
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantasy
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308 Chs

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Though it was almost one hundred million miles away, with a couple of steps, the distance was torn apart and only a couple million miles once more.

Seeing the clear hostility toward each other, the red-skinned humanoid entity couldn't help but lament the stupidity of these Golden Immortals.

"You think you're soo smart and powerful. Soo cunning and insightful but, you all are just petty, weak, and easy to manipulate!" The humanoid didn't even enjoy it any longer.

"I understood that by rushing toward the newly ascended person and not taking time to be cautious, you had all already fallen for your greed but still...I still thought you all had some semblance of intellect." He sighed deeply.

"But, who'd have thought that instead of exterminating him, you'll fight each other to the death so you can be the one to understand all the secrets behind him, someone who could cause even Hell's Rulers to offer a bounty and such splendid rewards."

Shaking his head in visible disappointment, "No matter how alluring it is to be the one to kill the boy, to be the one to claim all his secrets, surely, it would've been much safer to do all this before you fall out with one another."

But, his face froze when a thought struck him, causing a chill to run down his spine, "Don't tell me, did those Hell Rulers see all this..? Did they predict this, and wanted this to happen so this boy could use his weird ability to gain strength from the deaths of others?!"


As he thought of this, a few tens of miles below, a battle of great magnitude began.



{Open... Realm of Soul Ending Flames}

Suddenly, the endless void space brightened and a flaming sun appeared. It was a bluish sun with an unbelievably large size, radiating endless waves of heat.

Nimue's expression darkened even more upon hearing this voice. The realization that maybe she wouldn't be able to win on this day suddenly made her mood even darker but...

"Hehehe..." Nimue weirdly began laughing. The massive humanoid entity and the bluish sun that was taking form, both stopped. Seeing this, Saber's thoughts churned and an idea of what was about to happen had already played out in his mind.

'The reason for their hostility is to get me due to some person or people named Hell's Rulers. Since such a thing is rare, they think that I'm special, so they want to experiment and obtain whatever is so special about me.' Saber thought.

'Seeing as they're stronger than her, I'd assume she wants to threaten them with me as the hostage since, to her, I'm under her control...' A sickening smile would have appeared on Saber's face if he wasn't in such a perilous situation.

'Hehe, I'll play around with you but, little woman, as soon as I escape this place, I hope that your body would be able to handle my anger.' And just as Saber thought this.

"You two, you think that I'm not that important right?! You think that everything is within your control right?" Nimue's grin grew wider as a sadistic and crazed aura permeated the air, her eyes showed nothing else besides madness.

Turning her gaze toward Saber... "Kill yourself..!"


The surroundings were momentarily silent. For a moment, Darcel and the other Golden Immortal cultivator were left dazed. At that moment, they saw Saber's purple-haired figure raise his right arm and without any hesitation...


'Hehe, this is simple. Though she thinks that at the last moment she can order me to stop, hehe, I'll just move quicker than that. With my ability to shapeshift, yanking out the beating heart of a flesh and blood lifeform, I'd die.'

'Once this happens, these two would be angered, then kill you, after they leave, I'll turn you into my undead...! Since I can't personally kill you to devour you, I'll use the hand of others to make you my slave.'

Thinking this, he wanted to burst out laughing. Penetrating his chest, Saber was about to grab hold of his heart but at the last second!...

{Open... Realm of Absolute Time Zone}


The surrounding space is filled with either the darkness of the void or the brightness of the blue flaming sun was shockingly enveloped in an instant by a mysterious silvery light.

'Huh?' Saber's expression froze, no! Saber's body and mind froze. His thoughts had suddenly stopped, frozen in time, as right after, he seemingly took his arm back before returning to the position he stood in before being ordered by Nimue.

At this moment, Saber had become a lifeless puppet. At the same moment, the three Golden Immortals, Nimue, Darcel, and the bluish sun which had already transformed into a blue-skinned young man, all darted their gaze toward a newly appeared figure.

"Such a commotion. Nimue, are you able to handle the consequences of your actions..? If he were to die, such an interesting little fellow, a mere succubus like you... Oh my, I can't even imagine what you'd have to face."

Nimue's face turned ugly for the umpteenth time on this day. The silvery-haired woman who just appeared was one person in this land that Nimue didn't like at all. This demonic elf woman was a beauty comparable to Nimue, and as a succubus, she couldn't accept the fact that those of another race had reached a level of allure comparable to her race.

This was the spark that caused multiple bloody battles. The two would find any excuse to one-up the other and, what better way to get rid of one's lifelong enemy than today... A day when Nimue had become the enemy of another two Golden Immortals.

"But, if it weren't for me, he'd definitely die. Your intentions are deserving of punishment. As a member of a peace-loving race, I wouldn't want to see you be humiliated so, as punishment, I think it's only fair that you lay down your life... Darcel, Aiden, I'm sure you agree."

As her pupilless white eyes turned toward the two figures who were previously hostile toward one another, Nimue quickly burst forth with immense energy and... fled..!

"Humph! Where do you think you're going?" The blue-haired young man, Aiden shouted upon seeing her actions. Casually raising his left hand, a beautiful blue ball of immensely powerful energy shot toward Nimue who had appeared almost a million miles away in a fraction of a second.

Fwoosh! Boom!

Shockingly, Nimue didn't seem to dodge. With all her focus on escaping, the ball of energy pulverized anything in its path, even the very space of the third floor was torn apart, revealing the void for a split second before healing.

In a mere moment, Nimue, a Golden Immortal was executed...


Others may not have sensed it until it was too late but, the newly appeared figure with silver hair, this demonic elf was able to instantly tell that her mind was playing tricks. It could never be soo easy to off a Golden Immortal, no matter how weak it was!

Her eyes shot in one direction. A direction where a frozen Saber remained stuck in space and time and it was in this direction that one could find the true body of Nimue as she had already penetrated Saber's chest.

Saber's body swelled...! Though it seemed slow, it was incredibly quick. His body swelled like a balloon about to burst.

"Yes, today I may be killed but, there isn't any way in hell that I'd allow a bitch like you to gain the chance of ascension!"

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