

NO NTR AND YURI JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/CgrSrUCEV3 "From Weakness to Empire: The Rise of the Emperor" recounts the tale of a baby stolen by impostors, only to discover he is the weakest Emerger of all time. Despite this, he embarks on a transformative journey to claim the throne as the Emperor of Darkness. Through battles and challenges, he builds a world where even the weak are honored, leaving an enduring legacy."#kingdombuilding #weaktostrong #harem #fantasy #r18 #romance

MEWCHAN19 · Fantasy
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39 Chs


As the storm rages outside, Makoto's mind races with fear and uncertainty. The realization that his adoptive parents intend to sell him into servitude fills him with a sense of betrayal and despair. With tears welling in his eyes, he grapples with the decision to flee, knowing that the treacherous weather may be his only chance for escape.

In a flurry of panic, Makoto resolves to seek refuge in the nearby forest, known ominously as the Forest of the Dark. Though he is unsure of what dangers lie within, he believes that facing the unknown perils of the wilderness is preferable to a life of bondage and subjugation.

HE RUSHES TOWARDS THE FOREST KNOWN AS THE FOREST OF DARKNESS... [Crr....yyyyy] My life has been a living hell since the day I was born. All I face is trouble, trouble, and more trouble. I thought this place would be better than Earth, but Earth was far superior. I miss my old life. What should I do?

As I entered the Forest of Darkness, a place I know very little about, I believe it's better to die here fighting than to be enslaved by those bastards. First, I need to find shelter. A cave would suffice, but where can I find one? As I searched for a cave.

Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat as I caught sight of movement in the shadows, a flicker of movement that sent a chill down my spine. Instinctively, I froze, my eyes narrowing as I strained to make out the source of the disturbance.

And then, as if emerging from the very depths of my darkest nightmares, I saw it - a black shadow lurking amidst the foliage, its glowing eyes fixated on me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. But what truly sent a jolt of fear coursing through my veins was the sight of not one, but three tails swaying ominously behind the creature.

My mind raced with terror as I recalled the tales I had heard of such beasts - creatures of unimaginable power and ferocity, said to serve the enigmatic Dark King who ruled over the shadowy realm. Though the details of the Dark King remained shrouded in mystery, one thing was certain - to encounter one of his minions was to invite certain death.




ME: Ouch, ouchhhhh... fuck, he's chasing me... well, this is the end for me. At least this wretched world full of despicable people won't bother me anymore... BY-

Suddenly, a barrage of lightning strikes descended upon Lycagon, the three-tailed beast, one after another, striking it a total of forty-nine times. The intensity of the lightning storm was both bewildering and alarming, leaving me stunned and questioning the nature of this extraordinary event.

"What? Forty-nine lightning strikes continuously on this beast. Was this merely a coincidence? No, could it be my power...? How did this happen?" I pondered aloud, grappling with the inexplicable phenomenon unfolding before me.

Just as I tried to make sense of the situation, a bolt of lightning struck me, sending me crashing to the ground in a daze. As I lay there, bewildered and disoriented, trying to comprehend what had just occurred, I realized that, miraculously, I was still alive despite being struck by such a powerful force of nature.

"Huh? What in the world... happened there? And where am I?" I muttered in confusion, attempting to piece together the events that had transpired.

To my astonishment, I discovered that Lycagon was now peacefully slumbering nearby, oblivious to the chaos that had just unfolded. Perplexed by the creature's sudden tranquility, I found myself questioning its motives and the peculiar circumstances that had brought me to this strange place.

Before I could contemplate further, a disembodied voice echoed in my mind, addressing me as "master" and introducing itself as Vennensula.

"Huh? A voice... But no one is here. Am I imagining things?" I questioned aloud, struggling to comprehend the source of the mysterious communication.

"No, you are not, master. I am inside you. Hello!" the voice responded, its presence filling my consciousness with a sense of otherworldly clarity.

"What do you mean, inside me?" I asked, bewildered by the revelation.

"Master... My name is Vennensula. I am your skill, which allows you to answer anything. I can tell you anything," the voice explained, its tone calm and assured.

"Wait, you're saying you're my skill? Do I even have a skill? And what's with the name? It's too long," I remarked, struggling to comprehend the implications of this revelation.

"Ah, master, my name is quite fitting, unlike yours," the voice retorted, eliciting a chuckle from me despite the gravity of the situation.

"D-did my skill just... roast me?" I mused, taken aback by the unexpected exchange.

"Hush! You can call me Ven. Perhaps," the voice suggested, its presence offering a glimmer of reassurance amidst the uncertainty of my newfound abilities.

ME: Ven, yeah, that's good. Nice to meet you, Ven. Now, can you please tell me what happened to me?

VEN: Master, you got hit by a magical lightning which unlocked your seal and unleashed your power.

ME: Wait, what? Really, magical lightning? Oh yeah, I did get struck by lightning, but my body is safe. Does that mean I healed myself?

VEN: No, no, the thunder that hit you only broke your seal.

ME: Sounds like a shady story to me! Hahaha!

VEN: Master, are you an idiot or what? It's true!

ME: Hahaha! Yeah, why would a skill lie to me? So, Ven, were you also sealed?

VEN: No, I wasn't sealed. I witnessed everything you were facing, and sorry, Master, for not helping you. But because your mana was sealed, if I activated myself, I would have consumed your remaining mana, which could have killed you.

ME: What? Kill me? Thank God you didn't activate.

VEN: Master, what are you planning to do with Lycagon?

ME: Lycagon? Oh, this monster. He looks injured, almost half-dead. Ven, did you see how I got here?

VEN: Yes, Master, this puppy brought you here with his mouth.

ME: Wait, he's not a puppy, but why?

VEN: Because of your mana. After your seal broke, you emitted a lot of mana, which made him surrender to you.

ME: Oh, so can I win against him?

VEN: No, you will die if you fight him.

ME: What? Explain.

VEN: Well, Master, you do have mana, but you don't know how to control it. If you fight him with your mana, your body will burst.

ME: Hmmm. Well, I need to become stronger. There are people I need to pay back. Also, will this monster survive?

VEN: 100% she will die.

ME: She? So this is a female Lycagon. Tell me about her species.

VEN: Lycagon is a rare monster. It is very loyal to its master and understands its opponents' strengths, strategizing on how to defeat them. Legends say that the Dark King used to keep a Lycon, an evolved stage of Lycagon, which is a legendary mythical creature.

ME: Ohh. Well, she did save me, so I want to pay her back.

VEN: Do you want to save her?

ME: Oh yeah, Ven, help me save her.

VEN: [Analyzing situation] [Examining body condition] Master, she needs an herb called Tuana because she was hit by magical lightning. Only Tuana can cure her.

ME: Where can we find it, and how much time does she have?

VEN: Master, Tuana can be found at the top of the mountain in the Dark Forest, and she can survive for one month. After that, she will die.

ME: One month, hmm. Okay, we will go. Hey, Lycagon, don't you dare die on my watch. Ven, let's go.