
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantasy
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308 Chs

The Monster Has Been Born!

"Master, this...you must be strong!" Zeno uttered while sitting on top of a dead planetary-sized dragon as he drifted in what seemed to be an empty void.

"The only reason I placed them in your life was for his moment. It was for you to truly become part of our race even without fully awakening your bloodline.

This is the only way for you to truly reach 'that' level, and lead our race to the title we deserve.

It is for us to get what we deserve instead of being stuck in this puny little..." Zeno mumbled. his words trailing off at the ending when seeing the scene that was being showcased on the floating screen.

"Yes, this is it!

I knew you'll be able to do it!!!" Zeno said in clear happiness.




(Black Ring) (Moments Before Saber's Death)

"Why do I feel so uneasy?!" Saber's master thought. His golden hair stood on end as his lazy self disappeared. He began floating as he waved his hand, causing an object that seemed to be a mirror to appear.

Peering into the mirror he said in alarm.

"I am unable to see why...Saber, something is about to happen to Saber isn't it!" He shouted in fear. Saber was after all the only disciple of his that showed promise.

But, before he could react, he was barely able to sense that Leviathan, who was currently inside the black ring, somehow disappeared. Saber's master was unable to react since this was, after all, only a minute fragment of his soul.

"Dammit. Don't tell me that man had this in his plan when he sealed me away?!

That evil man, doing this to his own master!" Saber's master shouted.




Saber's hollowed-out eyes stared into the skies as the right hand of the fused titan approached his head, intending to turn Saber's head into blood and mist. But, shockingly, Saber felt his surrounding suddenly slowed until.


Saber felt as if everything in his surroundings halted. His mind was at this moment filled with absolute nothingness.

There wasn't even a ripple as he wasn't afraid of being erased.

Even if he was to fight, he knew he would have been unable to evolve in enough time to kill the beast that murdered his rival/servant/only friend Aegon, and his only 'family' Leviathan.

But, he suddenly felt as if he had appeared in a dark space. It was the same dark space that he had previously entered when he wanted to peer into the secrets of his body.

"I...care...little..." Saber weakly said while waving his hand...


The sound of glass shattering was heard as the barrier that previously held him back had been destroyed by a light wave.

Immediately after, Saber's scenery changed from absolute blackness to an infinite white space...Yet, his eyes remained as hollow as ever with no visible hope to live.

"Why are you so?

Do you not know, that this is how every one of the people you brutally murdered felt when they had died.

They felt empty and hollow.

Yet, you laughed at their suffering!"

A pair of gender-less voices entered Saber's ears as he shifted his gaze toward the appearance of two dark purple burning stars that didn't have a definite size. Saber remained emotionless when hearing their words as he replied.

"I care little.

When I see others, I care little about them, but I had for once in my life felt something other than brutality when gazing into Leviathan and even Aegon.

Is this what they call humanity?"

Saber asked the burning stars. He did not know, nor did he care what he was talking about, but he wanted to know if he had somehow gained the humanity that the humans cared so much about.

"Yes, for a little time in your life, you did gain a type of twisted humanity. But, such emotions are not supposed to be in our race.

We, the Primordial Chaos race, are different.

We are supposed to be neutral. You should never feel such things. You should only have ever focused on increasing your strength and reclaiming what is rightfully yours." The pair of burning stars said in sync.

There was a moment of silence as Saber closed his eyes, after taking a deep breath in, Saber adorned a calm expression as he then asked.

"I care little for what I should and shouldn't do. What I want to know is will me becoming such a thing answer my true goal along with my new side goal of reviving even the erased?" Saber asked.

"Yes, if you become the ' ', then you can do anything!" As they said this, an intense headache suddenly assaulted Saber.

He nodded his head as he then snapped his finger with those hollow eyes of his. Immediately after, one of the burning stars flashed toward him and fused with his body. But, unlike the last time when Saber fused with a star, this time something was different.




(Lowest Floor Of Hell)

As the fused titan was about to obliterate Saber's head, the surroundings heated up to an insane degree as the titan suddenly realized that Saber's body was missing. He did not see Saber's body move, yet it had already disappeared from his sight.

"It is your honor to be killed when I am in this state." Saber's voice softly echoed in the fused titan's right ear. Slowly turning his head to his shoulder, he was able to see the cold and hollow eyes of Saber staring right back at him.

The most distinguishable thing though would have to be Saber's left eye. His pupil had somehow transformed into the shape of a star that radiated an intense amount of heat!

"I can't bear to believe that I had cared about someone." Saber's soft voice once more resounded inside the mind of the fused beast. Saber smirked as he tapped the beast's shoulder.

"Vermin who dies should simply remain vermin who dies...." With his left hand covering his mouth, Saber finished his words and shifted his full attention toward the titan that was rooted in fear right in front of him.

"So, tell me vermin, do you want to die, or do you want to be killed by me?" Saber asked.




(Currently Unknown Location)

The skies held no light. There wasn't a star to give such light. Sitting on a throne created from what seemed to be skulls, and painted in what smelled like dried blood, was a figure whose features weren't yet discernable.

Suddenly, someone appears below the throne as its voice, neither male nor female, yet as cold as ice and as evil as a vile fiend, resounded in the ears of the being who sat on the skull throne.

"Great Lord, Dimension 37633313 has somehow been destroyed."

A voice that was as genderless as a nonliving entity, and as evil as the deepest part of hell resounded in the ears of the kneeling figure, causing even him to shiver as it replied. "Oh my. That is supposed to be impossible. Do you people not watch over it?"

"Yes, my underlings did oversee it. And according to them, one person caused this. Shockingly, this person's future is unable to be calculated by the unholy river."

Hearing its subordinate's words, the figure then said.

"Interesting. Find the world that this destroyed Dimension is connected to, and send an underling of yours to take this lifeform and train him. The more mysterious lifeforms that work under me, the higher the chance of our goal succeeding.." The being on the throne said.

"Yes, Great Lord!"

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