
I am Uchiha Sasuke Uncle

On his way fleeing from Konoha, Uchiha Sasuke encounters a man named Uchiha Kaito. "Call me uncle, oh! Little Sasuke," the man said. Following this uncle, Sasuke witnesses the truths hidden beneath the mist of the ninja world. You can read more chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 破碎泰迪 (for the fanfic) and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

62.Ōyama Tsu Mi

The List of "ANBU" Member:

-Victor Gonzalez



-Miguel razo

-Davis Nguyen

-Korron Hightower

-Alireza Akram

-Dan Trigolden


You can read 30 chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon for $7.

P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos

(just replace the "@" with "a")

ps: Please support me on P@treon. I can really use your help!


"It's useless!"

Uchiha Kaito pressed down with a backhand, and a terrifying burst of gravity crushed all the branches into powder.


Simultaneously, the Shinra Tensei cast by Pain ceased, and the mechanical device under Nagato instantly shattered.

He fell from the device, lying powerlessly on the ground.

Obito, along with Pain and Asura Path, could no longer bear the burden. They crouched on the ground, barely supporting themselves with their hands to avoid lying down.


"I didn't expect this kid to have such a trick up his sleeve," Izuna said with interest from outside the formation. "Unfortunately, the preparation time for this state is too long."

Chiri smiled and said softly, "This must be Kaito's first time using it in actual combat. This isn't even his final form yet; it's just unclear whether that technique he developed was successful."

"Oh? There's even greater version of this? Then I shall look forward to it."


Obito watched as Kaito effortlessly destroyed his ninjutsu and pinned both him and Nagato to the ground, unable to move. A surge of intense hatred erupted within him.

Why must you obstruct me!

Why must you stop me from fulfilling my promise to Rin!

This world is always like this, full of errors!

Feeling the ghostly hatred emanating from Obito, Kaito walked up to him.

He raised his hand, and several chains of spiritual energy emerged from his sleeve, binding Obito.

"I never thought you would become like this, Obito," he said with a hint of regret. "I even doubted whether you were really Obito or just a demon born from the deceased Obito."

Obito looked up, angrily saying, "What are you talking about..."

Kaito smiled gently at him and continued, "When we were children, I observed you out of curiosity. It's surprising that someone as lively and sunny as you came from the Uchiha clan. Back then, you were truly a pure and kind-hearted person."

"You... what do you know about me!!" Obito's voice was hoarse with emotion as he shouted, "Don't act all high and mighty here, pointing fingers... I no longer have any expectations for this world..."

"Those who obstruct me..." His figure suddenly appeared behind Kaito, his scythe stabbing into Kaito's heart, "must die!"


Kaito's voice came from another direction, while the body in front of Obito instantly turned into a paper decoy.

"I wouldn't miss out on this ultimate illusion."

Obito, struggling to maintain his posture, turned to look at Kaito and asked, "What exactly is your purpose?"

"It was you who came after me first, I haven't done anything," Kaito replied innocently.

"Heh, I won't believe there aren't any hidden motives behind your appearance," Obito retorted. "But no matter what your intentions, today we must kill you here!"

"Nagato!" he turned back and shouted loudly at the weakened Nagato lying on the ground, "What are you waiting for?"

Hearing Obito's call, Nagato shakily raised his head and propped himself up on his frail arms.

He laboriously raised his right hand, heavily slapping it on the ground, causing a circle of runes to appear.

"Summoning: Demonic Statue of the Outer Path!!"


The ground in front of Nagato shattered, and two gigantic hands emerged from the soil, striking the ground with tremendous force and sending numerous shards flying.

Boom! Boom!

Supported by the two gigantic hands, a massive creature composed of trees emerged from the soil, revealing its upper body.

At last, it appeared!

Kaito's lips curled up; he had been waiting for this moment.

Everything was for extracting materials from the body of the Divine Tree!


The creature known as the Outer Path Statue raised its head, opened its mouth wide, and let out a deafening roar.

A metal rod extended from its body and then branched out, connecting to the black rods behind Nagato.


Nagato let out a painful scream as chakra mixed with life force surged through the black rods into the Outer Path Statue.


The Outer Path Statue roared again, and from its tooth-filled mouth, an energy-formed dragon emerged. The dragon twisted its body through the air, rapidly heading towards Kaito.

"What is this?" Uchiha Kaito looked solemnly at the dragon made of energy.

This thing didn't bode well; it seemed to be lethally dangerous upon contact.

However, the power from the dragon veins within him should be able to fend it off temporarily.

With this thought, Kaito felt reassured.

His spiritual power surged again, continuously drawing from the earth's dragon veins, causing his entire body to emit a dazzling golden light.

The increasing golden energy swirled around his body, fending off the attacks from the Outer Path Statue.

The pentagram in his eyes began to spin rapidly, and his hands quickly formed seals.

A blue skeletal framework of spiritual power appeared, enveloping him, and quickly grew muscles and flesh.

Then, the golden energy also surged up, forming a thick armor that wrapped around his entire body.

The giant clad in golden samurai armor emerged from the ground, slowly standing up, with Kaito's body rising slowly, settling in the space at the giant's forehead.


"Is that Kaito's Susanoo?" Izuna looked up at the giant towering over a hundred meters tall.

"It worked!" Chiri smiled, "That's the technique Kaito developed by combining the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan and the dragon veins. Because it seemed like it could dominate the mountains and the earth, it was named..."


"Ōyama Tsu Mi!"

At this moment, the successfully cast Kaito no longer needed to worry about the soul-draining energy dragon.

He controlled the golden giant to raise its hands, making a fist motion towards the Outer Path Statue.

The earth stirred, and rocks and soil seemed to come alive, forming two hands larger than the upper body of the Outer Path Statue, closing in on it.


The Outer Path Statue let out another terrifying roar, its hands spread open to resist the center of the rock giant's palms.

Seeing the Outer Path Statue temporarily trapped, Kaito quickly maneuvered Ōyama Tsu Mi forward, simultaneously raising a long naginata in his hands.

"Nagato!" Obito, already lying on the ground, let out an urgent cry.

The black rods behind Nagato suddenly retracted, pulling his body towards the chest of the Outer Path Statue.

During this process, Nagato let out a heart-wrenching scream.

Subsequently, he was successfully pulled onto the body of the Outer Path Statue, his lower body merging directly into the statue's body.

At this moment, Kaito's Ōyama Tsu Mi had already advanced close to the Outer Path Statue, the long naginata swinging down at its head.

In the nick of time, Nagato commanded the Outer Path Statue to raise its right hand.

Its entire body emerged from the soil, withstanding a blow before breaking free from the encircling rocky hands, issuing an angry roar towards Ōyama Tsu Mi.

Ōyama Tsu Mi's naginata was raised again, assuming an attack stance.

For a moment, two colossal figures over a hundred meters tall stood facing each other in the field.

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