
Chapter 288 Something change [Edited]

Craze: Many more chapters on www.p@treon.com/phelio


Scathach licked her lips. She hadn't felt excited like this for a very long time.


'So this is the divinity of lust?'


She scrubbed some of his semen that was on her ass. She looked at the white, shiny liquid. They contain so much power.


'Any woman who gets his sperm inside their body would gain divinity. But it depends on oneself to what divinity they would awaken.'


Scathach pondered the immense potential that lay within the semen. She knew that harnessing this power required great responsibility and self-awareness. As she wiped away the remnants and did something that almost made Sullivan go hard again.


She tasted it. And her eyes widened.


"Oh, it's aphrodisiac too. You are really impressive, my dear master. Now do you still feel the lust inside you?"


Sullivan shook his head. He felt horny, but not to the point that he would commit a crime.


Scathach nodded, then stood up from him. She then brought her spear back.


"I will be helping you relieve some of your stress from now on. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone what we did inside this realm."


Scathach knew that in order to help him control his divine power, she needed to be a tool to sharpen him. She couldn't help but think of her previous disciple. Cu Chulainn. He was really talented at using the spear, but too bad he met his end before he could learn everything from her.


She sighed and looked at Sullivan. He might be her master, but he was also her disciple. She didn't ask if Sullivan wanted her to be his teacher or not. He didn't have a choice if she wanted to be his servant.


"Let's go back to the mortal realm."


Scathach then brought Sullivan out of the land of shadows. As they emerged from the land of shadows, Scathach couldn't help but ask him for food. Which he responded with a snap of his finger, then food magically appeared.


It was really easy for him to conjure food.


Morgan and Jeanne felt his presence. They came and greeted him eagerly. Jeanne smiled at him and asked him about his well-being. She knew that the land of shadows was really dangerous.


She is so cute. He really wanted to hug her and push her-


Sullivan's eyes opened wide. He shook his head to get rid of that thought. He looked at Scathach, who ate his food without worrying about his lust at all.


He knew if she said something, it would be


'You can control it at this level.'


Morgan looked at Sullivan, then at Scathach. She smelled something, and it wasn't food.


"How vulgar."


She then walked away with a hush. Sullivan blinked, then felt embarrassed. Morgan actually knew what happened inside the land of shadows.


"What's wrong with her? She was like that after venturing into something called the internet. and she even threatens me if I ever go there. I would lose my innocence... and the love of my master..."


Jeanne was bashful when talking about the love of her master, her god.


Sullivan heard that, and he could only laugh dryly. and told her that she shouldn't worry about it. and about the internet. He told her that it was best not to touch it for the time being.


'What could she possibly find on the internet for her to threaten Jeanne like that?'


He shook his head and let the matter go first because he knew that he couldn't do anything if Morgan didn't want to speak about it.


Sullivan didn't see that Jeanne's eyes had changed when she looked at him. Her eyes were filled with devotion and something else. Something that a holy maiden shouldn't have.


'My Lord will love me always, even if I lose my innocence. Ah, I really love my Lord.'


As much as the divine power gave them power, it also changed them. Morgan didn't know that she had become less selfish and self-centered. While Jeanne became less selfless and self-sacrificing. She would always think of Sullivan before anything else.


Scathach, who watched everything unfold, could only smile. Her life would be lively, and she wouldn't feel bored from now on.


'What are you going to do with them, my dear disciple?'




Inside Edelfelt Mansion.


Luviagelita Edelfelt, or Luvia, was now talking with someone through her phone. She was feeling frustrated.


"What do you mean? You couldn't find anything about Sullivan Morningstar?"


Luvia spoke through her phone with a hint of frustration in her voice. She had been searching for any information on Sullivan Morningstar for days, but all her efforts had been in vain.


"As I have said, my lady, he didn't have a record anywhere. Not in Asia, Europe, or America. Not even in this world. We only have records of his sister. Her name is Hoshino Ai."


"Hoshino Ai?"


Luvia felt like she had heard this name before but wasn't sure. She thought about it a little. She wanted to ask her butler to investigate her. But before she could speak, her butler spoke first, like he knew what she was going to ask him.


"My lady. We can't investigate this young lady. Anyone we sent to find information about her came back with a scar on their soul. This matter is too dangerous for you, my lady, and the Master has called you back. You should pack up and come back to the main house as soon as possible."


Luvia heard that and wanted to protest. The next sentence then made her stop talking.


"It is not direct from the master but from the clock tower to every family."