
I am the son of dragon

Destiny refers to a predetermined course of events. It can be seen as a predetermined future, a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed order of nature in the universe. Destiny can be seen as a specific sequence of events that are inevitable and immutable, or that individuals can choose their own destiny by choosing different paths throughout their lives. life of an unemployed youth The first dragon reincarnation And getting someone into the game Same time, same place Is that ?

Gamal_3_3_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

New life

beep *

[start memory recovery]

I heard the sound of the system in my head and floating texts appeared in front of me

"Argh!" I quickly put my hand in front of my mouth to stop my voice so no one could hear me because my head now feels like it's split

I'm used to the pain, but that pain is something I've never felt before, and I'm not sure if this body is so unfamiliar with it or the pain is so enormous.

I quickly closed the room door and fell to the floor and grabbed my head as I rolled on the floor in pain

Not sure how long it took, it might take a minute or 10 minutes, not sure but it seemed like a long time

But the pain finally stopped and I received my memories of the past 15 years

I remember everything from my birth to this date

. .

It seems that this world is completely different from Japan where I used to live This world is called

I'm currently living in Alex's country and it looks like this country is on the Neverland Continent

There are 5 major continents in this world

Including Neverland, Maryland, Nebranca, Dragon Lands Finally, the land of monsters

Almost every continent was the size of Europe in my ancient world, so this world is definitely larger than Earth.

Apparently my name is Martinez Jamal as in my last life and my sister is Mariam Martinez . Isaac is my family name but they like call me by it

The city I live in is called Alex and I go to a public school called Southern Cult Middle School Public School

I'm currently in the third grade and after this year I'm going to high school

There were so many memories, but it's hard to tell all of that, but the thing that made me most excited was the martial arts tournaments

It is actually a very common concept in this world And people with power are idolized (similarity) by people

In the public tournaments there are still rules, but they are much less than in my previous world in the general tournament, I also meant that there are some underworld tournaments, It is for the richest people, and their battles have no rules.. Only the strong people win

It is also a general knowledge of the underground leagues Because everyone has a little wealth to support. So it can't be removed

Because the people who keep it.. are so rich you don't want to be on the other side of them

"Isaac, hurry up and go to school!"

I heard my mother screaming and it was time to leave the house and go to school, so without further ado, I quickly put on my hair tie and the rest of my clothes resembling Chinese drawings and rushed into the living room.

I got to the door, opened it and started walking towards the school with my little sister who was in the first grade and who entered the same middle school that I did.

My little sister Ayako said in front of me: 'Big brother, let's hurry! "Since our relationship was so close, I felt closer to her

I ran to pick up my little sister with a smile and started walking with her to the school where my life begins…

( Schools are classes or ranks. centers etc

In the beginning, the primary school consists of 6 classes, which means 6 years of study

Then the middle school consists of 3 classes, meaning 3 years of study, in which the hero is his sister

Then secondary school consists of 3 semesters, which means 3 years as well)

. .

We got to school after walking around for a bit

We arrived at 8.30 am, but lessons will start at 8.45 am, So there is still time

My sister said, "Brother, I have a review before I start, see you later!" Then I ran to the girls' changing rooms

I told her:

"Watch out!", but she probably didn't hear me while she was already running at full speed

"Very active." I thought I wonder where you get that much extra energy from


"Isaac!" I heard a loud scream behind me and before I could look back, I felt a sharp pain in my back


"Why did you hit me?!" I yelled at the little boy who hit me, brown hair and gray eyes with a cute appearance

" Tehi, because I wanted to!" He said that and ran towards the classroom with a smile, I remember him from my memories and his name is Khaled

Our relationship is classmates, not really good friends, but someone I can talk to comfortably

What I have seen so far from my memory is that there are multiple nationalities in the same country which included different types of names

Our family seems to be Arab because of those names

But of course they do not know what Arabic means in this world.

I opened the door and entered it as I entered the classroom

After I entered the classroom, a few of them only cast glances at me, But just for a second, then they started gossiping with their friends

As far as I can see through my memories I wasn't that popular, but I also have my own group of friends

Did you watch yesterday's match? It was crazy."

I heard my colleagues grumble about some kind of martial arts tournament, which sounded amazing to me

I got to my seat which is the front seat on the left side of the class and sat on it to prepare for class which will start in a few minutes

" Martinez Jamal, did you finish the game yesterday?" My friend Hamid asked me and I remember from my memories that he loaned me the game and I have been trying to finish the game for a week now, and I finished it last night, It is also the reason why I feel so tired after recovering my memories

The former Isaac didn't really bother sleeping

Yes I did, but I forgot to take it with me.

"I'll give it to you tomorrow." Of course, I couldn't remember it after such a frantic morning

He said and sat down because the classroom door opened and a middle-aged man with a demure face and a small beard came out of it: "Okay."

Our first class was math, which was very easy for me with the memories of my previous life,They seem study the same things I decided not to pay attention but instead

I started to look at the system


[Name: Martinez Jamal (Isaac)]

[Military Rank: Unranked]

[Age: 15]

[Level 1]

[SP: 0]

[Coins: 0]

[Experience 0/100]

[HP 10/10]

[Strength: 8]

[Agility: 10]

[Durability: 7]

[Vital: 10]


[the shop]

[Lottery: unlocked at level 5]


I pressed tasks, but nothing came up, so I have a hunch that it gives tasks randomly

Then I tried the store and it showed only 4 things available for purchase

[Basic Taekwondo Mastery: 150 coins]

[Basic Karate Mastery: 150 coins]

[Basic Weapon Mastery: 160 coins]

[Random box: 200 coins]

I learned taekwondo, karate, and a few more weapons during my last life, so these things didn't interest me much, but...

The random box looked interesting but it is very bad because it costs coins, which is I do not have it

I don't even know how to earn any coins or experience

I can ask the system though

"System, how can I get coins and experience?"

The system is only level 1 at the moment - The only way is to defeat the opponents and complete the missions or you can go to kill monsters

"How do I get the assignments?"

[It is random, there may be a quest to defeat an opponent: strong or save a cat, it is random at all times, but of course when the system level rises, it will be different]

Well, I think I need to join the martial arts club and fight the opponents there

… My body is still weak and I need to improve it


[A new task]

body strengthening

[Exercise 0/100]

[Ins 0/100]

[Squat 0/100]

[The tablet 0/10 min]

[Run 0/10 km]

[Bonus: 200 coins, 100 experience, 15 base points]

[Punishment: Bad luck for 24 hours]

[Lead time: 30 hours ]

'Huh?' I was just thinking about improving my body and suddenly a Quest appeared that would grant Quest the duties of the Host if there was a need, just like now


"…I get it…but bad luck for 24 hours? This doesn't look very good...

The rewards are ok, with 200 coins I can buy the random chest and these points are very important. "

" System, what can you get from a random chest?

[Martial arts options and stamina/strength/agility will increase as system levels increase]

"What if I had my martial arts style and used it, would it be recorded in the system?"

[Yes, but the system will show ways to improve it]

"…well… my current body cannot tolerate any of the techniques."

In his past life he had hands that could cut through human flesh. Punches that can bend metal and kicks that can break a wall in half. To do that, you need a pattern callousness that needs a body. To be strong including flesh and bone. Of course I'm joking, I haven't trained for two years, as I remember the last time I went I met a beautiful girl in the gym and wanted to confess to her But it didn't go well in the end, I refused and then made a promise that I would never train again in my life

Anyway, this isn't my life, so it's okay

. .

My current body is thin. Not unhealthy, but not strong either

If he uses one of these techniques now... he will break every bone he uses to use this technique

as an example

One of the artists' style techniques is called spear stabbing

A warrior uses his hand like a spear to stab a person and that movement alone allows him to cut through a person's body like a real spear

But that is only if he has an ordinary person as an opponent. If he faced someone with years of martial experience with a powerful body, he could still cut his body, but not completely

He possessed a warrior at his peak thanks to the style of callousness Hands are as hard as steel and fingers are able to drill through hardened steel thanks to its extreme conditioning and its joints are extremely strong and durable. Sometimes it is solid enough to be used as a spear. And breaking his fingers on the spot is almost impossible.

But to reach this level, it might take a lifetime, but if he got help from a martial arts system it might be a different story.

If he had improved vitality, he would not lose health points as much. Therefore, it is related to the strength of the body



"Oh, the class is already over." I said to myself, I got up from my seat and left towards the martial arts club to register

After walking a little, I finally got there and after opening the door to the hall where the martial arts club is being held, I can see a few characters are fighting right now and one of the club members is the referee.

After school, this place will be full of people without a doubt, but since everyone is still in school hours, there is not much.

I started walking towards one of the characters in the hall, who was sitting silently in one of the rooms, and he had hair and body cut with a buzz, with his muscles bulging 195 cm high.

After I reached him, I said to him: Excuse me?

He asked: - Yes?

".I'm here to join the club."

"Okay, let me give you one of your registration papers, and then you'll hand it over to a teacher. He told me and took one of the papers from the room behind him

"Thank you! I told him with a bow, I sat down at the nearest table and started writing down everything that was needed, like do I have any experience I wrote

Yes, and of course you must put the name and age

Then, I once again expressed my gratitude to the tall man and left the hall to find a teacher.

It didn't take long after walking towards the place where teachers usually gather during breaks, I was simply given a paper

My submission is to someone and I'm done with the registration

The school was still going. So I can go there after school to do my club activities

I walked towards my next destination which was history class, but at least previously Isaac

He was a decent student so I knew pretty much all the things the teacher taught us, but I still focused, because this world is so different from my predecessor and I discovered that among all the continents there are

many islands,

Like millions of them,

Where many powerful monsters reside.

But since every continent has a strong military strength, you don't have to worry about it, but few flying monsters try to infiltrate one of the continents several times each year, but they won't last even for a day.

Thanks to their military power, But if thousands of wild beasts invaded a continent, it could be disastrous

There are currently in the ranks of flying monsters

The Tyrant Beast is currently the strongest in the rankings, But there are rumors of stronger monsters, but everyone he encounters died without being able to fight.

People have their own ranks, too

Anyone who wanted to start martial arts had to go through different levels and rise to the level of Bone Forging, and this was the weakest level and then the level of an apprentice. Then the level of a fighter, then the level of the royal palace, then the king, then followed by the level of the saint and to other high levels such as the level of the continents after which the Demigod *

(That's stupid, well, like the polytheistic dialogue.)

But it seems that this system has other levels, such as a novice military, a military commander, etc

A Martial Deity was currently the highest rank, and no one had risen to it yet.

The world has only one Half Martial Deity currently, But for him it is impossible to reach divinity already at this point, if he could not reach it before the age of 100. So this is impossible

The man who represents half of the Martial Divinity is currently 120 years old He has already passed his prime

Only weaker from now on.

A Tyrant Beast can fight a Martial God on an equal basis

Each rank is determined by its own tests

Would you like to become a military apprentice, Then you need to defeat a wolf in 1vs1

Yes, you heard it correctly. You need to defeat a wolf, but it's not a monster, it's an ordinary animal

But of course, the tests are not life-threatening, but sometimes accidents happen and the more you try to climb higher, the more dangerous the tests will be.

The ratings of monsters will be determined by the amount of energy they release from their bodies because they have some kind of monster core inside of them allowing them to perform an insane growth in strength.

It's not surprising that a ranked savage beast suddenly reached the rank of Rage within one night

But this needs good luck to the beast

In this world too, the air looks somewhat different than before

In this world, an ordinary human is much stronger than in my previous world

The air of this world somewhat strengthens the human body, From the age of 18 to 40, humans are at their highest growth point

Since I'm 15, I haven't reached the growth point, but once I do, I will become a lot stronger

And starting from the age of forty after that, growth will stop rapidly

School is over

I got up from my seat, grabbed my bag, and started walking down the hall toward the exit of the school building

I walked a few more minutes to get to the hall where the club is located, and now it's different from when I came to sign up

Now there were at least 60-70 people

I walked into the building and headed towards the teacher in charge of this club

After walking there, I told them my name, said I was a new member of the club and then gave me a training uniform

After that, I headed towards one of the locker rooms to put on my training clothes and after that, I walked out of the locker room

With one of the training dummies scattered everywhere in the hall

"I can try taekwondo first.." I thought to myself and went to kick the position to get ready for a kick.



[!taekwondo opened]

[The first martial arts has been opened! Reward: 50 coins, 10 experience]

[The first martial technique has been unlocked! - Reward: 10 coins, 5 experience]

[Name: Martinez Jamal (Isaac)]

[Military Rank: Unranked]

[Age: 15]

[Level 1]

[SP: 0]

[Coins: 60]

[Experience 15/100]

[HP 10/10]

[Strength: 8]

[Agility: 10]

[Durability: 7]

[Vital: 10]


[the shop]

[Lottery: unlocked at level 5]

[Martial Arts: Taekwondo]