

NO NTR AND YURI JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/CgrSrUCEV3 "From Weakness to Empire: The Rise of the Emperor" recounts the tale of a baby stolen by impostors, only to discover he is the weakest Emerger of all time. Despite this, he embarks on a transformative journey to claim the throne as the Emperor of Darkness. Through battles and challenges, he builds a world where even the weak are honored, leaving an enduring legacy."#kingdombuilding #weaktostrong #harem #fantasy #r18 #romance

MEWCHAN19 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

"The Emergence of Makoto: A Journey of Discovery"

Narrator: Hello, dear viewer. Welcome to the story of a man whose journey begins with the label of the weakest Emerger, surrounded by bullies. But how will this tale unfold? Let's find out.

In a humble abode on the outskirts of the capital, a baby named Makoto cries in his cradle. His family consists of a woman who resembles his mother, a man identified as his father, and their daughter. Living as commoners, they lead modest lives.

Man: "I don't think anyone was chasing us last night."

Woman: "Indeed, but that noblewoman was foolish. Leaving her son in a cart in an unfamiliar place."

Man: "True. This boy is from a noble family. That woman was adorned in luxury, indicating he's not a commoner."

Woman: "You should thank me. If I hadn't noticed her, we wouldn't have this child."

Man: "This kid will change our future. Being a nobleman, his mana capacity should secure him a noble rank. Our lives will change for the better. Hahaha!"

Woman: "Indeed, that's true. Hahaha!"

Makoto's parents had stolen him from his real mother in a dreadful event. Let's delve into what happened that night.

The previous night, Hanzo and Harmen, a couple, were returning from the kingdom. As darkness enveloped them, they engaged in a heated argument.

Hanzo: "I'm tired of being used by those noble men. They're despicable. I want to be a noblewoman too."

Harmen: "Shut up! Be grateful your body is useful, unlike your brain. We lack the mana and money to become nobles."

Hanzo, frustrated: "How can you stand seeing your wife being used like that?"

Harmen, stoic: "It's not the first time. We must do anything to survive in the city."

While walking, Hanzo noticed a cart. "Look, there's a cart and a woman," she said.

Harmen, intrigued: "What's a noblewoman doing alone with a cart in this area at this hour?"

Hanzo saw the woman kiss a baby and leave him in the cart before fleeing into the forest.

Harmen, alarmed: "You can't leave a child alone in a forest."

Hanzo, observant: "That kid must be a noble, but his father must be someone else. That's why she's hiding."

Harmen, hesitant: "Let's leave. 

Hanzo, cunning: "Listen, if we adopt this child, his noble lineage guarantees he'll possess mana like a noble. If he becomes one in the future, our lives will become easy. This is a blessing from the gods."

They decided to adopt the child and took him home.

Fast forward to the present, Makoto is now ten years old.

Makoto: "Hey, Mother, can you tell me about magic?"

Hanzo, irritated: "Go and bring the dishes."

Makoto: "But, Mother..."

Makoto wonders about his past life as a college student who died unexpectedly. Despite his family's dismissive attitude, he remains curious about the world.

One day, he sneaks into Harmen's room in search of answers and discovers a book about magic and the world's common knowledge.

Examining the book with curiosity, Makoto delves into its contents.

Makoto: "Hmm, so we reside in the Human Kingdom, known as Pangea. Interesting. And there are other kingdoms divided by species... I wonder if there are cat women too. Hehehe."

Clearing his throat, Makoto refocuses on the text.

Makoto: "Alright, let's get back to it. It says here that magic users are called Emergers. Each person is endowed with a fixed amount of mana, which they can harness to wield magic aligned with their elemental affinity. Elements like light, fire, water, wind, and dark... Intriguing. It also mentions that some individuals may possess two elements or a mixture, like ice or ground. The ranking system goes from E level to SS level, based on the amount of mana emitted by their bodies. Hmm, sounds like something straight out of a novel. Hahaha."

As he continues reading, Makoto's excitement grows.

Makoto: "Skills can be learned based on one's mana capacity. I wonder how many skills I can learn..."

However, his discovery is interrupted by a torn page in the book.

Makoto: "Ah, typical. She doesn't even know how to take care of books. But wait, what's this? 'Dark King'... Now, who could that be?"

Suddenly, Makoto hears Harmen's voice approaching. Hastily, he returns the book to its place and heads back to his room, his mind buzzing with questions about the mysterious Dark King.

Narrator: Makoto, his mind buzzing with newfound questions and mysteries, hurriedly returns the book as he hears Harmen approaching. Little does he know, his journey of discovery is just beginning.

Harmen: "What are you doing here, boy? Stay out of my room!"

Makoto: "I-I was just... I'll leave now."

Makoto quickly exits Harmen's room, his heart racing with the secrets he's uncovered. He knows there's much more to learn about the world and his own potential.

Later that evening, as Makoto helps with chores around the house, he can't shake the thoughts swirling in his mind. The mention of the Dark King intrigues him, and he wonders what significance it holds in this magical realm.

Makoto: "Hey, Dad, have you ever heard of the Dark King?"

Harmen, taken aback by the question, pauses before responding.

Harmen: "The Dark King? Where did you hear that name, boy?"

Makoto: "I found it in a book... about magic and the world."

Harmen's expression darkens, and Makoto senses he's struck a nerve.

Harmen: "That name holds no significance for us, Makoto. Forget about it and focus on your chores."

Makoto, unsatisfied with his father's response, can't help but feel there's more to the story. Determined to uncover the truth, he resolves to continue his exploration of magic and the world.

Hello.. Reader, this is mewchan here and i want to say thankyou for choosing my book. this is a slow story consist of revenge love conquer and world buillding so i hope you can sit with me and read all the upcoming chapter and can write your valuable reveiw's.. thanks

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