used, compared to how strong and big the weapon is depending on the rank of your gift. 

Well if that's the case I know of this small gun that was made on earth I think its name was, The Swiss mini gun.

(System) Using Gun Maker (F), Confirm?


*When I said that everything around me went blue with lines everywhere* 

(System) This is the Blueprint room, say what gun you want, and think of it, I will do all the work in finding the gun and making it for you.

Ok, it looks like this, for the exact measurements and its type of gun, it's a revolver. It is 5.5 centimeters (2.2 in) long, 3.5 centimeters (1.4 in) tall, 1 centimeter (0.39 in) wide, and weighs 19.8 grams

(System) Thank you, making your weapon Now.

*It started by getting every piece then it rebuilt it from scratch*

(System) Done, to finish making it, it will take 20 mana, Confirm?


(System) Do you want to save this gun for your gift so you can use it at any time? It'll cost an extra 10 mana. Confirm?

Might as well, do I get my mana back?

(System) Yes, you will recharge 5 mana every 30 minutes.

Ok, let's try this gun. Wait, how do I pull it out?

(System) Just think of the weapon then say the price of mana you want to use and the magic damage, and it'll appear, it'll cost 5 mana to pull out the weapon.

Ok, The Swiss mini-gun, 5 mana, 5 magic.

(Joel) Hey, look he's already trying to talk.

*Babble spits, screams*

(Onna) Oh my god, is he mad?

I Cant Talk!!!

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