
055: The Method of Double Cultivation

  On this day, Xiao Longnv practiced all the previous moves of the Jade Heart Sutra, and when it came to the last chapter, it was finally necessary for the two of them to practice together.

  But in the last chapter, the two of them practiced together, and they had to practice the martial arts of the Jade Heart Sutra together. She knew that although Yang Guo had practiced all the martial arts moves of the Jade Heart Sutra, he couldn't learn the method of internal energy operation, so she couldn't help feeling a little hurt. Brain out.

  Because Yang Guo's yin and yang were out of balance, he didn't practice on the cold jade bed, so he came to the big stone room where he practiced.

  Seeing him coming in, Xiao Longnu opened her mouth to express her troubles: "Guoer, I have no one to cooperate with me in the last chapter of the Jade Heart Sutra. I think it's better not to practice."

  Yang Guo naturally knew what was going on in the last chapter of the Jade Heart Sutra, so two people had to practice together, just like dual cultivation, helping each other to perform kung fu, not only in sword moves, but also in the operation of internal energy.

  But he didn't cultivate the internal strength of the Jade Heart Sutra, and it was difficult for him to help Xiaolongnv develop her kung fu. If he used his innate nine yang zhenqi to help her develop her kung fu, I don't know what would happen.

  He looked up at the contents of the last chapter of the Jade Heart Sutra engraved on the stone chamber, and saw two small figures sitting cross-legged facing each other, their palms connected, and the track of a meridian running on their body was also very clear. The movement is connected by the palms, and the exercise is carried out in a way of yin advancing and yang retreating. The woman must complete the exercise in one go, while the man must assist and can stop at any time.

  This caused a flash of light in Yang Guo's mind.

  That being the case, my own zhenqi is already much stronger than Xiaolongnu. Can I use my innate zhenqi to simulate the movement route of the Jade Heart Sutra? It's just a simulation, not a change, and it's only to assist Xiaolongnu when she practices?

  Thinking of this, Yang Guo sat down at the right moment, closed his eyes, and changed the zhenqi in his body a little according to the exercise route of the Jade Heart Sutra, and this change surprised him immediately.

  He suddenly discovered that the yin and yang qi in his body, which were originally a bit inconsistent, were starting to blend together with a subtle trend!

  When he was cultivating on Hanyu g., Yang Guo's own innate nine-yang true energy and cold energy merged into a congenital nine-yang true energy that complements yin and yang. It caused too much yin and cold qi, entrenched in the original true qi, and it was difficult to transform it in a short period of time, making the yin and yang unbalanced and difficult to continue. It is just a method of transforming the qi of the natural qi into the true qi of the innate nine yang.

  He used to practice by absorbing the yang energy between the heaven and the earth to refine it into his own Nine Yang True Qi, which was extracted directly from the heaven and the earth, but the cold jade g is different, although the cold jade g contains the vitality of the heaven and the earth , but it is the most yin and pure vitality between heaven and earth. This vitality is extremely pure, its nature is fixed, and it is really difficult to refine. Therefore, Yang Guo was able to integrate the innate nine yang qi in his body at the beginning because yin and yang complement each other and attract each other. It's just a natural principle, but once the true qi in the body reaches a balance, it will lead to imbalance of yin and yang when it absorbs the yin to pure cold qi again.

  Yang Guo could feel the problem, but his own cultivation was completely discovered by himself, without any reference from his predecessors. Although he knew that the yin energy was too heavy and needed to be supplemented with yang energy, he couldn't find a way to match it in a short time. The most yang thing comparable to cold jade. As for the method of mutual transformation of yin and yang, he doesn't know how to operate it.

  However, now, by accident, he found a glimmer of inspiration from the Jade Heart Sutra.

  The method of double cultivation of the Jade Heart Sutra actually has the shadow of the real double cultivation method of men and women. The male dominates the yang, and the female dominates the yin. Yin and yang practice each other, and there is a principle of mutual transformation and promotion.

  Yang Guo tried to operate the yin-cold qi from the cold jade girdle in his body and his original nine-yang true qi in the way of yin advancing and yang retreating in the Jade Heart Sutra, as if the two yin and yang qi in his body were regarded as two Men and women who practice the Jade Heart Sutra are the same, promote each other, transform each other, grow each other, and finally reach a state of balance.

  But this kind of practice has a disadvantage, that is, at this time Yang Guo feels that he can't stop at all. So when he sat down now, he couldn't get up at all. He could only wait until the yin and yang qi in his body were completely transformed and balanced.

  If someone sneaked up on him at this time, he would have no power to resist at all.