
I Am The Strongest.{Ju-jutsu Kaisen Fan-fic.}

Transported to another world as an infant, Seishiro Nagi grows up fighting against mysterious monsters that only he could see. Read to discover his perilously fantasic journey on his way to becoming the strongest.

Himkuna · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


A/N: Changed his cursed energy color from green to blue. Promise his cursed technique isn't as OP as it seems.


As soon as Nagi awakened his cursed technique, the frequency of his training increased exponentially.

Granny taught him whatever she knew about cursed energy and when it was time for him to apply them to combat, she put him up against curses.

At first, Nagi's young heart was slightly shaken by their grotesque appearance, but there was a certain refusal to let fear take hold of him that came deep from within his soul.

So even though they were off putting, he advanced with courage and confidence.

This was the beginning of Nagi's time as a curse user.

When he and Granny traveled, she would have him fight any weak curses they come across Japan. If they stopped at small villages located in the countryside, she would have him fight the curses around those places too.

At first, Nagi lost a lot. It seemed as if he had no talent for hand-to-hand combat or basic combat in general. But Granny noticed something.

The rate at which his proficiency increased in cursed energy reinforcement was astounding. Even if he needed more time to actually learn how to fight, if he managed to land a hit on a curse, they were usually exorcised on the spot.

'It seems that he's a bit talented. Sigh, It's a shame...'

They were currently on the outskirts of a little village and Nagi was staring an eight legged curse that resembled a spider.

The only differences was that this curse had multiple human faces scattered across its body that could change locations at will and it was large enough that no real spider could ever hope to match.


The curse let out a incomprehensible screech as it's legs rained down on Nagi's head, eager to kill him.

As if he had already seen these attacks coming, Nagi barely managed to dodge them and slid under the thorax of the spider with blue cursed energy concentrated around his fists.


His gray eyes seemed to glow as Nagi jumped up and delivered a ruthless punch to the cursed spirit, completely destroying its thorax, causing it to collapse.

Paying no mind to its disintegrating body in the background, Nagi looked at the palm of his hands and a wide smile spread across his face.

"This feeling of victory after defeat...I can't get enough of it!"

Granny looked at this scene with interest.

'To think, only a few hours ago he couldn't even keep up with this cursed spirits attacks. This child...his power seems to increase everytime he fights, especially if he loses. This must be his cursed technique.'

Time passed again as the duo traveled and trained across Japan. Before Nagi even knew it, he was now 7 years old.

The duo was currently in Tokyo on a mission that Granny had been paid to carry out. But since Satoru Gojo was usually in this city, Granny was on her best behavior, trying to not get caught by any jujutsu sorcerer in general.

They took the alleyways as they walked, blended into crowds as much as possible and even bunked in shady motels if the situation called for it.

On this night, the two were just leaving the room of a small apartment complex, acting as if they had lived there the entire time.

'The mission is over.'

At this point, Nagi didn't care about any targets that Granny had assassinated. Not their names, why they were assassinated, or even who they were. His only job was to make sure that no one else intervened.

'This life...is getting pretty boring.'

As they walked away from the apartment complex through the alleyways of Tokyo City, these thoughts entered his mind. How could Granny do this for so many years without losing her mind?

Did she love killing people that much?

'One day...I'll leave her and do my own thing. I wonder if she'll try to kill me too. Or maybe she'll let me go. Who knows? Heh...that's the fun part. But...I'm too lazy to try running away now.'

Granny had no idea that Nagi had begun thinking this way. She assumed that he was the same as Shu, a child that would grow up obeying her orders unceasingly.

How could she know what Nagi had planned?

As they walked down the alleyways, Granny suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"Grandchild, do you feel it? We have someone following us."

Nagi's gray eyes flickered around until they landed on a target emerging from the shadows in front of them.

It was a young man, who was probably around his late teens or early twenties. Brown hair, large eyes and an average face. There wasn't much to him.

Except the uniform he was wearing.

Granny had told him to watch out for those wearing that dark blue uniform on numerous occasions.

It was because those people were jujutsu sorcerers, the enemies of rogue curse users like themselves.

"Granny, the scent of blood is thick on you. Did you kidnap that child? Granny...if you just come with me, we won't need to fight."

He seemed to be a reasonable guy too. He was the kind of guy to base his entire existence on an idealistic goal. The type to inspire others to do the same.

His large, bright eyes would make one think as much.

"Haibara, stop trying to negotiate with criminals. Let's just take them in for execution. These bastards killed innocent people."

Another jujutsu sorcerer appeared behind them.

This one was definitely stronger. Even though Nagi was inexperienced, he could tell.

Granny could see that the situation had become worse. Without missing a beat, she used her curse technique, transforming herself into a younger woman while charging at the blonde sorcerer that had appeared behind them.

"Grandchild! Take care of that one! We'll meet up later!"

Granny was more skilled than she let on as she was able to push the blonde sorcerer back away from Nagi and the other sorcerer, splitting them up.

As Granny left, Haibara seemed to relax. He looked at Nagiand said, "Kid, there's no need to listen to her, even if she's your grandmother. I'm sure you don't want to go around with her killing people right?"

Nagi's gray eyes instantly locked onto Haibara as he raised both of his hands in front of his face, a stance that was common in boxing.

Blue cursed energy surged over his body as he reinforced his body with the esoteric aura.

All in all, it seemed like Nagi was ready to fight.

But Haibara was paying attention to his movements. Especially those from his eyes.

'Hm. He seems as if he's waiting for something...or someone. Could it be that Granny from before?'

Although he was a bit relaxed, Haibara still had his guard up for the most part. In this world filled with all types of creatures, you could never be too careful.

"Haibaru or whatever your name was...I think you're misunderstanding something. I'm not fighting you because Granny told me to, I'm doing it because I want to."

Haibara, still not taking him too seriously, tried to say something again, but Nagi suddenly rushed toward him with a strange forward shuffle that seemed to cover the distance between them incredible speed.

Haibara, being an experienced fighter managed to react and jump back, but he underestimated Nagi once again.

Nagi immediately closed the distance and delivered a devastating jumping elbow uppercut to Haibara's head, causing blood to spill out of the orifices on his face.


Haibara staggered back and held his nose as he struggled to stay standing.

'This much power from a kid?! This is a problem!'

Nagi let out a breath of disappointment when he noticed Haibara still standing.

"Sorcerer guy, I apologize for not being able to kill you with my first attack. Now you have to suffer. Get ready."

Nagi closed the distance once again and tried to use the same elbow uppercut on Haibara but the latter was ready.

He immediately dodged it, or so he thought. The elbow uppercut was a feint!

The moment Haibara was lulled into thinking the attack was real, Nagi dropped down to the ground and executed a low sweep that took Haibara off his feet.

Before the latter could even try to regain his balance, Nagi delivered a ruthless crouching uppercut to Haibara's head, although the sorcerer managed to block a bit of the impact on pure reflex.


As Haibara fell to the ground, Nagi raised his left leg and struck down with powerful axe kick.


The impact from the kick caused multiple cracks in the ground as a small hole appeared under Nagi's foot.

Unfortunately, his opponent managed to roll away from the attack. It seemed that this battle wouldn't be that easy.

Haibara staggered up to his feet as his nose and eyes dripped with blood unceasingly.

'If he wasn't a kid, I would've been killed on the first attack. What power! Even though it's hard for me to take this seriously because he's a child...if I don't, I'll die.'

A surge of cursed energy appeared over Haibara's body as he also entered a fighting stance. The resilience gained by his experience showed as he simply wiped the blood from his eyes and nose before continuing the fight.

His expression now showed resolve. The type that showed he was going to fight for his life.

"Kid, forgive me. Now I'll show you what a real jujutsu sorcerer is like!"

Nagi smirked. It was time.

The moment he had been waiting for came to pass.

Granny had finally gone far enough away from him that she wouldn't sense him anymore.

When Nagi had awakened his cursed technique a few years ago, he didn't tell Granny Ogami the entire truth. After all, even though he was still young, he could figure out that he shouldn't trust her with all his information.

In truth, he hadn't awakened one, but two cursed techniques.

One was Crisis, a passive cursed technique that was always active.

The other, and the one he hid from Granny, was named Timeless.

Now that Haibara was taking this seriously, the timing was perfect for Nagi to respond in kind.

He changed his stance as his right arm went down to his chest and his left fist opened, revealing a small hourglass within his palm.

At the same time, several long but thin trails of sand could be seen floating around Nagi as he cursed energy surged once again.

Haibara was still on guard as he had no idea what the boy's cursed technique was.

'My cursed energy isn't enough yet to use this technique for more than a minute but, that will be enough to win.'

Where was this seven-year old kid's confidence coming from?

If Haibara knew what Nagi was thinking, he would call him insane.


Nagi crushed the hourglass within his fist, causing a small white clock to appear where it was.

In that instant, Nagi moved towards Haibara and appeared in front of him almost instantly as he went in for a punch.

Haibara, completely ready for this attack, parried and delivered a ruthless punch to Nagi's face, crushing the bones within.

"You're too inexperienced, ki-"

Haibara's expression dropped as he realized that the 'Nagi' he had just hit turned into a pile of sand before his eyes.

Before he could even react, he felt his body being thrown backwards by a mysterious force

Suddenly a bright light assailed his vision.

In the same instance...


Haibara felt as if he had hit a titanium pole, as Nagi, who had reappeared in the brilliant flash of light, clotheslined Haibara with all his might, destroying the inside of the sorcerers neck.

Haibara was sent flying through multiple walls from the force of the attack.

But Nagi wasn't done.

With the remainder of his cursed energy, Nagi flipped his hand and caused a sinkhole of rotating sand to appear under Haibara, drawing his lower body into the ground.

Nagi, being about 50 feet away from Haibara, suddenly appeared in front of him immediately the sound of an hourglass shattering rang out again.

From the sand under Haibara, who was barely conscious, a sand clone of Nagi appeared behind him, putting the sorcerer in a sleeper hold, further destroying his neck.

Nagi didn't let up his assault. Time was running out.

With a few quick handsigns, a larger hourglass appeared, floating over Haibara.

As the idealistic sorcerer tried his best to mutter a few words, he suddenly felt his body being ripped apart by a mysterious force above him.

If one saw this scene, they would be shocked at what was going on. The hourglass was turning Haibara's body into sand with incredible speed, absorbing it for itself.

Within a few seconds, Haibara was nothing more than a pile of sand within the slowly rotating hourglass.

Nagi opened his palm, causing the hourglass to shrink and float above it.

"Be forgotten."

The hourglass disappeared in a tiny whirlwind of sand as the young Nagi turned around and walked away.

As the moonlight shone down upon his body on this quiet night, one could see him struggling to leave the area.

His steps were haggard and his breathing uncontrolled.

'Using this technique always takes all of my cursed energy.'

As he stopped and looked up into the night sky, he wondered, 'Is Granny coming back for me?'

But he already knew the answer.

She wouldn't fight a sorcerer head on by any means.

A chuckle escaped his mouth as he kept on walking into the darkness of the Tokyo alleys.

'Now that she abandoned me, I guess I'm finally on my own. For now, i just need to find a place to lay low and recover. After that, I'll figure out what I need to do to survive.'