
Once again i dont know how to name the chapter :(

Freya: Sir Adelar...are you-

Adelar: i dont know whats worse...

Freya: pardon??

Adelar: the fact that i was transformed into a girl or the fact that i looked like a male with a bust ;-;

she didnt said anything as she didnt know how to deal with this kind of trauma...changing gender is something that she never saw...and didnt even think it was possible! just what the hell are those potions!!??!

when Adelar calmed down and stopped screaming, he checked himself in the mirror only to find out that his face and body (except for the boobies) looked not that much different from the male version of himself and that made him very depressed for some reason...

Rose: dont worry, im sure there is a guy somewhere who could take you as his wife even if you are not that attractive of a woman!

<Rose stop please...he is literally taking damage from your words...>

it was true...when Adelar heard what Rose said he literally started coughing blood

Rose: my butt hurt's, can we take a break?

yeah riding in a chariot is not as pleasant as one would think...you can say its... A PAIN IN THE ASS :D ...no?...anyone??...okay...

Freya: but-

seeing that her pleading will not work she decides to use her ultimate technique...the forbidden art that can cause the destruction of the omniverse itself! a technique so powerful that the gods themself's fear it!!!

Rose: *cuteness 10,000%* please!

< Rose used "super cuteness"!! Its super effective! Freya faints from the overload of cute power! >

---meanwhile in heaven in gods mansion---


God: oh no...(Arthur told you to dont let Rose use her full power!) CODE RED! I REPEAT! CODE RED!!! I WANT EVERYBODY THATS AVAILABLE TO FIX THIS!!!

---back to Rose---

well needless to say Rose had won and Freya had decided to not only take a break but completely stopped the chariot for the rest of the day! ahh...i think that maybe releasing Rose full power was a bit overkill...

God: *in the distance* you think!?

<hmm?? what was that?>

'what was what?'

<didnt you hear that?>

'hear what?'

<that voi- you know what? nevermind...>


<anyway...what are you going to do now??>

'i want to collect some "good" Magic in heaven (aether) but i dont think its a good idea to create a portal all around these soldiers...'

<anything else beside that?>


<sounds good enough>

welp training it is then! Rose walked up to Adelar with the intention to invite him to her training but...

Adelar: forgive me, but i dont think i am in the mood to do anything today...

yeesh...that whole gender bender stuff really messed him up a little didnt it? hmm...NAH! i'm sure he will be fine!

Rose walked away from the camp but she made sure that she can be seen by others so they didnt worry about her, she was a good distance away but the light of fire that the soldiers started was still illuminating her even if a little

<what will you be practicing?>

'i want to experiment with my thunder breathing technique'

Rose then did something that i didnt thought was possible...she bought 4 bedrock blocks and a pumpkin...i guess you can see where this is going right?...

'Buy the mod "Extra golems." '

<oh boy...>


"Extra golems" mod...its a mod that allows you to create Golems from more materials then just Iron. and one of them is a Bedrock Golem! he was impossible to spawn in Survival minecraft (for obvious reasons...) and could be spawned only with the help of a mob egg in creative mode




<you can spawn the golem only with a mob egg...>

she looked into her inventory where 4 bedrock blocks and a pumpkin were placed...she sighed heavily and gave me the command to buy a mob egg for the bedrock golem

when it was done, she took out the egg and threw it on the ground. in the place of the egg there was now a large golem made of bedrock who was waiting for a comand

Rose: you are my test dummy, you will stay still and let me test my attacks on you!

the golem nodded his head and stood in place waiting for Rose to beat the sh*t out of him

she summoned death in a katana form and got into a stance...a deep breath in...and breath out...the soldier's talking, the fire crackling in the distance, the sound of the cricket's singing in the woods as the night started to approach...she tuned all this out and continued to take deep breaths...and after a minute or so

Rose: [thunder breathing second form: lightning ball]

she dashed at the Golem and with slashed with her katana 5 times creating a sphere made of lightning around the golem, all five lightning strikes cut out almost every way of escape for the Golem but that didnt matter since he wouldnt try to escape anyway...

the sphere made itself smaller and smaller until all five strikes hit him...seeing an anime move being executed in real life is one of the most amazing things i have ever seen and i thank the supreme system for reincarnating me as a system as well! now i can watch badass anime like battles without getting hurt! becouse its impossible to hurt a system!! :D



i think....

Rose kept attacking the golem with her thunder breathing forms but at some point she started to try and fuse magic into the lightning energy.

when she did that, the lightning became orange and moved a little more chaotic then usual...hmm...orange? if i remember correctly when she fought the Dovah her lightning was red...maybe because of the devil mode?? probably but its only a theory for now...

the orange lightning was way harder to control, but also WAY more powerful!! earlier when she used only the breathing technique without magic the golem stood in place and didnt budge at all, but now he was actually being pushed back by her!!

<imagine how powerful those attacks would be if you would manage to control Magic infused lightning without any problems>

'looks like i need to train this type of breathing'


---Freya POV---

how long has it been? she has watched Rose for how long...? and Hour? maybe she wasnt paying attention to the time, she was to busy looking at the young demi-human throwing thunder at what she assumed must be one of those "golems" she heard about and she was completely stupefied!!

and so were her soldiers...all of them watched as Rose was slashing and stabbing the Golem with such force and speed that they were not able to comprehend what was happening most of the time!

Freya at some point tried to sense what kind of magic she was using only to not being able to sense anything at all! well...not until the lightning changed from yellow to orange...and even then she come to the conclusion that the Magic did absolutely nothing except powering up the lightning that Rose was using!

Adelar: she call's it "thunder breathing technique"

said the young noble as Freya and all the soldiers that heard him turned their heads toward him curious about what he said and expecting that he will explain what was happening

Adelar: from what she told me, its a way of collecting Natural energy around you trough a special way of breathing and let it out creating magic-like attacks

the soldiers started to think if they could learn this breathing technique, but Freya was dumbfounded...she was a magic user and she never heard of something like this! when she calmed down she looked at Rose who was still beating up the Golem

'there is more to that girl then i originally thought...maybe she will be able to save her...'