
I Am The Weakest

What would you do, if you were born into weakest of 6 Classes of humans? 6th Class of humans, Xioerttem - is a type of humans that posses immense energy in themselves, but there's a catch! They aren't able to use that energy by themselves. Being one of the Xioerttems, is equal to living in hell. Government and rich people use them as batteries and slaves, taking away the last glimmers of hope for any of them. But Sion doesn't give up that easily, he will use every remaining life force of his until system is changed! Author note: I will release first few chapters earlier to get everyone to know more about the world. Please bear with the slow start, I'll spend first 10-15 chapters introducing characters and deepening Sion as a character. World building should start immediately after! Please comment and express your ideas so far, it GREATLY helps, thank you and enjoy!

Thazumaki · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 5: Secrets to my Power

Battle was about to commence. Man that stood in front of Sion radiated power. For Sion's luck, Justice Ground prevented him from having more energy than Sion. That doesn't mean their abilities were equal, far from it.

" Rune-.. " Sion calmed his mind.

He felt a touch on his shoulder and world turned and twisted. He found himself in Rune's world.

" We need to talk before I fight that guy " Sion said

" Fight? Sion you need to run, that guy is strong " Rune looked confused

Both were right in a way. Sion wanted to protect the people of Ravensborrow and Rune wanted Sion to survive.

" If I don't beat that guy outside, people won't be safe. Everything will remain the same.. "

" Stop.. think about it, people are in harbor right now, most are already aboard on the ships. You've saved the people Sion. "

Sion looked awfully tensed all of a sudden, he stared at his feet and was silent.

" Then compromise, buy enough time for people of Ravensborrow to escape, they need just a few more minutes! " Rune was yelling

Sion started shaking, he leaned forward a bit and remained quiet.

" Talk to me, there is no reason for you to lose your life in vain! Just stall him for a moment and run! " serious and worried was description of Rune's face right now.

" It's-.. not that... " Sion said quietly

" What's the problem then?! " Rune got closer

" I've... *mumble* "

" Sion? What's the problem, just stall him people will be safe then! "

" I've... forgot I told people to escape using ships.. " he looked at Rune with embarrassment and big, sad eyes

Rune stood silent.

" Y-you... YOU FORGOT! IT WAS YOUR PLAN HOW DID YOU FORGET?! " Rune couldn't believe it. Rune fell to his knees and slammed his head on the ground, " You've gotta be kidding me-.. ".

" I'm sorry-.. " Sion bowed down, his face was red

Rune stood up and started walking in what seemed as a random direction. " Just follow me.. " he sighed. Sion slowly walked behind him with his head down. He was quiet and was far away from Rune. " YOU'RE NOT GROUNDED WALK NORMALLY! ".

Sigh, " What did you wanted to talk about? " Rune asked.

" Oh, right. You see, something got me wondering. " he started " Reapers touch and Life cycle work on similar principle... Both leave their targets dead and drained of energy.. And yet, you seem more worried about me using Reapers touch than Life cycle "

Rune looked at him, as if he was waiting for further explanation.

" Reaper's touch only works on people I touch though.. Life cycle works in a range 13 meters of me.. It's weird, I can sense exact use of my powers, but some areas are.. locked.. is there a reason for that Rune? " Sion asked

Rune's face gotten really serious. " Yes Sion, there is.. ". Sion got surprised, it wasn't an answer he expected.

" You see, each time I enter a new host, I either gain a new ability or one of my previous abilities expanded. I didn't want to tell you anything yet because, well.. I didn't know what you did to my abilities.. honestly, I've just found out-.. " Rune crossed his hands and sat down.

" It seems... you've made 'space' for abilities " Rune was explaining " every ability of mine, seems there is no new upgrade to it, but just countless yet unlocked upgrades.. this never happened before, obviously.. "

Sion sat down next to him. " So, all 5 abilities... I can upgrade them that much? But why me? " Sion was confused.

" I assume... It's because you're the weakest, Sion. When you're the weakest, you can only get stronger. That's what YOUR ability aligned with mine gives you. Gives us. " Rune smiled " You've made me stronger Sion, thank you "

Sion looked at Rune for a bit, then smiled back. He stopped smiling after remembering something. " But Rune, that's still not an answer for you fearing Reapers touch more than Life cycle-.. "

" No, no it isn't. You see, my previous host was a powerful Erttem, 2nd Class. He was a great military general. But he was like a monster.. he killed many, innocent children and women as well. Several days ago, when this city fought armies of North, he was leading the battle on their side. After the battle, he got home and forgot to turn off Reapers touch from the passive mode. He hugged his wife and daughter.. Murdering them, he blamed it on me for not turning it off. He killed himself afterwards. His death forcefully discarding me, I felt your energy, so I rushed to Fairy forest-... " Rune took a deep breath " ..-that's something you needed to know before I continue "

Sion's face remained the same, he looked at his hands. He wondered if it will happen to him too, will he one day meet a friend, maybe a girlfriend, just to kill her? He was a bit frightened.

" My former host gained a upgrade when he took the rune. He upgraded the Reapers touch.. You see, if you use Reapers touch on someone stronger than you it won't work, neither will Life cycle. But there is a catch.. those that were murdered by Reapers touch aren't actually murdered... " Rune looked at Sion. Sion's eyes were opened widely. " Those that are murdered by Reapers touch are sent to a realm of infinite suffering and pain. Their energy becomes directly connected to yours. You're able to use their abilities and even equipment. But more people you kill with it, more suffering and pain is stacked upon your body, it will drive you insane and destroy you mentally. Just like it did him... " Rune lowered his head.

Sion was terrified. So for such a great power, backlash is that great?

" H-how many people do I need to kill until.. I go crazy-..? " Sion asked quietly

" I'm not sure, for him.. it was over a thousand. He preferred using Collection for weapons and cut his opponents down. 'They screamed more', was what he said-.. " Rune continued " That's not all.. Life cycle has a restriction on its own. It is the only ability you posses that I do, and not you. I take all energy in a 13 meter radius from you. I'm able to do it once per week, and for each person I kill when I use it, it increases for a day. " Rune said and looked at Sion with worried expression. Sion's mouth were wide open.

" I'VE JUST KILLED HUNDRED PEOPLE WITH IT! " Sion screamed and fell on his back.

Rune giggled for a bit. " Yes Sion, you did, it will be a loooooong time before I'm able to use it again ".

Sion stood up and cleaned his Robe. " Can you get me a new robe maybe? Also, a pair of gloves-.. " Sion was looking at his hands, clenching his fists. Rune stood up " Sure, don't worry... But remember, you're going out now. Just buy enough time, 2 minutes is enough! "

Sion shook his head, he understood his situation.

" Oh yeah, Rune. I'll need a new weapon, whatcha' got? " Sion looked at him over his shoulder. Rune smirked.


Sion was standing on main square. Main tower was close to him and man was standing few metres away, right next to the door. Light flashed from Sion's hands and eyes. A glorious spear appeared in his hands, it looked godlike with golden ribbons tied to spike on top that were floating on the wind. Spear was made of combination of wood and jade, it had several gold symbols and decorations on it. Sion's robe flashed a green light, holes and cuts in it disappeared. Sion now had white gloves, they had golden symbol on them as well.

" This.. feels awesome " he grinned and dashed towards the man, gripping the spear in his hands tightly.