
I am the ultimate faker

Issei was a normal kid with normal friends not knowing what his life would and not knowing about the supernational world until one day he met someone who gave him a new type of power and now with his life upside down what will be do especially with luck not in his side fanfic Harem? will have some shit and some conversation you guys may not like also this is an au so if the character don't act like they should that is the answer

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

So what know

As everyone arrives in isseis house they knew that they need to explain something. As they all entered the everyone had a sigh of relief as then issei looked at Asia wondering on how he will explain her to his dad he already had 4 girls living with him and know there is another one. Issei thought to him self that he was becoming a harem protagonist at this point. Issei thought that at lest things can't get weirder right. As then all of them hired something as they all it was Mittelt as she was there looking at them.

Where the fuck have you guy been I looked all over for all of your. Mittelt said.

As then realisation hit them all for all of them like a truck. The goddes and Rayner forgot to tell Mittelt about where they go. As then they all explained everything to Mittelt.

And why did you guys tell I could help out. Mittelt said with an angry Voice.

Yeah yeah sorry what every childe. Rayner said in a teasing voice.

What did you call me you bitch. Mittelt said back

As then they bought started to fight. As Issei just saw it and was done with it. As Issei just started to go up to his room. As then Asia didn't knew what to say. As then few minutes passed and issei dad had returned.

So your telling that the place you were living in was burned down. Issei dad said with tears in his eyes.

Issei couldn't believe that the story worked he really thought of his luck. Not only that but his bad allowed her to stay at his home. As then Asia was given the room with Rayner and Mittelt as then she was getting her bed ready.

So um are you ok with sataling in ok. Rayner said.

Um yes thanks for that. Asia said.

As then Asia left to get someitng to drink. As then Mittelt just looked at Rayner.

Your being weirdly nice. Mittelt said.

I don't know why I am being nice but I just fell like I have something to make up to her. Rayner said back.

Meanwhile Scathach was in the rooftop of the house as Scathach was just seating there. As Scathach was just looking into the sky as the stars was just beautiful and nice. As then she heard someone coming as then Scathach looked at the person and saw it was issei. As Issei then seat down next to her.

So immortality huh. Issei said.

Yup that is right yirh immortal in every form of the way. Scathach said as she was looking for the card holder.

If your looking for the card holder I have then with Morgan she wanted to check if all the cards are there. Issei said.

Makes sense even with one card you can use all the legendary cards of heros and gods and gives you immortality. Scathach said.

Do you ever fell like someitng happened to you. Issei said.

What do you mean issei. Scathach said.

I mean did you ever fell like that you I don't you are incomplete almost like there is parts of you that is not there. Like sometimes I just fell like I am not completed it just feels like I am missing my self or my self that is. Issei stopped as he looked at Scathach.

I don't know but I always fell like I am complet. I never fell like I am always complete. Scathach said with a smile.

Thanks for that but still I just fell like it I fell incomplete. Issei said.

As the bought were talking Morgan was going through issei card holder as she was looking through the cards. As she finally but the alter ego card as she was going to pull out another before she realised that one of the cards were missing. As she was shocked as she then went on to the room as she saw issei nesting his head on Scathach shoulder. She then yalled out issei name. As then issei looked at Morgan.

Um Morgan what is it. Issei said.

Did you not give me all the cards. Morgan yalled.

Wait what I gave you all the cards. Issei said confused.

Will if so where is the pretender class card. Morgan said

This confused iseei. As then Morgan just realise that he probably doesn't know and explained it how the card looked as then issei just looked confused.

So you don't have that card but how these cards are ment to be a full set. Morgan said.

I am sorry but I don't have that card. Issei said.

As the the Asia came to the rooftop. As Aisa explained that dinner was ready. As the dinner was over Issei went back to his room and closing the door. As Issei was in his room laying down as he closed his eye he was in his mind places.

Nice see you kid. Chu Chulainn said.

Thank Chu but I came here for something else. Issei said.

As then issei gut tackles tackle by speeding blur. As the one things was going to Issei was did anyone get the number if the truck that just hit me. As Issei was on the floor stars in his eyes.

I am so happy to see you. Tamamo said as she was cuddling issei.

Tamamo face was trying to dige init issei chest. As then Tamamo was graved and picked up by Media.

Enough Tamamo let him breath. Media said with a sigh.

Thanks for that Media. Issei said

So what brings you here. Sharlock Holmes said coming in.

So I don't wanna say anything but I guess there is reason why you tell me about the whole immortality and more. Issei said.

Yes there was many reasons. Chu said.

Yeah but there is sometimes I want to do I wanna unlock more if the weapons. Issei said

As then kotarou came down out of no where as he looked at issei.

Are you sure about it. Kotarou said in a worried voice.

Yeah I am and let's get this Started I will go for the archer door first. Issei said.

As then issei started to walk as he walked into the gate as the other watched him. Atalante who was there was suprise to see that he went for the archer door way then the Lancer or assassin door way first. As Issei was waking around as he saw the many magical staps, guns, bows and arrows. Issei was thinking which one to pick as then his eyes meet a particular sight. It was two short swords one was black and the other was white bought were perfectly made they seem to have a Ying Yang sing to them in the middle. These was cought issei eyes it was confused on why two swords are there but he didn't care for some reason they called to him. As then issei graves then as then flash of light happened energy and power rushed through issei with every energy going into his body. Unlike unlocking weapons for the cards by having a strong connection or a strong match this was different in this issei was taking in the energy of the weapon and making it his he unlock the weapon and any hero related to it. As Issei looked at the sword as then name came to his mind.

Kanshou and Bakuya. Issei said looking at the swords.

But one thing was strange there was no one next to him or not memories attached to these sword. As Issei walked out all the spirit looked at him.

So it didn't work. Media said.

Don't worry there is always a next time. Holmes said.

Yeah what he said kid. Chu Chulain said.

No it is non of that I gut the weapon. Issei said as he showed the twin swords.

With sword what are they doing in the Archer gate. Tamamo said.

Don't look at me I have no ideas Atalante said as she can feel everyone lookimg at her

Will one more thing these swords they fell empty but at the same time full. Issei said.

Will what ever it is it means nothing after all you gut a good swords and you can start to practice with them. Chu Chulainn said.

As then they all then lapped.

To be continued

Yeah this Ch was not action but it was still dealing with everything that happened in the last Ch anyway hope you guys liked it