
hell energy

Boy: who were you talking to?

Rose: my friend

Boy: where is he?

Rose: he walked into the kitchen

Boy: you have a kitchen?

Rose: no

Boy: what? but you said-

Girl: pfff!! hahaha!

Boy: what are you laughing about!

Girl: YOU!

Boy: stop!

Girl: hahaha!

---the man POV---

i was really surprised i heard rumors that this shop was owned by a little girl but i didnt believe it completely! and even if i didnt expect this! the girl looked astonishing! her hair was long and silky and her skin looked smooth and clean while face showed a natural beauty and cuteness if i didnt know better i would say that this girl is from a noble family!

'wait a second...what if she is from a noble family? or a wealthy family beyond the kingdom?'

Boy: stop!

Girl: hahaha!

Man: you two stop it this instant!

---normal POV---

man: you two stop it this instant!

Rose: emm? hello?

Abih: i'm sorry for my children my name is Abih and this is my wife Acelynn

Acelynn: it's a pleasure to meat you miss

she said while she bowed slightly to show respect to Rose

<wow they are surprisingly friendly arent nobles be arrogant and evil? hey Rose what emotion can you read from them?>

'they were surprised for the most part but now i dont sense nothing that would make them enemies'

Abih: these two are my children Adabelle and Adel

<wtf all of their names literally means "noble" but it's from many languages>

'meh a name is a name there is no need to look deep into it'

Rose: how can i help you Mr.Abih

Abih: i was hoping to buy a medicine here

he probably meant the healing potions that Rose sold they were the most bought potions after the one's that buff you in battle the only one that was not bought yet was the "potion of life" that is just a renamed "potion of regeneration" from minecraft

Rose: the shop is closed for today

Abih: please miss we just wanted to buy one of your medicine we will pay double!

Rose: *sigh* what kind of injury are you trying to heal?

Abih: thank you miss! i will repay this kindness someday!

Rose: okay okay...so what are you trying to heal

Abih: well miss we have heard about this shop when we got back to the city and they were rumors about a medicine that can help the crippled so-

before the man could finish his sentence Rose got to the "potion section" of her shop and take one "potion of life"

the noble family looked at the bottle with curiosity in their eye's and well i dont blame them after all the minecraft potions looked really fancy! a mysterious liquid in a glass bottle that glowed in purple light was sure eye catching

Rose walked to the counter and took out a little paperboard box that he filled with some paper and put the potion in. she then close the box and walked back to the family and give the box to Abih

Rose: it will be 1.000 gold coins

Abih: thank you young miss please if you ever need help dont hesitate to ask the golden garden family

<golden garden huh? sounds weird for a family name>

Rose: sure now excuse me i have work to do it's been nice to meet you

after some goodbyes Rose closed the door and said

'demon bloodline'

<on it...brace yourself>

Rose body flinched a little but she was able to withstand the pain and yes her body changed again but this time the only thing that happened was that her skin was now a little darker it looked like she had a suntan giving her a little exotic look

<congratulations you can now enter {demon mode} this mode will cause a double gain in strength and defense when activated>

'i fell weird'

<well you just mixed a demon blood with yours so i guess it's normal that->

'no not that...i fell something inside me...like it's wanting me to take it?'


>hello there my master i think i know what that "thing" is<

'you do?'

>in your inventory there is a weird red gem filled with the energy of hell<

the gem!! i completely forgot about that thing! we got it when Rose and Tifa visit the nether (hell) it dropped from that blaze boss!

Rose opened her inventory and after 10 sec of scrolling down she found the red gem that she got from the little trip to hell and before i could react she just put in her mouth and started to bite it!

<WTF! Rose take it out!>


<take it out!!>

' no >:( '


the gem cracked in Rose mouth and from the crack a orange light started to escape from it and entered Rose body. after that she spit out the gem that was now without any color and every vain in her body started to glow the same orange light that she just swalowed

after 5 or more minutes the light stopped and Rose was now standing in the middle in her shop with a "ok" saitama face

<eh Rose? i think you want to see this...>

i said while showing her one thing that i found in her status

[magic core XXL (density- low)] > [magic hell core XXL (density-medium)]

{demon bloodline} 70% awakened 30% more required to evolve

'...i think i need to go back to the nether'
