
I am the Weakest Villain: The Regressor Became My Wife?

It doesn't matter how hard you try. You will always fail. You are useless. Trash of all trashes. "You think I will just die like this?!" ********** Eugene Moore was your typical unremarkable shut-in, but one major event changed him for the better, or worse? Being chosen as a player by the system and transferred into an unknown world called Paradise, where the player's only role was to entertain the so-called "gods" who watched over them in amusement. Unlike the others who received fair treatment, he had the stats of a cannon fodder, the weakest, trash of all trashes. Only receiving a seemingly useless skill, [Insight]. That was until he met her, a Regressor. ********** Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024 Entry. New author so please bear with me, feedback is always welcome!

kingyujin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

A Demon?


"[Blazing Arrow]!"

Selena's response was swift, unleashing a blazing arrow that seared through the air, finding their targets amidst the fight.


The goblins' death cry echoed as the flames consumed it, also joining its fallen comrades on the ground near Mark who held them off.

Despite the carnage, the goblin's onslaught showed no sign of stopping as more goblins and hobgoblins surged forward, driven by their relentless rage at seeing intruders in their camp who were merely four humans.

Mark formed the frontline as their unyielding vanguard; Eugene, commanded from the middle and assisted Mark when needed, and Selena, their deadly force of power stood at the rear.

And their lovely regressor, Marie, just overseered them from above, casually sitting on a tree branch.


"Yes, boss! [Taunt]!"

Mark's response was immediate, drawing the attention of their foes towards him.

The six goblins locked onto Mark, their ferocity matched only by his resilience. Even as they lunged and clawed, he held them at bay, an immovable bulwark against the tide of enemies.

 Meanwhile, the two hobgoblins who were sensing an opportunity, darted toward Eugene, thinking of taking down their weakest link first, but Eugene only grinned at them.

"[Chains of Binding]!"

Selena's command cut through the chaos as chains manifested and started ensnaring the hobgoblins before they could reach Eugene. Now bound and helpless, they fell prey to his spear, their lives taken with swift efficiency.

[You killed a Hobgoblin.]

[You killed a Hobgoblin.]

[Your stamina increased by 1]

[Your endurance increased by 1]

If it was the Eugene of before, he would have faltered at the sight of their deaths, his conscience weighed down by guilt. 

But now, he no longer hesitated to kill, he could no longer afford to be soft.

To him, these creatures were little more than stat points for him, obstacles to be overcome in the pursuit of his survival.

And though he knew that he would face humans as enemies in the future, he harbored no remorse.

In this harsh world, where his own survival was of most importance, sentimentality held no place.

If they stood in his way, they were as good as dead.

'Well, I'm kind of a hypocrite, aren't I?'

'I already manipulated these three to my desires, why am I even feeling guilty about killing others?'

Eugene felt an epiphany as he just laughed this matter off, and went to Mark as he then started killing the goblins, who were too busy to mind him as they could only target Mark unfortunately.

[You killed a Goblin.]


[You killed a Goblin.]

[Your strength increased by 1]

[Your dexterity increased by 1]

[Your stamina increased by 1]

[Your endurance increased by 1]

Eugene noticed his stat growth was slowly decreasing, as he needed more kills to be able to gain at least one stat point increase, while someone like Selena on the other hand...



[Name: Selena Schwartz]

[Class: None]


[Strength: 7] [Common]

[Stamina: 12] [Rare]

[Endurance: 9] [Common]

[Dexterity: 15] [Rare]

[Intelligence: 32] [Epic]

[Magic Power: 41] [Legendary]


[Versatile Magic Lv.1] [Legendary]

-[Versatile Magic Subskills]-

[Blazing Arrow Lv.2] [Rare]

[Chains of Binding Lv.1] [Rare]

[Heal Lv.1] [Common]

-[Overall Rating]-

[You are doing well by increasing your stat points this quickly, and even leveling up one of your skills! Unlike a certain untalented someone who can't even increase them a lot...]

'Fuck you!'

If only his skill could manifest as a person, he'd give it a piece of his mind so forcefully, regardless of whether it took the form of a beautiful girl or not.

'These hands are rated E for everyone!'

His internal rant was abruptly cut short by the sudden appearance of three goblin shamans. One stood out from the others, bearing a distinct appearance, unlike the familiar shamans from previous encounters.



[Goblin Mage]


[Strength: 3] [Fodder]

[Stamina: 5] [Fodder]

[Endurance: 5] [Fodder]

[Dexterity: 4] [Fodder]

[Intelligence: 20] [Rare]

[Magic Power: 20] [Rare]


[Wind Magic: Lv.1] [Common]

-[Overall Rating]-



The goblin mage's cry pierced the air as one of the goblin shamans slammed its staff to the ground, setting off a sinister transformation.

The dead goblins and hobgoblins surrounding them convulsed, their bodies contorting as dark magic took hold, turning them into their undead variants.

Before the newly risen undead could fully emerge, Eugene swiftly dispatched them with his spear, he had to do things quick and fast before the Goblin Mage could move.

He couldn't afford to waste a moment on these creatures, his focus had to be on the goblin mage, the source of their troubles.

"Mark, draw their attention and finish off those undead goblins!"

"Selena, don't cast any magic from now on!"

"Okay, big brother!"

Selena agreed without any disagreement as Eugene's orders were crisp and urgent, a plan quickly forming in his mind, he knew Selena had to conserve her energy for what lay ahead.


Mark bellowed, redirecting the undead's aggression towards himself, and engaged them in combat, swiftly reducing their numbers due to their weak halved stats compared to their original.


Suddenly, another shriek filled the air as the second shaman joined the fray, slamming its staff to the ground, and the lifeless bodies of goblins began to stir once more, rising to resume their assault.

Eugene's heart sank as he realized the new horde wasn't affected by Mark's [Taunt] now, and with no time to spare, he positioned himself protectively in front of Selena, shielding her from the advancing goblins while Mark fought the relentless hobgoblins.


The goblin mage who had been idle now started its move, as a ball of wind formed at the top of its staff and was then pointed towards Mark, and Eugene noticed it too late as the gust of wind launched towards Mark in haste.

"Watch out!"

"Wha- aargh!"

Mark was then launched off and slammed to the ground, along with the undead hobgoblins who were already weakened, now torn apart by the tempest's fury, their bodies flung in all directions like rag dolls in a storm.

"B-[Blazing Arrow]!"

In the chaos that ensued, Selena's instincts took over, panic gripped her as she witnessed the devastation unfolding before her.

Disregarding Eugene's orders in her desperation, she channeled her magic, unleashing a blazing arrow of searing flames upon the goblins who were planning to attack Mark who had fallen.

The air crackled with heat as the inferno engulfed the would-be assailants, their pained cries mingling with the roar of the blaze, which made Eugene's plan go awry.

'Shit! This is seriously bad...'

"Selena! Can you still cast your [Blazing Arrow]?"

Hearing Eugene's question, she tried manifesting the magic and using the skill but to no avail, she didn't have enough energy to cast it.

"I-I can't!"

Luckily, he had another plan ready in case something went wrong, it didn't sit well for him but there was nothing he could do now.

Eugene then glanced at Marie who immediately looked at him as he mouthed words to her, but as she was about to question him he rushed towards the Goblin Mage who was preparing to cast another spell.

"Selena, heal me when I say the signal!"

"Eh?... W-What are you doing big brother?!"

But Eugene paid no heed as he rushed towards the Goblin Mage fearlessly, the undead goblins who were in his way were quickly dispatched by his spearmanship.

Selena was too focused on Eugene to notice the undead goblins who were quickly nearing her, but their bodies were quickly sliced to pieces by a beam of light summoned by Marie, as she appeared at Selena's side.

Noticing Marie and the goblins, she still paid no heed to what could have caused her death and quickly told Marie to help Eugene out.

"Quickly, go and help Eugene!"

But all she got as a reply was Marie shaking her head in disagreement, which angered Selena.

"What! Why?!"

"Because he said so."


Selena's gaze flickered towards Eugene, her expression a mix of concern and confusion, his actions diverged from their usual plan, leaving her uncertain and unsettled.

"Don't you both notice that he works harder than all of us?"

"O-Of course I do! It's because its big broth-"

"No, It's because he's weak."

Marie's words echoed throughout Selena's mind, she couldn't believe it at all, not in a million years, him, being weak out of all people?

The one who has the brightest intellect out of all of us, and the only one who stood up for her at that time, the one who was willing to be against many people for her sake, was weak?

"What are your two most highest stats?"

"...My intelligence being 32 and my magic power being 41."

Despite Eugene's stern warnings against revealing her stats and skills to others, Selena found herself unable to resist the compelling authority in Marie's voice. 

"If my assumptions are correct, then his stats are significantly lower than yours and Mark's, perhaps even going below ten points."

Marie mused, her analytical gaze fixed on Eugene, despite his apparent shortcomings, he had faced the goblins with a determination that belied his limitations.

After analyzing their previous fights against the goblins, Marie couldn't ignore the glaring reality of Eugene being the weakest among them.

It seemed almost miraculous that he had survived, let alone contributed to their success.

Contemplating Eugene's precarious position, Marie couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that he had perished in the previous timeline, it was the only explanation for her lack of knowledge about him before this moment.

Yet, his presence now was a testament to her intervention in the timeline. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of gratitude for stumbling upon him.

Weak he may be, but Eugene possessed a keen intellect and a commanding presence that elevated their teamwork, as his leadership had proven invaluable, guiding Mark and Selena through fights such as this with ease.

Without Eugene as their core, both of them would have met their demise long ago.

She admired his resilience and his willingness to lead despite his own vulnerabilities, and so, she followed his words as he entrusted their lives to her.

"Protect them."

That was what Eugene said as he then rushed towards the goblin mage, he decided to become stronger and face adversaries such as this, and she respected that.

Having faced her own trials, Marie understood his feelings all too well.

Because in the end, after all those hardships and obstacles that she faced, she became the strongest.

Nonetheless, if his life was truly in danger, she would immediately save him and wouldn't hesitate to graze the entire camp to mere ashes.

"So let him be Selena, and just follow what he said to you."

Selena could only nod and observed Eugene keenly, who just killed off one of the goblin shamans who was on his way toward the goblin mage, who suddenly stopped its chanting.


The goblin mage shrieked as the other goblin shaman nodded and charged toward Eugene fearlessly, who quickly realized the goblin mage's plan.

'This fucker!'

But he couldn't reach the goblin mage now, as the charging goblin shaman then used its [Undead Magic] to turn the other goblin shaman into an undead, with their intent only to distract him and buy time for the goblin mage.

"Don't get in my way!"

Eugene surged forward, his blade slicing through the shamans as he closed in on the goblin mage, however, his advance was futile as the mage had already weaved its spell.

A swirling vortex of wind manifested on top of the goblin mage's staff, it then pointed the staff towards him and a torrent of wind slashes bombarded Eugene.

The onslaught of wind slashes hammered into Eugene relentlessly, each razor-sharp gust tearing through his defenses and lacerating his skin, with each merciless strike, pain radiated through his body like wildfire, as his anguished cries echoed.

"B-Big brother!!!"

Before Selena could cast magic again in panic, Marie's hand regained her senses, signaling Selena to stop what she was about to do, as Marie observed Eugene intently, already preparing a sword of light behind her.

"Jie jie jie jie!"

The goblin mage cackled in amusement as the spell continued to rain on the human in front of it, waiting for its inevitable demise, which strangely enough didn't happen.

The human continued to march towards it with unrelenting steps, it wasn't going as how the goblin mage expected it to be, instead of the human dying and despairing in pain...

It was smiling.

[Detected that your body is sustaining injuries.]

[Detected that your body is sustaining injuries.]


[Detected that your body is sustaining heavy injuries.]


[Your endurance increased by 1]

[Your endurance increased by 1]

[Your endurance increased by 1]

[Your endurance increased by 1]

[Your endurance increased by 1]

The human's grin widened even more as it continued to advance toward the goblin mage, who was now panicking as it increased the spell's potency until it no longer had any energy to sustain the spell, but to no avail.

Despite the human being on the verge of death, it continued to walk towards the goblin mage, who started backing off in fear before stumbling its feet to a rock and falling to the ground.

Slowly but surely, the human walked and walked, until it arrived by the goblin mage's feet.

[Detected that your body is sustaining extremely severe injuries.]


[Your endurance increased by 1]

[Your endurance increased by 1]

[Your endurance increased by 1]


Despite Eugene's voice being low and hoarse, Selena's keen ears caught every word. Without hesitation, she invoked her healing magic, casting [Heal] on Eugene.

To the goblin mage's disbelief, the wounds that marred the human's flesh began to heal at an astonishing rate. The torn skin knit back together, the blood ceased to flow, and vitality returned to Eugene's weary form.

As the last of his injuries vanished, Eugene's gaze hardened a glint of defiance in his eyes, with a smirk playing on his lips, he directed his words at the trembling goblin mage.

The human sneered, his gaze icy as he fixed it upon the cowering goblin mage.

In that chilling stare, the mage sensed a profound indifference, a disdain for its feeble attempts to defy him.

Despair washed over the goblin as it realized the futility of its efforts, to have struggled so desperately against this human, only for it to be rendered meaningless in an instant.

But as it gazed upon the figure before it, a disturbing realization crept into the goblin's mind, was this truly a human standing before it?

Or something altogether more sinister?

A gnawing sense of dread clawed at the mage's consciousness as it saw the shifting silhouette behind the human, morphing and contorting into a shape both alien and terrifying.

In the span of a heartbeat, the truth dawned upon the goblin mage with chilling clarity.

It was not a human that stood before it, but a demon masquerading as one.

"How was it?"

"How was your sweet moment of hope?"