
I and the devil

chisimdimiracle · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 16&17




( Darkest Mind... )





"I thought we agreed on no more tears?" Madam Zuna asked as she placed ice on Marissa's cheek

"I just can't help it,words hurts me more than actions,maybe because she's right" Marissa said

"No she's not right,you're not a slave okay? If you keep that in mind,that will make you stronger" Madam Zuna said and Marissa nodded

"But then,it hurts more because he didn't stop her" Marissa muttered and Madam Zuna dropped the ice

"Seriously? You were expecting him to scold her?" She asked with a smile and Marissa nodded

"I know it's stupid,coz he doesn't even care about me. But I seem to be expecting impossible things these days" Marissa said

"Who said it's not possible?" Madam Zuna scoffed

"Trust me,nothing is impossible okay? So you don't have to get worried about it. And don't worry about Galaxy,she's absolutely nothing to him"

"But they are close" Marissa mumbled

"No they are not,the only person Venom is close to is Blade,Galaxy is just one of the gang members like everyone else,nothing special about her" Madam Zuna scoffed

Marissa stood up

"You should go and eat,see you later" Madam Zuna said

"Thank you" Marissa walked out of the room,touching her cheek

She walked into Jinx

"Where have you been? I was about going to eat,let's go together" Jinx grabbed her hand

"I prefer eating in the kitchen" Marissa muttered


"They keep saying things about me,I really don't want to listen to them again" She replied and Jinx faced her

"They will keep talking no matter what,even if you eat in the kitchen, so it doesn't change anything okay?"

They continue walking until they got to the dining hall where the maids eat together

"Did you seriously bring her here?" A girl asked

"Yes so what?" Jinx scoffed and sat down,Marissa joined her,she stared at the food in front of her and sighed inwardly,she suddenly lost her appetite. It's not the first time it's happening,since she got here,she find it hard to eat properly,she always end up forcing herself to eat

"What are you waiting for?" Jinx asked

"I'm not hungry" Marissa muttered

"Why? You don't like the food?" Jinx asked and Marissa kept quiet

"She obviously miss her princess life" Someone said and everyone laughed

Marissa got up

"Where are you going?" Jinx asked

"I will see you later" Marissa muttered,someone suddenly a mashed potato landed on her face causing everyone to laugh again

"That's actually enough to make you full" someone said

"Guys stop!! It's not funny!" Jinx hit her palm on the table

Marissa quietly removed the potatoes from her face and walked toward the door with her head down

'Don't cry Marissa,don't cry' she said inwardly but she couldn't keep it,the tears started rolling down until her head hit someone's chest

She looked up to see Blaze

"Marissa" he immediately called and tried to touch her but she moved back

👥 what's going on?

👥 My crush knows her?

👥 I can't believe he just called her name

👥 He's so handsome

"I'm fine" Marissa muttered and sniffed in

Blaze shook his head and grabbed her hand,taking her out

They continue walking until Marissa stopped and Blaze turned back

"Why did you stop? Let's go," He said and Marissa shook her head

"I want to be alone,please" She muttered

"Being alone won't solve anything" Blaze said and Marissa looked up

Blaze moved closer to her and wiped her tears with his hands before pulling her into a hug not minding about the people passing

Marissa didn't hug him back but didn't move away either,she stood still and calm with his arms wrapped around her


Venom was watching them from his window,his two hands tucked in his pockets as he stared at them emotionlessly. His phone suddenly buzzed and be turned back,he took the phone and answered the unknown number.

He hanged up minute later and used a face cap,he grabbed a gun and walked out of the room. As he got outside,Marissa and Blaze were walking together holding hands. Marissa immediately removed her hand from Blaze's grip when she saw him

Blaze bowed shortly but he didn't seem to look their way,he only walked away without saying a word.

He got on the bike and zoomed off speedily,he called Blade and he answered at once

"Hey where are you?" Venom asked through the airpod

"I'm on my way out of the clan,you?"

"Me too" Venom muttered

"I got a call from a strange person,don't worry,I will tell you about it when I'm back" Blade said

Venom wanted to talk about his too but suddenly changed his mind

"Fine,see you later" He muttered and hanged up,adding more speed.



Midnight laughed out loud while on a call

"I know right? I heard he's a p**sy f**ker,he's a dead man now girl" Midnight said

"How much am I getting paid after the mission is accomplished? I'm gonna kill him in the most cruel way,trust me" Yola said

"You need to be careful,Blade is quite corny...." Midnight muttered

"Well I'm the queen of all corny b*tches,he wouldn't mess with me" Yola scoffed

"I trust you..." Midnight smiled

".oh wait,I can see him already,He's on his way into the hotel. Later" Yola

Midnight smiled devilishly as she hanged up

"You all will regret ever messing with me" She said



Blade stared at the hotel building for some minutes before adjusting his cap properly,it covered half of his face. He walked in,after talking to the receptionist he made his way to the room where Yola is waiting.

He stopped in front of the room and was about pressing the door bell when the door opened and Yola came to view.

"That was fast" She smiled

"Are you Yola?" Blade asked and she nodded

She grabbed his hand and pulled him in.

She locked the door and faced him,giving him a seductive stare

Blade let out his usual fake smile,he looked around the room and immediately brought out his gun,he shot the CCTV cameras,the gun didn't make any sound since it's a silencer. He turned back to Yola

"Aren't we here for an important business like you said on the phone? How did you get my number anyway?" Blade asked

"Well that's going to be a secret until you agree to help me" Yola said

"What am I helping you with?" Blade asked

"You know who Midnight is right?"

"Gunner's girlfriend?" Blade asked and Yola smiled

"I'm going to kill her" She smirked and Blade smiled

"You don't look like someone who need an help from me" Blade replied

"Well I want you to do the job for me,I've heard a lot about you" She muttered and touched his chest

"Well...you should know what it involves" Blade said

Yola chuckled

"You think I'm not prepared for this already? Of course I know" She said and moved to the table,she opened the briefcase filled with cash and Blade nodded

"And there's a special gift too" She said and bite her lips

"F**k me like you wish" She added and started taking off her clothes while Blade watched with interest until she was completely nak*d.

He gave her a sign to turn to the wall and immediately she did,her @ss pushed to the back seductively

Blade moved closer to her and spanked her,she released a moan.

Blade immediately removed his rode and didn't think twice before sliding inside her

"Oh f**k" Yola moaned out loudly

He Started the fast bang and deep thrust,her moans filled the whole room

"Oh f**k!!"

"Ahh!! Oh my!!"

"Yes right there!!!"


It went on for minutes until Blade shifted closer to her and kissed her neck

"You're so amazing" he said in a flirty voice and Yola smiled

"When you get to h*ll,you should offer the devil your p**sy,he might reduce your punishment" he added and spanked her @ss cheek

"What are you talking about?" Yola frowned

"Isn't it obvious?" Blade smiled and kissed her neck again


Blade gently placed his gun on her side

"What are you doing?" She tried moving away but Blade pressed her more on the wall

"Next time,know the type of person to mess up with,sweet p**sy" Blade smiled and shot her thrice at once

Her n*ked body landed on the floor

Blade released a smile before going out of the room



Marissa was alone in the room when suddenly the door opened and Jinx entered

"Marissa,are you interested in watching the gangs while fighting?" She asked and Marissa looked up

"Where?" She asked

"They are in the fighting hall,trust me it's always interesting to watch" Jinx said

"Are we allowed to watch?" Marissa asked hoping to see Blaze fight like she wished for

"Yes of course,come on" Jinx grabbed her hand and they both left the room together

"Hurry up,I don't wanna miss anyone" Jinx said,running

They finally got to the hall

"We have to watch secretly from here" Jinx whispers to Marissa and Marissa sighed

"I knew it" She muttered and Jinx chuckled

"But trust me,you will see everything perfectly,come" Jinx held her hand again and continue moving until they started hearing the noise coming. They stood somewhere at the back....the hall was filled up with the trainees and the gang members

"They are just about to start" Jinx said and Marissa nodded

A man in his early Thirties came to the middle

"That's Calix,he's the trainer. He trained most of the gang members" Jinx said and Marissa nodded,her eyes were on Blaze.

"The first names on my lists are...Seth and Idris" Calix announced and loud cheers and claps came from the trainees as Seth and Idris came forward

"He's so handsome" Jinx muttered without thinking and Marissa faced her

"Who?" She asked

"Seth,oh you don't know him. He's the one wearing red shirt" Jinx said with a flushed cheek and Marissa chuckled before turning back to the fighters who seems to be waiting for the bell and instantly the bell jiggled

"There's no use of any weapon,it's quite hard" Jinx muttered as the fight started

None of them were having the upper hand,they seems to know each others logic and moves. They fought really hard but nobody was getting the other

"They are both amazing" Marissa muttered

"Yeah" Jinx replied

Calix hit the bell when it was time and they both stopped,looking at each others closely

"And the winner is....nobody" Calix said and everyone laughed out

Seth and Idris returned to their seats,Phoenix and Seth hit their fists together and Seth smiled but the smile disappeared when she did the same to Idris

"Next fighters are,Chicago and Athena"

Athena was the first to get up

"How the h*ll,i wanted Echo" Chicago muttered under her breath and Athena smirked at her

"Get ready to fall on your face" Athena said

"A pride goes before a fall" Chicago scoffed

"Yes I know,you will fall first" Athena said

Almost immediately,the bell sounded.

Athena made the first move with a snapkick which made Chicago stagger but she regained her balance in a second,she moved into Athena and grabbed her hand,trying a spinning backfist. Athena yanked her hand off and punched her mouth,before Chicago could get over the punch,Athena swept her legs from the floor with an heavy kick and Chicago landed on the floor roughly

A loud noise came from everyone,screaming out Athena's name.

Athena smirked and Chicago who was still on the floor,feeling embarrassed

"And the winner is...Athena!" Calix announced followed by loud cheers

"I knew Athena was going to win" Jinx smiled

"She was....great" Marissa shook her head

"The next fighters are...Lilith and Echo"

They both came out also and it seems like an unending one but Echo won,and finally it's Blaze and Phoenix

The screams doubled when they both got on stage

"Why is he fighting with a girl?" Marissa mumbled

"A girl?" Jinx laughed

"Phoenix Is the best fighter,but honestly I've never seen her fighting with Blaze so I'm not sure. Kindly hi faithdbosslady on+2347033596208 to be added to Story headquarters room. But please don't ever underestimate Phoenix,she's dangerous. Even Galaxy can't face her" Jinx said

"You seem to know everything about them" Marissa said

"Trust me,I've been here for years" Jinx smiled

They both turned to the scene immediately they heard the bell

Phoenix instantly attacked first by giving Blaze a rabbit punch on the jaw

"Ouch" Marissa muttered sadly,it's the first time she's reacting,but it's Blaze right now,she's concerned and want him to win

Soon,both Blaze and Phoenix are on it. Fighting like pros,delivering heavy punches and kicks which they both duck and dodge at the same time,flying in the air while avoiding numbers of kicks

Everyone seems to be more concentrated than any other,it was so silent.

Phoenix and Blaze both kicked their legs at the same time and they both crashed on the floor but immediately got up at a time too and tried to continue

"Stop!" Calix said and went between them

Phoenix and Blaze both stared at each other while breathing heavily

"That was a crazy one" Jinx muttered

Marissa smiled

"I wonder where Galaxy is,she's not here" Jinx said and Marissa nodded

'It's better she's not here' she thought inwardly



Blade sat down while Venom was standing up,smoking aggressively

"I knew it was a f**king prank,Gunner is really doing too much already. I want to kill him so badly" Blade said and Venom faced him

"He didn't show up,I was crazily happy while leaving the clan. But the bastard was only making a f**l of me....." Venom said angrily

"Bet he's scared" Blade laughed and even laughed more when he remembered Yola

"Gosh,how daft can they be? I can imagine their faces now" Blade said

Venom dropped his cigarette in the ash tray

"Do you wanna go to the fighting hall?" Blade asked

"Not really" Venom muttered

"Come on,let's go" Blade said and Venom nodded

They both walked out of the office


Jinx and Marissa were still talking while watching when Jinx saw Blade and Venom coming,her eyes widened

"What happened?" Marissa asked,seeing her face

"I think we are in trouble" Jinx muttered and Marissa immediately turned

Her heart skip numbers of beats at the same time when she saw Venom

They got closer and Jinx immediately bowed and walked away,expecting Marissa to follow

Marissa also tried to leave

"Stop" Venom said and she gulped before turning back to them

Blade smiled and went into the hall,Marissa wondered why he's always smiling at her but she wasn't in the mood now,will Venom punish her?

"I'm...I'm sorry....I promise I won't come here again....please pardon me" She pleaded

Venom ignored what she's saying,his eyes are somewhere else on her body as he watched her shaking in fear while standing in front of him.

"Stop shaking,I hate it" He said and Marissa looked up,their eyes met

"I hate people looking into my eyes...I kill them" He said and Marissa immediately looked away

Venom stared at her from her chest down to her legs before speaking up

"Follow me" He said and without waiting,he turned and started walking away

Marissa went after him immediately,walking closely behind him.

Soon,Galaxy showed up

"Hey Vee" she let out a smile which disappeared immediately she saw Marissa

"What are you doing here?" She asked and Marissa looked up

Venom looked at her

"I'm talking to you!" Galaxy yelled at her

Venom ignored them and continue staring without saying a word

Galaxy grabbed Marissa's hair

"Didn't I warn you to stay away?"

"Leave me alone!!" Marissa snapped and yanked Galaxy's hand away

"Seriously?" Galaxy slapped her

"How dare you talk back at me?!"

Marissa stared at her angrily

"Are you going to slap me back? Come on try it and see how I kill you" Galaxy said and turned to Venom

"Are you gonna keep quiet without saying anything?" She asked

"What should I do?" Venom asked

"She f**king disrespected me!" Galaxy snapped

Venom turned to Marissa whose head was down

"Follow me" he muttered and walked away

Marissa looked at Galaxy before going after Venom

"Seriously?" Galaxy scoffed and fold her fist angrily