This novel revolves around a guy named Lu Shu who is lives in the cruel world with his best friend Li Chen. Offending the biggest drug business, he is living life happiness, fun, challenges, love and betrayal.
The college takes them to a remote island. The island has many monsters in it. The college decided that they want to use this island as a test for students. They asked the students to divide among themselves as they wish and every team is given a guard who protects them if the team can't defend themselves. The moment the guard protects them there team loses 25% of there points. This test is only for magic users. So Li Chen stayed at the beach.
Lu Shu wants to stay alone, so he rejected every invite. Xue Fang approached him and asked him if she would join. She said she wants to learn from him. Lu Shu agreed and refused a guard. Every team were given a flare gun and some flares, so they can use this to call for the rescue team in case of getting lost. They are free to use it without any conditions.
Lu Shu bids farewell to Li Chen and they both head into the island in search of monsters. Xue Fang watches the back while Lu Shu heads forward. They were restricted to use there weapons from outside and they were only given one knife. Lu Shu searches for a place to camp. He find a place with a small water way and starts camping there. Lu Shu uses the knife cut a strong stick. He finds a stone and sharpens it and makes a pole from it. And share another one Xue Fang.
He first hunts down a rabit and hangs it to a tree. They both climb on a tree and wait the monster to attract to it. Many monsters came and Lu Shu killed them all.
Xue Fang asked how does he know how to do this. Lu Shu replies that he trained himself like this in forest. The day 1 for test ended and they both had the highest score. Lu Shu went away ignoring Xue Fang towards Li Chen and chatted with him. Xue Fang felt neglected.
Next day the test continued and they both went to the same spot suddenly they was a sharp knife thrown at him. Lu Shu dodged it and protected Xue Fang from it. There were around 50 people. One of them comes down and asks ' Mister Lu Shu we are members of an organisation which suffered loses from a sole person named Black. During our last talk with you at your shop about a camera. After that you vanished into thin air. Then another base goes down. The Black had same powers as you and we suspect you are him'.
Lu Shu replies that he himself never heard of this name. Which is basically true because Lu Shu never knew that the organisation called him Black. Lu Shu tells them that they got the wrong person and asks them to leave or else he forcefully do it. The organisation warns him to control himself otherwise they will kill his weak brother.
Lu Shu hearing this gets angry and raises his hand. Two steel gloves fly towards him from his bag. Lu Shu tells them to bring it on. The people rush towards him with there knife and some use their powers.
Everything turns into slow motion and he dodges them all, then hits one person and takes his sword. Lu Shu rushes towards everyone and slashes everyone cruelly. The guy who warned Lu Shu, gets stabbed in his foot and Lu Shu cuts him slowly making it more painful. Lu Shu says " I don't know what you named me and I am not interested in your organisations, I wanted money, I got mission, I completed it. I don't care if you destroy the world, the moment you told that you will kill my brother you brought this on yourself". Lu Shu raises his sword and stabs him from head to his body giving a most cruelty experience to Xue Fang. Xue Fang suddenly becomes frightened and Lu Shu says " I think I already told you about this, by now you might have understood that I am Killer not a Saint. I don't care if you cut your friendship with me. But let me tell that if someone threatened me with you I will do the same".
Guys if you are reading this, them how about let me know the experience in comments. So I will know.