

Always bullied in his first life and becoming great in his second! READ NOW >>> Evander, a weak boy often bullied by his friends, discovers a mysterious ring. The beauty of the ring distracts Evander until he loses focus and is fatally hit by a car. However, Evander does not die and is reborn in the year 2453 as a young man destined to save the world. Evander is chosen as the war leader along with four other chosen ones, great powers are embedded in Evander and must be honed through levels and stages.

Wednesday_Adaire · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Chapter 11


The scream from the room opposite mine echoed. I knew it was Carsten's voice. He's still angry and upset with me. Yeah, clearly. Whom else could that sentence be directed at if not me?

"Don't mind that; that room is much more important to you," Aramor shouted, pointing to my room.

What's so important about it? I'm not interested at all in learning all those damn powers. Honestly, I'm thrilled to be great, but I'm fed up with all the torture created by the tools and holograms in there.

They should just make me great if they want to, no conditions attached. This is why people often complain that the world isn't fair; harsh reality often accompanies greatness.

Aramor stood in front of the door, gesturing for me to enter. I really wish I could detain Aramor so he wouldn't have to bother forcing me to undergo this training.

"You're annoying."

I said that to Aramor, my beloved guard. Hopefully, he understands that this truly drains me emotionally.

The damn hologram greeted me again. So strange! It stays silent when spoken to but immediately calls my name when I step in.

"Please resume your unfinished training."

"I know, you don't need to repeat yourself, you deaf hologram!"

I stood on the same floor as before. The alarm sounded again, along with the timer appearing on the front wall.

The floor began to move slowly. I took a deep breath, jumped, and started following its speed.

I convinced myself not to fall this time. I can't lose to this crazy machine; at least I must conquer it properly.

I managed to pass the first two minutes quite easily; I didn't fall anymore. But I can't boast because this is the lowest level. Basically, everyone can pass it.

"At the fourth minute, give it your maximum effort!"

The hologram's voice appeared along with the timer showing the fourth minute. I immediately exerted all my strength. Like a miracle, I managed to overcome the fourth minute perfectly!

No one fell; even though the floor is very slippery, my body balanced it well.

"Congratulations, you've passed the fourth minute. You will proceed to the sixth minute in five minutes from now."

"Ugh! Why do you stop when I'm ready to face everything?! Pathetic!"

Yes, that's how humans are. I became arrogant just because I passed the fourth minute well. But the next minutes will surely be much harder.

As usual, there was no response from this hologram. I chose to sit and wait for the training to resume. When I looked at Aramor, he was sleeping. Yeah, the man leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes, whether sleeping or not, he looked like it.

Maybe it's just my boiling emotions; five minutes felt so long. I tried to calm my mind so as not to be too exaggerated in challenging this training; I closed my eyes so I wouldn't feel the passing of time.

It felt very peaceful; I forgot when was the last time I felt peace like this. Maybe it happened when I was very young, when everything in life was still very good.

In the midst of the silence, I suddenly felt my body moving forward. I immediately returned from the ongoing peace; how surprised I was to find the entire room now turned all black.

The timer on the front wall changed to light blue. In addition, lights of the same color as the timer also appeared from the left and right sides. The alarm sounded again; my intuition said the next training would start again.

"You will enter training from the sixth to the tenth minute, Master Evander. At this minute, you are expected to adjust to the speed and obstacles. If you fall, you must start over from the sixth minute."

The hologram's announcement made me excited and scared at the same time. Honestly, I'm afraid if the obstacles they give are too difficult; I might not come out of this room for several days.

The timer started counting down, and the jet-black floor now emitted red light from the left and right sides, as if it were burning! It's amazing and disturbing at the same time.

The blue light I mentioned earlier also disappeared; now this room is completely dark. There is no light other than the timer and the red light on the floor.

The floor is moving very fast now; I immediately balanced myself. Damn! I almost fell. 

From the front, there was a sound like a burst of water. But, I still didn't see anything.

"You will pass through giant water shots; please balance yourself to pass through the water without falling."




I didn't have time to protest. The water that was only heard earlier was now clearly visible! The water was shot from the left and right sides, then there was a gap a few feet above the ground. Yes, that's the only place for me to dodge!

Instantly all the balance I had maintained was shattered! The moment the water shot near me, I slipped and fell.

The brutal rush of water immediately drenched my body and the floor, making me bounce backwards.


"OUCH!" the beautiful scream echoed again from a young man named Evander.

"You failed to pass the obstacle. Please try again."

I didn't stay still. I immediately got up and prepared to redo this training.


"Please return to your position. The sixth-minute training will begin soon."

As my feet touched the floor, sounds like when I arrived in this room started to be heard. The same lights also appeared. 

The floor moved; I refocused and balanced myself again. The same thing happened; the damn water sounded even wilder now. Maybe they increased the strength so I couldn't pass. The sound of the water was really loud and brutal, in my opinion.


Yes, the water moved very fast towards me. It didn't seem as fast as before; it was like twice as crazy.

As I said, I was determined to pass this obstacle. I immediately curved my body backward. It seemed perfect for me to confront it. However, what I got was yet another failure.

This time, the mistake was indeed mine. I was too eager and fast to throw my body back, so before the obstacle came, I fell because I slipped on the very slippery and fast floor.

For the second time, I had to be thrown and sprayed by water. My skin felt sore; I couldn't hold back the raging emotions! I screamed even louder than before.


The room then returned to its original brightness. I didn't know what would happen next.

"It's time to rest; you can continue this later."

Reflexively, I punched the wall near me. I was annoyed; I wanted to continue immediately without waiting! I wanted to conquer this water obstacle!